Just heard about and started using AdBlock. It's a free browser extension that... blocks all the ads you get on the internet. Got it for my Google Chrome browser. No more ads praise the lord.
I can be Huge too
Originally posted by antioch6 View PostJust heard about and started using AdBlock. It's a free browser extension that... blocks all the ads you get on the internet. Got it for my Google Chrome browser. No more ads praise the lord.
Thanks for the tip. I downloaded it and it works fine with the standard Chrome window. It DOES NOT however block the incognito window ads.
TimLast edited by mimo_100; 11-12-2013, 02:13 PM.Tim - Retired Problem Solver
I'm changing or upgrading my selection process some. Also changing the way I present my dumps. Will lead to more thorough and detailed ideas. Instead of just ticker symbols, companies listed with a short description of what they do for money and how they can grow or what can go wrong. Shooting for a 33 stock dump per week.
I'm going through some issues while looking for another stock to buy. How deeply should I look into these companies I'm buying?
At first glance, I like KLAC. The business is fairly stable on paper for the last 5 years. They are making money with an 18% net profit margin and 15% return on equity. They only need to spend about 10% of their annual net cash on maintaining operations, leaving a large amount of money for paying dividends or socking away in cash and cash equivalents. They aren't growing, but at the current share price you are getting a 7.5% free cash flow yield and a 2.5% dividend for an annual 10% return on your money. The business however is cyclical and undiversified. They depend on demand for electronics and derive more than 30% of their business from three companies: Intel Corporation, Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., and Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited. Probably there will be growth from 3D printing and Bioprinting, and the stock is in favor at least as strong as the general market.
What makes me hesitate is the cyclical nature of the company. This seems like an industry you buy when earnings are depressed, and sell when they are showing great earnings like today. There is competition and the possibility of lower margins. So to repeat myself, this stock looks good through my screen, but a closer inspection makes me think it's not the best place for my money.
I still like DAL, Delta Air Lines Inc. The stock is up 50% from where I was queing up my buy order three and a half months ago. What made me hesitate? I didn't investigate fully into this idea, so I lacked the confidence of buying a strong company. I need to remember what a stock represents, and that it should only be worth something because the company is going to make money. There are only a few major airlines today, and every plane is packed to capacity. There is room to double margins and the stock could still double from here. I want to buy DAL stock, but the stock feels a little too hot in the short term. From previous experience, I should buy some now just in case I never get a pullback, and buy more if I do get one.
antioch, I'd pick DAL over KLAC in a minute. Your analysis of KLAC is right on. It's not a bad stock, just not the best time for it to move. On the other hand DAL as most major airlines are on a roll and it's not going to end in the next few weeks. The recent nuclear deal with Iran should mean lower fuel prices which will boost airlines even more. Good luck with your decision.
I decided to buy some shares in SLW today. Talked about the gold and silver stocks so much in my other thread. I've been waiting for them to cool off and now seems like a decent time. Someone from MrMarket forum also recently bought SSRI. I was considering these yesterday for the first time in about two months, and today they are up 2-4%. Bought a 3% position in SLW only, since it looks like the highest quality company in the area.
Biding Time
Some of my stocks went up and some went down. I'm a little butthurt about watching my "almost buys" go higher. In the long run maybe being patient and going slow will pay off. I really can't know where the market is going next, so I need to find a way in and out of stocks without totally depending on the overall market swings.
Sticking to my plan, I'll slowly move into stocks this year until I'm 25% invested in them. Here are my 21 candidates for now. I'll buy one of them by the end of month.
In a rash move today I am selling most of my stocks. Sold INTX LMT KRE RAD THI SWHC UNP. I cast my nets out every few months, and now I'm harvesting what little profit I have. My average gain from these picks is 14.9% so far before taxes, comimssions and distributed unequally. I'm back to about 6% invested and feeling okay in cash.
Originally posted by antioch6 View PostIn a rash move today I am selling most of my stocks. Sold INTX LMT KRE RAD THI SWHC UNP. I cast my nets out every few months, and now I'm harvesting what little profit I have. My average gain from these picks is 14.9% so far before taxes, comimssions and distributed unequally. I'm back to about 6% invested and feeling okay in cash.
Originally posted by sixfeetfour View PostIs the sky falling? I have a few friends that moved their 401ks to a cash position when the DOW was around 16k last month.
Still pretty sure we'll see S&P at around 1600 again, tho.
Well the sky never fell. It feels weird wishing for bad things to happen just so I can buy stocks cheaper. I still don't plan on buying anything, but will restart my screening routine to analyze the data. Looking back over my threads, I had some good ideas and decent picks. My weakness was: not sticking to my plan and not being patient with my picks. Always something to improve on.
It's time to kick start my screening process again. I bought ssri and cree last week. I've followed both of them for over 2 years. On their 20 year monthly charts they have support around these levels, and together with their longer term stories they are buys. I'm still going to stagger my buying into 3 purchases. I'll run my mechanical screen on the weekend.