Phoenix7's Stock Sizzlers

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  • Phoenix7
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2011
    • 3663

    Well here are the Block Buster picks. Most are previous picks , and I will indicate which are new. One pundit on the web said the DOW could move to 17,000 ......who knows for sure? As long as the Fed continues buying U.S. Securities the BULL should remain intact. Let's grab the money from this stock market while we can!

    1. BCOV Taking a slight rest here , but the trek UP will continue shortly!

    2. CSIQ Should BLAST Higher from here

    3. EXFO Just basing before jumping higher!

    4. LCI

    5. MEET NEW PICK A social and dating site that is starting to make waves .....It is not Twitter but MEET could be huge. MEET is scheduled to release earnings on Nov 11, 2013, and IMHO I feel they will be GOOD!

    6. NEO



    8. VIPS Quietly moving higher.

    Folks I was in a gourmet food store recently , and I noticed some spiced peanuts called , "Kick Ass Nuts" The stocks in the list above could also be appropriately named , "Kick Ass Stocks!"


    • billyjoe
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2003
      • 9014

      Phoenix, Some very hot stocks on that list. CSIQ #9 of 8040, NUS #23, VIPS #29, LCI #32 also MEI #20 and I'm a big owner of LBMH #4, only 2.30/share and it pays 5.17% div. It makes catheters for an ever ageing population...orders aren't just dribbling in these days.



      • Phoenix7
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2011
        • 3663

        Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
        Phoenix, Some very hot stocks on that list. CSIQ #9 of 8040, NUS #23, VIPS #29, LCI #32 also MEI #20 and I'm a big owner of LBMH #4, only 2.30/share and it pays 5.17% div. It makes catheters for an ever ageing population...orders aren't just dribbling in these days.

        Billy hopefully OBAMA CARE will pay for the catheters. Well the proof is in the pudding......the markets appear poised to rise today .........and many on the above list should also head skyward!
        Billie I peruse many chat rooms , twitter , Yahoo, and many other sources for the stock tips. Don't sell BCOV, EXFO and NEO short. They are not flashy high fliers like CSIQ and some of the others . BCOV, EXFO and NEO are what I call LOW PROFILE Riders! Virtually unknown by the investment community , but when the time comes those stocks will spring UP for HUGE GAINS!, and you can take that to the old Banco Popular!
        Last edited by Phoenix7; 10-30-2013, 08:06 AM.


        • Phoenix7
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2011
          • 3663

          Bright Cove BCOV What is it all about? If you have about 4 minutes the following video can help you evaluate BCOV as a possible stock pick for your portfolio! Maybe your profits from BCOV could put you into that Electric Porsche, advertised in the video!

          EXFO Motley fool has 3 good reasons for you to look at EXFO EXFO looks to be HUGE read This:
          Last edited by Phoenix7; 10-31-2013, 02:41 PM.


          • Phoenix7
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2011
            • 3663

            Hope all goes well and that all are in good health, happy and making money! I have been looking over the picks and have discovered 2 "NEW" exciting picks for you coming up on Sunday. Thank You all for a new milestone which was reached a few days ago , my posts have now generated in excess of 80,000 VIEWS!
            My goal is simply to provide you with "Great Stocks" that make money. Of course not all will be successful , but the majority should , in time, make money for you!
            Hopefully the stock picks introduced on Sunday will not disappoint!
            Have a beautiful weekend!


            • Phoenix7
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2011
              • 3663

              The SUNDAY Stock Sizzlers!

              Folks below is my list of stocks that IMHO could provide you with substantial gains over time. Please note that there are no absolutes in the stock markets , and you must keep in mind no guarantees are given for the listed stocks. Basically you put your money down and you take your chances! That having been said here are the picks. More information will be added over time for each of the stocks. THe following stocks should deliver ,"Knockout Power" Speaking of knockout power, if you have about 2 minutes the following video clip of a young boxer should prove interesting!

              1. AAPL I visited an APPLE store at the mall in Short Hills NJ. Needless to say the place was packed , and the center of attention was the new I-Pad Air Which was supposedly sold out in some China stores!


              3. BBSI NEW PICK Great Latest Quarterly Results for BBSI , Oh Yeah I see a bright future for BBSI READ THIS

              4. BCOV The new apple products and all smart phones in general will need cloud based digital services for their audio and video content and the best company to deliver the goods is BCOV! READ THIS:

              5. CSIQ Fantastic solar company and a MONEY MAKER for me! The good news seems to pour in for CSIQ , and they are securing projects and contracts up the wahzoo! READ THIS

              6. EXFO EXFO is starting to build momentum , and when the avalanche begins EXFO will fly skyward. IMHO the time to BUY EXFO is now while it is still cheap! Read This

              7. NEO Best concise description of NEO READ THIS

              8. NOAH NEW PICK Folks ever since Chairman Mao had started to push up daises , China has entered a super growth cycle, and the wealth generated has propelled many Chinese into Billionaires , and catering to the Super Wealthy is NOAH Read THIS:

              9. VIPS Scoring a perfect 100 on my computer stock rating program, VIPS still has juice left in the tank!
              Last edited by Phoenix7; 11-04-2013, 10:40 AM.


              • Phoenix7
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2011
                • 3663

                AFFX Why I like it and OWN it! Folks take a minute out and check out his chart . First note the steady climb UP, next take note of the PPO and ADX lines how they came closer together around 10/29/13 and then begin to separate. This is a powerful indicator of a price rise. Note also the DOTTED SAR lines above and below the price line. When the dots are above you SELL, and when they are below you BUY! Note on Friday NOV 1 and Today , Monday the DOTS which lie below......this is a BUY SIGNAL!
                A Pundit on the internet says: "Genomics is going to be big, and if you're not in it, you're going to be left behind." NEO and AFFX are your BEST bets! Remember how you let 3D Printing Pass you buy ......Don't repeat that mistake with Genomics" , the future of Health care!

                FLASH Another beauty , but one I currently do not own is GENT , but I am watching it. Folks look at the GENT chart and use the reasoning I outlined for AFFX needless to say another verrrrrrrrrry interesting stock!

                And NOW for the TRIPLE PLAY Check out DL Mighty Fine indeed! 2nd Chart
                Last edited by Phoenix7; 11-04-2013, 04:33 PM.


                • Lucavia123
                  Senior Member
                  • Oct 2011
                  • 534

                  Originally posted by Phoenix7 View Post
                  AFFX Why I like it and OWN it! Folks take a minute out and check out his chart . First note the steady climb UP, next take note of the PPO and ADX lines how they came closer together around 10/29/13 and then begin to separate. This is a powerful indicator of a price rise. Note also the DOTTED SAR lines above and below the price line. When the dots are above you SELL, and when they are below you BUY! Note on Friday NOV 1 and Today , Monday the DOTS which lie below......this is a BUY SIGNAL!
                  A Pundit on the internet says: "Genomics is going to be big, and if you're not in it, you're going to be left behind." NEO and AFFX are your BEST bets! Remember how you let 3D Printing Pass you buy ......Don't repeat that mistake with Genomics" , the future of Health care!

                  FLASH Another beauty , but one I currently do not own is GENT , but I am watching it. Folks look at the GENT chart and use the reasoning I outlined for AFFX needless to say another verrrrrrrrrry interesting stock!

                  And NOW for the TRIPLE PLAY Check out DL Mighty Fine indeed! 2nd Chart
                  If you had to choose between BCOV and NEO which stock is your preference?


                  • Phoenix7
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2011
                    • 3663

                    Luc tough call since I own both BCOV and NEO, but at this current point in time I would give the nod to BCOV. However over time , I think both will be BIG winners!


                    • Lucavia123
                      Senior Member
                      • Oct 2011
                      • 534

                      Originally posted by Phoenix7 View Post
                      Luc tough call since I own both BCOV and NEO, but at this current point in time I would give the nod to BCOV. However over time , I think both will be BIG winners!
                      I did pick up some NEO today. My order for BCOV did not get filled. Perhaps tomorrow but I see BCOV moving up more than down.

                      Another good stock I like is EJ. A pick up around the $9.00 area would be ideal.


                      • Phoenix7
                        Senior Member
                        • Nov 2011
                        • 3663

                        Originally posted by Lucavia123 View Post
                        I did pick up some NEO today. My order for BCOV did not get filled. Perhaps tomorrow but I see BCOV moving up more than down.

                        Another good stock I like is EJ. A pick up around the $9.00 area would be ideal.
                        LUC Thanx I will check out EJ!


                        • Phoenix7
                          Senior Member
                          • Nov 2011
                          • 3663

                          AFFX Could this stock be a MULTI BAGGER? No one can say for certain, but this article suggests that it might ......READ THIS
                          Folks genetic testing to find cures for various diseases is truly the wave of the future! AFFX is world wide with sales and distribution in Asia, Latin America, and North America. Recently new products were launched in 2013 , and the revenue from those efforts should start pouring into the money pot of AFFX! Genetic testing saves money over other conventional procedures, and more and more analysts are hopping on board. One analyst on Yahoo says,"5 cent profit with over 80 million revenue - beat on top line and bottom line estimates
                          we are going higher!" This was a reaction to the latest quarterly earnings........Folks what we have here is a monster in the making!
                          Last edited by Phoenix7; 11-06-2013, 09:18 AM.


                          • Phoenix7
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2011
                            • 3663

                            Folks check out SKBI, I don't own it but will watch SKBI TODAY! 2nd Chart:


                            • Phoenix7
                              Senior Member
                              • Nov 2011
                              • 3663

                              ZACKS RATES AFFX #1!! and says about AFFX, "AFFX is a Zacks Rank#1 (Strong Buy) stock. The company also earned a (longer-term) Zacks recommendation of “Outperform”, based on its improved prospects. Turnaround in the quarterly results suggests that the worst may now be over for the company.
                              The company has highly innovative products and a number of proprietary intellectual property licenses. It has so far failed to monetize on them but new initiatives and shift of focus make it an interesting pick at this time."


                              • billyjoe
                                Senior Member
                                • Nov 2003
                                • 9014

                                Phoenix, BCOV upgraded today at Zacks to #1 strong buy.


