OK, I'm outa that YM add for a push. System showing some weakness so I'll go back to stalkin' it. The original from 10824 I'll leave to breakeven and will exit prematurely now only if Vector turns bearish, which seems very unlikely at this stage. It's very bullish on a daily basis.
Spike's Scientific Stock Analysis
Originally posted by LyehopperPatiently.... kinda like that cat in you signature huh Spike?
Cool Signature btw.
That picture really does show the element that I encourage people to look for when taking trades. Ya just gotta sneak up on 'em ....
Sometimes you'll wiggle yer butt, sometimes hunker down a little lower, sometimes blink, sometimes hold your breath, sometimes freeze, sometimes RUN! ........
And sometimes go in for the kill! ......
GOOG options examples. Wow, look at that action. These charts show the power of options. Great examples of how one can leverage them to make great money. BUT ya gotta accept the added risk, and ya gotta be prepared to cut em when you're wrong. But when you're right and you nail the perfect entry, you can get rewarded real fast.
MCX anyone?
Hi Spike,
First of all congrads on those GOOG calls. What great skill you have. Still, making a 60% on a trade isn't that bad. I know...I know..we always want more!
Anyhow, I bought some MCX today in the mid 14's. Looks like it did not make it onto the IBD 100 list, but what do you think the chart there looks like? MACD and stochastics look pretty good to me, and it did bounce off the 10-day support. But, would love to hear your angle.
P.S. No, I did not play SMSC today at all. I was happy to make money yesterday but that's it with that one!
Good job spike, don't you hate it when it runs without ya? I sure do...
btw how did your vector thingy maggigy close?
Originally posted by mystikyHi Spike,
First of all congrads on those GOOG calls. What great skill you have. Still, making a 60% on a trade isn't that bad. I know...I know..we always want more!
Anyhow, I bought some MCX today in the mid 14's. Looks like it did not make it onto the IBD 100 list, but what do you think the chart there looks like? MACD and stochastics look pretty good to me, and it did bounce off the 10-day support. But, would love to hear your angle.
P.S. No, I did not play SMSC today at all. I was happy to make money yesterday but that's it with that one!
MCX very aggressive entry up here!
Yep, probably has a 5th up left in it, but I'm not liking the weekly candle much (heh, but on it's own that's no real reason to dis it). Nor the triple top (failed breakout) on the 5-day chart. Then you've got the 'c' failure too, and slippery action this afternoon after that tweezer bottom intraday. Hate to be a party pooper, but it's a pretty jumpy stock, and considering it's sub 100k daily average volume and the fact that most of the vol by price is down near 10.00, I think it's at risk of a pretty quick fall. Don't know what your risk profile is for it, and whether you're going to add on any drops, but I think it's got lower prices before it does another move up. I'll draw up some charts over the weekend.
I'd actually feel a whole lot more comfortable if you'd have shorted the 'c' failure up at 15.00. See intraday price failed around that price after the tweezer? Man, that would have been a very clever resistance short play
Now, all that said, bullish things are the cupnhandle that preceded the move, and the count shows there's only 3 and it's owed a 5th up (or truncated), money flow has been great for the last 2 years really. So it's got potential, for sure! This is one to watch next week for sure.
Thanks Spike
Thank you Spike. I will check later this weekened for your chart(s).
I guess you would suggest exiting my position near 14.90 just to play it safer, and try to re-enter it lower.
Originally posted by spikefaderThnx.
MCX very aggressive entry up here!
Yep, probably has a 5th up left in it, but I'm not liking the weekly candle much (heh, but on it's own that's no real reason to dis it). Nor the triple top (failed breakout) on the 5-day chart. Then you've got the 'c' failure too, and slippery action this afternoon after that tweezer bottom intraday. Hate to be a party pooper, but it's a pretty jumpy stock, and considering it's sub 100k daily average volume and the fact that most of the vol by price is down near 10.00, I think it's at risk of a pretty quick fall. Don't know what your risk profile is for it, and whether you're going to add on any drops, but I think it's got lower prices before it does another move up. I'll draw up some charts over the weekend.
I'd actually feel a whole lot more comfortable if you'd have shorted the 'c' failure up at 15.00. See intraday price failed around that price after the tweezer? Man, that would have been a very clever resistance short play
Now, all that said, bullish things are the cupnhandle that preceded the move, and the count shows there's only 3 and it's owed a 5th up (or truncated), money flow has been great for the last 2 years really. So it's got potential, for sure! This is one to watch next week for sure.
Originally posted by dmk112Good job spike, don't you hate it when it runs without ya? I sure do...
btw how did your vector thingy maggigy close?
And Vector closed bullish!
Originally posted by mystikyHi Spike,
First of all congrads on those GOOG calls. What great skill you have. Still, making a 60% on a trade isn't that bad. I know...I know..we always want more!
Anyhow, I bought some MCX today in the mid 14's. Looks like it did not make it onto the IBD 100 list, but what do you think the chart there looks like? MACD and stochastics look pretty good to me, and it did bounce off the 10-day support. But, would love to hear your angle.
P.S. No, I did not play SMSC today at all. I was happy to make money yesterday but that's it with that one!
What amazes me is that after taking all that risk in front of earnings and buying an adding more as it fell like a brick you get the better than decent earnings report in the AH and knowing that you've got a great shot at making a decent killing at the open the next morning you opt to sell it off in the AH under $31. Taking all that risk initially, buying into strong selling pressure, holding all the way down, I think I would have taken alittle more risk on the bet that it would hold above $31/32 range at the open the next morning. You would have made another 1.5 points. You gambled all the way initially and wouldn't take another shot when you had the money in the bank almost.THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR
Originally posted by skiracerMystiky,
What amazes me is that after taking all that risk in front of earnings and buying an adding more as it fell like a brick you get the better than decent earnings report in the AH and knowing that you've got a great shot at making a decent killing at the open the next morning you opt to sell it off in the AH under $31. Taking all that risk initially, buying into strong selling pressure, holding all the way down, I think I would have taken alittle more risk on the bet that it would hold above $31/32 range at the open the next morning. You would have made another 1.5 points. You gambled all the way initially and wouldn't take another shot when you had the money in the bank almost.
I agree with what you said. However, I had built a fairly large position in SMSC during the selloff, and felt it was prudent to take good profits.
Honestly, I excpected them to guide BETTER then they really did. And since the stock bounced from 27.50 to over 30 in afterhours, and my avg was near 29 -- why NOT take this opportunity and cash in.
As far as not playing it today, I thought it may dip at the open and not jump back into the 32+ levels. I was wrong. But I am not sorry.
That's why I am learning..asking...analyzing..thinking and TRYING!
Have a great weekend!
Any opinions on MCX? I am all ears!
Originally posted by spikefaderdmk,
Just tried to reply to your PM and your box is full.
For P&L in TWS, have you configured Feature Selector/Real-time Activity Monitoring?