I can be Huge too

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  • antioch6
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2013
    • 411


    This is my newest and latest dump. I'll narrow them down then pick a few and buy them next week. Like before (2014), I'll try to build up my portfolio to 25% invested...


    • antioch6
      Senior Member
      • Apr 2013
      • 411

      I ran my screen again, and including previous dumps (many have noteworthy candidates that have sold off) I've narrowed down my choices to: BOFI XIN DAL TSM VZ. On a side note I like UNP PLAY DNKN NVDA DLTR FB, but think I'll get a better entry on them. For now I'd rather stick to stocks with lower p/e's and with less hot charts.


      • antioch6
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2013
        • 411

        I know I'm going to regret this by the end of the year when the sky falls, but I went with these 3 to start building my mechanical investing strat up to 25% (0.33% each):

        DAL 37.94
        VZ 53.26
        BOFI 17.1398305 (lol)


        • Louetta
          Senior Member
          • Oct 2003
          • 2331

          Originally posted by antioch6 View Post
          I know I'm going to regret this by the end of the year when the sky falls, but I went with these 3 to start building my mechanical investing strat up to 25% (0.33% each):

          DAL 37.94
          VZ 53.26
          BOFI 17.1398305 (lol)
          I do think we're going to get croaked sometime twixt now and 10/1 but even if we do, VZ isn't a bad bet with that dividend in a world where a US 10-year gets you only 1.6%. How many people will sell that (VZ, I mean)?


          • antioch6
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2013
            • 411

            It hasn't even been a month and I was given a wild ride in DAL and BOFI... thought about buying more as they plunged 15% but I still expect another chance. VZ hasn't done much except inch it's way higher. I'm also eyeing DNKN as my next top pick. Might start another 0.33% position maybe 0.5%(still don't like the market at this level).


            • Louetta
              Senior Member
              • Oct 2003
              • 2331

              Originally posted by antioch6 View Post
              It hasn't even been a month and I was given a wild ride in DAL and BOFI... thought about buying more as they plunged 15% but I still expect another chance. VZ hasn't done much except inch it's way higher. I'm also eyeing DNKN as my next top pick. Might start another 0.33% position maybe 0.5%(still don't like the market at this level).

              A comparison of VZ with SPY for June shows VZ up 8.5% with SPY down 1.5%. That's inching up pretty well.


              • antioch6
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2013
                • 411

                If things stay within 1% I'm dumping everything again at the open. I looked outside and the sky really does look like it could fall.


                • antioch6
                  Senior Member
                  • Apr 2013
                  • 411

                  And I'm back to where I started. Sold:

                  VZ 52.495 (-1.44%)
                  BOFI 23.0049 (+34.23%)
                  DAL 36.525 (-3.73%)

                  Looking back, I had some chances to sell them all between 10-15%, and some chances to buy more in two of them when they were down 10-15%. Personally, I'm not as active a trader in stocks as I once was. I see myself as a farmer who put in years of effort learning high tech modern farming techniques, and who decided fertile soil and hand watering produced the best results(on his life). Going forward I should buy as many of my top picks as I can handle because I don't know which will end up going higher. I would of done better holding my entire top 5 vs picking 3 of them. Using this mechanical strategy, I'll try to find more to buy. If I ran my screen now I would probably get the same stocks as last time except at higher prices. If I didn't like the market back then, I like it even less now so my position sizes would be insignificant at this point. I plan on letting September and October pass and running my screen again in November.


                  • antioch6
                    Senior Member
                    • Apr 2013
                    • 411

                    I'm back and watching VZ XIN DNKN from my screen and POT MOS from another strategy. I'll buy some of each within the following two weeks. The dividends excite me.


                    • Louetta
                      Senior Member
                      • Oct 2003
                      • 2331

                      Originally posted by antioch6 View Post
                      I'm back and watching VZ XIN DNKN from my screen and POT MOS from another strategy. I'll buy some of each within the following two weeks. The dividends excite me.
                      If you're looking for yield, Ernie touts KMI common, but there is a 9.75% preferred (KMI-PRA or KMI/PRA depending on where you're looking) which seems attractive at this level, down some because of recent weakness in oil and the recent attitude towards yield stocks. This is my largest position which one may or may not consider a good recommendation.

                      Also VZ has a preferred VZA which pays about a percent more than the common. It is at a 5-year low, or thereabouts. I'm going to buy a smidge when the dust settles. The recent chart looks like Victoria Falls. I consider Verizon, the company, a safe bet, Just need to get a good price on the preferred issue.

                      With both of these you are giving up any chance at a really impressive upside, methinks.


                      • antioch6
                        Senior Member
                        • Apr 2013
                        • 411

                        I am back again making my list... As I take a look at my last three buys, (VZ, DAL, BOFI[now AX]) I'm frustrated because I didn't hold them for a few years or even a year. I ended up holding those for about two months before selling. Under this scenario, it's going to be impossible for me to bring a portfolio up to 25% invested. So it's time to get disciplined on holding times when I own a stock.

                        CHL looks good. The dividend is around 3-4% consistently the past four years. The P/E is low(10-11) compared to the s&p of 20-30. More to come later.


                        • antioch6
                          Senior Member
                          • Apr 2013
                          • 411


                          this is my latest dump. I like all of these stocks and will buy a few (three[3] or more) in the next few weeks. My favorites so far are INFY, CHL, CIM. Most of those have a nice combination of steady earnings, a low P/E compared to the overall market, a dividend etc. I included CEF and SSRM(formerly SSRI) even though they didn't derive from this mechanical screen... I only listed nineteen(19) names because I was a bit strict on my criteria this time around. I might be missing out on lots of companies with higher debt or higher valuation ratios. I am okay with this. I usually watch them for a couple days or even as much as two weeks for a final buy decision.


                          • antioch6
                            Senior Member
                            • Apr 2013
                            • 411

                            Bought VZ, CHL, CIM yesterday near the open. Here we go again! 0.33% positions in each. The goal is to reach 25% invested by the end of 2019.


                            • antioch6
                              Senior Member
                              • Apr 2013
                              • 411

                              I bought a few more 0.33% positions today off my screener. I'm determined to get 25% invested been though the overall market will probably get wacked this year. With that in mind, I chose some boring stocks with steady earnings, a growth stock, and some dividend stocks.

                              ORI 21.395
                              SKM 27.45
                              SNE 51.30
                              VZ 57.01
                              SNP 82.55
                              CHL 47.53
                              KSS 61.29
                              CIM never entered it cause of debt, sorry. I don't own CIM.
                              Last edited by antioch6; 12-14-2018, 06:35 PM. Reason: SNE twice instead of SNP


                              • antioch6
                                Senior Member
                                • Apr 2013
                                • 411

                                I bought ABEV, a Brazilian beverages maker at 4.06 using my mechanical screener and some thinking. It has a decent dividend and showing relativevshort term strrngth after declining most of the year. The p/e is also low around 10. Also bought 0.33% in XIN at 4.15 off memory. More of a trading stock now it's earnings are declining with debt.

