Spike's Scientific Stock Analysis
Spike, I hope you're right but why are you couting the waves twice??
Originally posted by spikefaderI'm not. That's a separate set of 5 waves within the brown 3 of 5. Waves often have subwaves within individual bigger single waves.
Originally posted by dmk112I see, but how do you know which ones are sub waves? Anyhow, it seems to be working, DOW breaking resistance!
As far as subwaves, you never REALLY KNOW lol. It's very much an anticipation thing; you can only speculate that your count is right. You've seen me modify counts many times. And every EWer will do the same. This is why simplicity and flexibility is best for me.
EW ain't the Holy Grail, and is very much a hindsight thing as far as counts and waves, and it will very often surprise and modify the count on you. But that's OK. It's definately an edge if you know what to look for and use that knowledge and anticipation to help identify perhaps market bias and definately low r/r setups, like the 'c' long.
I'll tell you this though, you could use the 'c' long setup as your one and only setup in the world, and patiently stalk those entries, and be disciplined, you'd be successful. And if you're struggling with the futures, then I recommend that you grab the 'c' long with both hands and not let go of it. Learn it, use it, be patient and perhaps even use it as a stop and reverse signal if it fails. I've not done that with futes, but I'm sure it would be very very successful.
Originally posted by spikefaderTook a small -5 exit on that YM, and stalking again. Seriously considering swing short based on this action....
Originally posted by spikefaderNow dmk, see how that c failure setup has led to nice selloff. See how stop n reverse works on it. Volatile moves dude. 'c' pivot area is a good thing. Merry Christmas!
I need an uppercut when I think about it. On a closing basis, Vector remains bearish, and here I am getting all psyched about the bull. Strictly speaking, I should have refrained from the long, waited for the c failure, the reason to enter in the direction of my market bias on a daily basis. Had I done that, I'd be holding short from the 10920 breakdown entry and I'd have the perfect entry! Doh!
OK, mental error that one. I'll get with the program and short into this strength 10915 would be nice....
Originally posted by spikefader...short into this strength 10915 would be nice....
This one is likely to move very nicely I think. Headfake long setup, and if the next hour remains this weak, then that'll be another bearish Vector close. Hold this one dmk!