Originally posted by DSteckler
I'd have to disagree on all points you raise Stickler.
On the runaway distinction, I refer you to
which writes that breakaway gap occurs breaking out of their trading range or congestion area. There was no range or congenstion in the May gap up. But there was increased interest in the stock (news based), thus it is by definition a runaway gap (see same referenced webpage).
Regarding your assertion re the island cluster reversal, I refer you to your own referenced site
where they make it clear that must be a gap to be an island. In GM's case, there is no full gap since it was filled prior to the gap down, i.e. the gap was from 27.49 on 10/14/05 and it filled 3 days later when price traded down to 27.37. So it cannot be an island.
What actually occurred was an exhaustion gap up that was immediately sold. Yes, exhaustions usually occur at the end of a trend, but I'd assert that the move was clearly exhaustive in nature. The "double bottom" move came from the 25.01 low, there was a gap up that exhausted buyers. The interest simply wasn't there and that move exhausted itself. Yes, it wasn't after a long bullish trend, merely a short bullish move, but it still counts in my book to be called that, especially considering your "fairly rare pattern" of an island doesn't exist.

Thanks for the chance to ponder gaps once more. They are truly fascinating.