Pre-Presidential Election Stock Picking Tournament

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  • billyjoe
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 9014

    IIC, The WITS portion of your portfolio is now worth $4735. You would have to use that to buy the million shares of LTON which you could only do if LTON shares drop to .004735.

    p.s. do you have some insider info on LTON that you haven't shared with the group?


    • jiesen
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2003
      • 5320



      it's a free country. Unless your name is Martha Stewart, you're free to buy a million shares of whatever you want whenever you want. If you do, though, could you kindly hook me up with just a few thousand of whatever it is you buy?
      much appreciated! (since LJPC is killing me)


      • IIC
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2003
        • 14938

        Originally posted by billyjoe
        IIC, The WITS portion of your portfolio is now worth $4735. You would have to use that to buy the million shares of LTON which you could only do if LTON shares drop to .004735.

        p.s. do you have some insider info on LTON that you haven't shared with the group?
        LOL...Insider info...not hardly...they won't even answer my emails...although I did get one from their IR firm this week in response to a question I had.

        I happen to personally know quite a few investors who are from China...we talk...I read China Daily, The Standard, Quamnet and some others...I'm semi-interested in China investments

        My question though was a joke...I could drive up the price at the last minute to win the contest...Unfortunately, I don't have a spare $8 mil sitting under the mattress...IIC

        Although I could always sell WITS to raise the cash
        Last edited by IIC; 10-22-2004, 11:18 PM. Reason: add
        "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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        • jiesen
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2003
          • 5320



          Do you know anything about XING? I've been in this one since around $3. I'm looking for about $30 soon (or more with a short squeeze, since 24% of the float is currently shorted), which I think is possible if management hits their 2004 target of $310M revenue (vs $220M last year) and manages a profit this time. What do you think? Does your info point to a China that's still in a booming economy, or could there be a big slowdown coming up with the high oil prices?


          • IIC
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2003
            • 14938

            Originally posted by jiesen

            Do you know anything about XING? I've been in this one since around $3. I'm looking for about $30 soon (or more with a short squeeze, since 24% of the float is currently shorted), which I think is possible if management hits their 2004 target of $310M revenue (vs $220M last year) and manages a profit this time. What do you think? Does your info point to a China that's still in a booming economy, or could there be a big slowdown coming up with the high oil prices?
            I have not looked at XING for quite some I cannot say.

            Yes, China will boom for quite sometime IMO...however, there will be ups and downs. What worries me most about Chinese companies is the potential for accounting irregularities(I know we have them here...but there is too much happening too fast over there). The Chinese Gov't is working to crackdown on fraud and payola...but that is a Titanic task.

            It is interesting that Taiwanese companies are now IPO'ing in Hong Kong too. I would not feel comfortable investing directly in any of the Chinese exchanges though.

            Take a look at this weekend's edition of The Standard:

            Here are a couple more sites you may want to bookmark:

            Here is the China Tech News edition where I first found SNDA on December 3rd:

            Here is another one...I have it bookmarked to the IPO page, but you can click Home from it:

            Most of the IPO's are not coming out in the you have to sift through it.

            Also, I watch this Index. SNDA and CAAS were recently added...I forget who was dropped. An interesting note is that the owners of this Index are also insiders of CAAS.

            I have others ... but those sites should keep you busy for a while. Hope this helps...Best, IIC
            "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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            • Websman
              Senior Member
              • Apr 2004
              • 5545

              Speaking of China...
              I heard on CNN that Shanghai is getting a Hooters restaurant! Can you imagine that? A Hooters in Shanghai China? Will the Hooters girls be Chinese or American?
              I've been to Shanghai, and I didn't see any girls that would be considered Hooters material. If they bring American girls though, they'll have Chinese men backed up for miles, fighting to get in.
              A lot of American business has started to infiltrate China and has been, slowly but surely, destroying the Communist way of life. I believe Hooters will be the final weapon that turns China into a capitalist pig society...much like our own. After the Chinese realize what it's like not to be miserable all the time, they'll never go back to their old ways!

              I wonder...does Hooters have stock??? I'll find out..


              • billyjoe
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2003
                • 9014

                That's it! The perfect two stocks to win the next contest : Google and Hooters. Remember I get first pick next time.


                • Websman
                  Senior Member
                  • Apr 2004
                  • 5545

                  Why don't we have a worst stock tournament?

                  I'll pick KKD and IPIX


                  • IIC
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2003
                    • 14938

                    Originally posted by Websman
                    Why don't we have a worst stock tournament?

                    I'll pick KKD and IPIX
                    Hey Webs...You could make a lot if you just buy what I sell...been a running joke on the Net since '98
                    "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

                    Find Tomorrow's Winners At

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                    • billyjoe
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2003
                      • 9014

                      Morning movers: Only 2 of our stocks are up even 3%. They are OTD and RMBS.


                      • scifos
                        Senior Member
                        • Jan 2004
                        • 790

                        One week to go, here I come!
                        Buy Low
                        Sell High
                        STAY FROSTY!


                        • billyjoe
                          Senior Member
                          • Nov 2003
                          • 9014

                          Today 13 advanced, 17 declined, 2 were unchanged. It looks like RL and Mr Market are trading blows like Frazier and Ali for the lead. An immoveable (huge) object vs. an irresistible force (RL's dart) and of course there's scifos lurking in the badlands . Scifos, if you win this I will personally drive to South Dakota and hand you the cheese, slim jims, and whatever else was part of the grand prize.
                          Next results tomorrow night.


                          • scifos
                            Senior Member
                            • Jan 2004
                            • 790

                            Originally posted by billyjoe
                            and of course there's scifos lurking in the badlands
                            Billyjoe, have you ever been to the badlands? Beautiful but harsh. I'm actually pretty close to them, about 45 minutes. When I win I'll give you a tour around the badlands, black hills custer state park(with buffalo!) mt. rushmore, crazyhorse monument, pike's peak, all the big caves, some gambling in deadwood, it'll be fun.
                            Last edited by scifos; 10-25-2004, 10:06 PM.
                            Buy Low
                            Sell High
                            STAY FROSTY!


                            • billyjoe
                              Senior Member
                              • Nov 2003
                              • 9014

                              Beautiful, scifos, I'm ready to move. Just as long as it doesn't get too cold in the winter.


                              • billyjoe
                                Senior Member
                                • Nov 2003
                                • 9014

                                Morning movers : Presidents ULTE FMD VP's CPYJ BMHC

                                It looks as though a certain unnamed contestant (until later tonight) is beginning to pull away from the pack. Results about 5:45 P.M. est.

