I can be Huge too

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  • antioch6
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2013
    • 411

    I couldn't resist and I decided to start. Bought arct, bhp, enic, este, gen, gsl, hcc, mho, nrp, nrt, phm, tol, vsh. I only have 70,000 dollars left, but if all goes well, I should have a house within 20 years. Here's to hoping it happens.


    • jiesen
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2003
      • 5320

      Originally posted by antioch6 View Post
      I bought three stocks to start up my investing strategy. After screening for earnings, sales, and price momentum, I listed the stocks in order of low p/e to high p/e and bought the top 3 - ESTA, ENIC, HCC. I'll buy 3 stocks each week and hold each set for 6 weeks, just like MrMarket. This should work for all market environment types.
      With a 10% dividend, and a P/E of 3, I do like ENIC, your Chilean electric utility. However, I don't get why ESTA made your list, when its earnings are negative, and will be for at least the next few years... how are you screening for earnings if this one makes the cut?


      • jiesen
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2003
        • 5320

        ...or did you mean ESTE, and not ESTA?


        • antioch6
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2013
          • 411

          oops I did mean Este. Sorry about that. I feel like we are in a normal market and it's safe to stock pick. We were really on the brink of panic selling last October, and I swear if it wasn't for my dad yelling at me, I would of held Stld long and probably found Grbk to buy. Hyfm was an obvious short too so there is really nothing that could of stopped me. Now it's time to start over, and I feel like I would of kept going, though there's nothing as exciting as 6 months ago.

          Btw, great job Jiesen on buying the S&p right at the low. but don't forget about Vips and going in with me at 8.35! that is up 100%, though it fell to about 6.. the lesson I can learn is buy, and if you have too much, sell some. I'm currently looking for a job at Walmart to spend my time. I worked for them in the past and had a really great time. Applied to a bunch of locations around me, so I should get accepted for something.


          • jiesen
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2003
            • 5320

            Originally posted by jiesen View Post
            I thought about doing that with you, but decided to just buy an S&P index fund (VTI) today instead, while the S&P is sitting ripe here at 3606. I will sell this above 4000, probably this year. If it goes to 3300 first, so be it... maybe I'll just buy some more.
            Yep, nearly a year later, and we're sitting at about 4500 now. So, I guess I did call that bottom after all! Not letting that get to my head, though, and I know it's not likely to happen again.


            • antioch6
              Senior Member
              • Apr 2013
              • 411

              i just couldn't resist cause the market looks so strong. i rearranged my portfolio a bit. holding ASC, BBAR, CHRD, JFIN, MUR, NRP, NRT, PARR, PXS, SCX, STNG, TNP, VYGR, XYF, YPF, ZYME. I left room for 2 companies but i'm all in here.


              • antioch6
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2013
                • 411

                I sold all my stocks today. It's hard for me to hold more than a day. After daytrading everyday, stocks are like watching paint dry. The only way I can think to hold longer is leave my companies there until the end of the year, then revisit them at that time. I said I wouldn't time the market, and I've looked for years to find how to get in without market risk. I guess there is just no way to avoid market downturns without trading on sentiment and a yearly timeframe.

                I did my screen again, and all that came out were oils and banks. I'm desperate to get in, but there is nothing to buy. GRVY was showing up, but their video games aren't good and they trade kind of soft on volume. Should I just give in and buy banks and oils? My market timing service is on a buy signal because of the momentum. I have another market timing letter that is on a buy that works a little slower. How can I possibly buy banks? Locking my money up for 5 months in bank stocks does sound kind of classic. Then again, it's another week, so maybe I'll pick another 3 stocks.

                Last week my top 3 were ENIC, ESTE, and HCC. This week I can only find more oil stocks. On the other hand, housing stocks have the best earnings. I have to state I think their massive rally is probably near an end, as the houses are being made and growth slows. The stocks all went from p/e's of 3-5 to 8-9, so they are no longer undervalued, and this doesn't include a possible setback of slowing houses. I mean they could get overvalued, and maybe go to p/e's of 10-12. I just don't see any difference in buying them week to week as the price goes higher.

                So maybe it's finally time to sit out for a while. I've got my job at walmart starting tomorrow, so... maybe I'll find the next big stock while working


                • mrmarket
                  • Sep 2003
                  • 5971

                  I like ENIC

                  I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

                  - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


                  • antioch6
                    Senior Member
                    • Apr 2013
                    • 411

                    I have a top 3 for this week: ARCT, PRIM, and GRVY. The top 3 from last week were ESTE, HCC, and ENIC. So i will give in this week and buy the top 3 from last week, and the top 3 from this week. I'll give the results when they get sold in 6 weeks.


                    • antioch6
                      Senior Member
                      • Apr 2013
                      • 411

                      So I just can't hold for more than a few days. I sold all my positions as I don't see any other reason for the market to go higher from here. Everyone was buying last September and October because they thought the Fed was going to stimulate sometime this year. Well now a recession is coming and the Fed will probably have to stimulate before it gets bad. But everyone already bought last year. Who is left to buy? The news is all the same. So I am pulling out while the market is good. There's got to be another opportunity over the next year or two.


                      • mrmarket
                        • Sep 2003
                        • 5971

                        I liked ENIC for the dividend, by the way

                        I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

                        - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


                        • antioch6
                          Senior Member
                          • Apr 2013
                          • 411

                          With the strong market today, I got a top 3. The main reason I didn't want to keep buying this market is because it feels like a week rally short term. We saw a bad down day yesterday and now the market is back to looking strong today. So the top 3 are : Asc, Stng, Tkc.

                          I still think I'll get a better opportunity to buy in the next year or so, but the market looks strong again. The question is, should I start buying 3 at a time, or should I buy the top 9 from the past 3 weeks, or should I wait and watch this market go higher? I think I'll take this to the extremes and start over again with the top 3 for this week. The other 6 look good except ENIC, which dropped 10% on a moderate earnings miss. It wasn't that bad, and it has a 10% dividend to recover the loss, and a p/e of only 3. So I guess I could buy all 9 but I won't.


                          • antioch6
                            Senior Member
                            • Apr 2013
                            • 411

                            I've been searching for the perfect list to buy from, but haven't posted anything because I'm a little uncomfortable where the market is. Today the list performed so good in a down market, I feel like I have to post it. If I remember, these compaies have growing earnings and sales, a reasonable p/e ratio, and price momentum stronger than the average company.

                            AESI, ALSN, BLX, CMI, DE, DXPE, FOR, HAYN, HCCI, HGV, KE, KNSA, KOP, MCHP, MRC, NEX, SANM, TOL, URI.

                            I meant to use the list as a dump, but didn't think much farther than that.


                            • antioch6
                              Senior Member
                              • Apr 2013
                              • 411

                              Originally posted by antioch6 View Post
                              If this is the big bear market I've been waiting for the past 4 years, I'll have plenty of opportunities.

                              Here is the screen for the week:

                              There were no stocks.

                              Here is the short screen for the week:

                              Pton W Snap Roku Shop Dash Coin Mtch Zm Ua Meta Pins Run Baba

                              Now that the market is falling, I can look for the weakest charts with the greatest market cap, and the most negative income. Pton has a useless product. W is the weakest. Snap is useless. Roku is a bad product. Shop isn't fun anymore. Dash might do good. Coin is making less money. Mtch might do good. I like Zm. Ua is not good. Meta is useless. Pins is a waste of time. Run might get help from the government. Baba is not good.

                              Without a government program, with negative earnings, and negative momentum, the market looks like it will keep falling. These stocks will fall worse so I will be shorting some in the next few days.

                              I'm short Dash. Maybe I'll get off margin and spread the risk. Food delivery sounds like a great idea for the future. W has more debt. I've been thinking about shorting it for a few days. Their earnings are more negative. The momentum is more negative. I've hesitated because buyers might send it up on hope. I've also needed to learn more about the company. Buyers could stop me out. It looks like most of them are done, and the market is genuinely weak. Dash is going down too. Maybe I shouldn't do anything.
                              So I was reading back on some posts and found I was buying near the lows back on October 20th. I was still crazy bearish on the 15th. There was nothing with earnings back then until the housing stocks started showing up in January. The point is, I was thinking now what should I of bought then.

                              I saw Jiesen went with VTI. I definitely should of just bought Berkshire Hathaway on the day of the low. I've been considering it since January of 2021, but have been nervous about P/e ratios and a bear market. Where are we now? P/e ratios are back high, and earnings are kind of weak overall. There is no great stock we can say is the next great buy like an Apple or Nvidia going forward. I'm saying starting today as they are already up alot. Momentum is still positive but starting to slow down on the Nasdaq and higher spec names like Tesla.

                              Housing still looks good but how can we time the top in housing? It's been good for the past 7 months. The stocks are up 50%-100%. My market timing service has been on a buy signal since May 27th. I was just thinking now might be a good time to short some companies that were weak back in October. These are almost all down 4%+ today, so there is some momentum picking up on the downside. Particularly DASH looked good since it had a little climax top after several months of steady gains.

                              The trick questions in my head is: should I try shorting the names that have had big gains, or short the ones that haven't even managed a rally. They both seem to make sense as long as the market is showing a top maybe on the weaker side of companies; a top in the weaker side of earnings is what I want to say.

                              So I guess I'm just starting to get greedy seeing all these stocks go to big losses today. I would just avoid the companies with the best earnings from my list. The best from today, I'd say UA, DASH, META, MTCH. That leaves 10 shortable names PTON W SNAP ROKU SHOP COIN ZM PINS RUN and BABA. As I look closer, I can eliminate more earnings and positive things like momentum or a better brand. This leaves me with PTON, SNAP, COIN, ZM, PINS, RUN. I think these are shortable here with a 10% stop on each of them. This could balance out any buying though I'm pressed to find anything besides housing stocks on my screen.


                              • antioch6
                                Senior Member
                                • Apr 2013
                                • 411

                                I knew there was no reason to buy the market. The ideas popping up in my scan/screen weren't that good, and suddenly there were tons of good sells showing up. I've been watching while daytrading some futures and got curious how a portfolio full of both the buys and sells would do. The results for the buys were good; Asc and Stng went up while Tkc was sidways. I checked the sells and they were good too; all were down.

                                I bought some stock screening software and tested it out; owning the top buys and selling the top sells. Well, the results for the first week are in and the numbers are outstanding. Everyday was a winning day 0.10% - 0.40% between. That averages to around 50% a year. The results are so good I'm going to post updates and expect something good to happen. I'm gunna close this thread, and start a new one to discuss the top buys and sells.

