Pre-Presidential Election Stock Picking Tournament

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  • billyjoe
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 9014

    Results at closing 10/26/04. Not a bad day. We had 19 advance and 13 decline. 3 contestants still have both winners ; Mr.Market , mmaarrkk88 , and ridemhigher. 5 have both losers.

    5 BEST VP's
    1.HWG Mr.Market +32.7%
    2.MTEX ridemhigher +13.2
    3.BABY Tsevni98 + 2
    4.RMBS mmaarrkk88 + .1
    5.CVT New-born baby even

    1.JOBS RL +20.4%
    2.JMDT thebign1 +10.1
    3.FMD mmaarrkk88 + 7.2
    4.SBUX New-bornbaby +6.4
    5.AVCA Mr.Market +5.8

    1.CPYJ -77.3%
    2.LJPC -63.4
    3.ATRM -39.8
    4.OTD -27.2
    5.ULTE -21.2

    1. Mr.Market $11108 HWG is a giant
    2. RL 10865 QCOM must deliver
    3. ridemhigher 10565 ELOS + MTEX won't fade
    4. mmaarrkk88 10363 can RMBS take off?
    5. New-born baby 10320 CVT is stuck

    6. thebign1 $10155 CAM has to move
    7. billyjoe 9940 up another spot watch BMHC
    8. michaelk005 9855 CSCO is it stalled?
    9. IIC 9545 WITS carries the load
    10. PHOTON 9545 why doesn't PETD rise?
    11. Dave 9535 NEW+UTSI could go either way

    BOTTOM 5
    12 grebnet $9025 EFJI must pull out of drop
    13. Tsevni98 8060 ATRM is an ill president
    14. scifos 7580 his picks have started to rise
    15. jiesen 6740 LJPC is in critical condition
    16. Mea1956 5845 CPYJ has passed away condolences from the "huge"group

    OK boys, it's time to sh*t or get off the pot! Only 4 days of trading left. Are we going to let Mr.Market , RL , and their kind keep us down , humiliating us again , making us look like rank amateurs? Fight the man ! Push those stocks, pump our picks! Are you with me ,Dave , thebign1 , grebnet , guys? Let's go RAH! RAH! RAH! Pump them up up up! (then dump them Tuesday morning) Next results Thursday.


    • scifos
      Senior Member
      • Jan 2004
      • 790

      What do you mean by cold? According to NOAA our average daily HIGH in Dec is 30 degrees and 25.7 in jan. But thats only half the story. We get wind like a, well, its bad. During the winter it blows at least 5mph every day so it feels much colder, plus there is blowing snow everywhere and its dark by 5pm.

      Well, a nice day for ULTE (+11%) but OTD is taking a rest from yesterday (-5%)
      Buy Low
      Sell High


      • MEA_1956
        Senior Member
        • Oct 2003
        • 655

        Done pumped

        I have already decleared myself a winner when I sold CPYJ the afternoon before the split. Not to be bold but here are the facts::: in at $2.08 ::: out at $5.18. I played it on the safe side and only in on 50 shares. 4 foor 1 how could I resist.

        Since then I"ve followed there news clips and am pleased to say I"m glad I never bought back in. Seems that where is quit a mess going on there. I shall follow it in hopes that they do get things turned around and may consider buying back in if they ever find solid backing.
        GO BIG RED!!!!!


        • billyjoe
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2003
          • 9014

          Mea, Glad you sold when you did. Sometimes I forget which stocks I actually own and those I pick for the contest , but it's a good feeling when they drop and I remember it's not really my retirement going down the toilet.


          • billyjoe
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2003
            • 9014

            Morning movers HURC is the only pick with a >3% gain


            • MEA_1956
              Senior Member
              • Oct 2003
              • 655


              You may forget which stock, I just posted on the wrong thread. Email me, I have something to takl to you about.
              GO BIG RED!!!!!


              • IIC
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2003
                • 14938

                Originally posted by billyjoe
                Mea, Glad you sold when you did. Sometimes I forget which stocks I actually own and those I pick for the contest , but it's a good feeling when they drop and I remember it's not really my retirement going down the toilet.
                Am I the only one who picked "2" stocks for the contest that I actually own?
                "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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                • billyjoe
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2003
                  • 9014

                  IIC, I only own one of my picks , one of yours , and one of jiesen's .


                  • ridemhigher

                    Originally posted by IIC
                    Am I the only one who picked "2" stocks for the contest that I actually own?
                    I own ELOS. This one is a relatively new stock that is still in the process of being discovered. IBD has been giving it quite a bit of good press lately. It is going to be a big winner, maybe not in time to win this contest, but I can live with that. I used to own MTEX but got stopped out.


                    • grebnet
                      • Oct 2003
                      • 389

                      Own My Picks

                      I own both HURC and EFJI


                      • RL
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2003
                        • 1215

                        I do not own JOBS or QCOM. JUST DART throws for the contest.
                        Ray Long


                        • jiesen
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2003
                          • 5320

                          I own both of my picks. Unfortunately, LJPC was my largest position by far... now it isn't!


                          • billyjoe
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2003
                            • 9014

                            Morning movers : Only 2 stocks up >3% ULTE BABY . More results tonight.


                            • RL
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2003
                              • 1215

                              Whats a guy to do. China raises intrest rates and there goes JOBS. At the same time
                              QCOM stops I's pull back. Here I have been trucking In the fat ladies for a concert In
                              WDC and Chiken Wings for everyone. Now I won't be able to aford the gas to get there. But thanks to BILLY JOE for some Intrest Into this dull market.

                              GOOD LUCK TO ALL
                              RL [Ray Long]
                              Ray Long


                              • billyjoe
                                Senior Member
                                • Nov 2003
                                • 9014

                                10/28/04 Did anyone else hear a flushing sound? It was several portfolios going down the toilet. Today 7 of our picks advanced , 24 declined , 1 unchanged. 4 still have 2 winners : Mr.Market , RL , mmaarrkk88 , and ridemhigher. 7 have both losers. There's still a chance for an upset with 2 trading days left and $760 spread among the top 5.

                                5 BEST PRESIDENTS
                                1.SBUX New-born baby +11.3%
                                2.FMD mmaarrkk88 + 7.8
                                3.JMDT thebign1 + 7.3
                                4.JOBS RL + 3.8
                                5.ELOS ridemhigher + 3.7

                                5 BEST VP's
                                1.HWG Mr.Market +30.2%
                                2.MTEX ridemhigher +16.1
                                3.BABY TSEVNI98 + 5.6
                                4.RMBS mmaarrkk88 + 3.1
                                5.QCOM RL + 1.8

                                5 WORST PICKS
                                1. CPYJ -81.4%
                                2. LJPC -63.1
                                3. ATRM -39.3
                                4. OTD -25.6
                                5. PETD -20.1

                                5 TOP TEAMS
                                1. Mr.Market $10895
                                2. ridemhigher 10588
                                3. New-born baby 10545
                                4. mmaarrkk88 10468
                                5. RL 10235

                                6 MIDDLE TEAMS
                                6. billyjoe $9910 up another spot
                                7. michaelk005 9865
                                8. thebign1 9735
                                9. IIC 9510
                                10. dave 9485
                                11. grebnet 9080

                                5 BOTTOM TEAMS
                                12. Photon $8910
                                13. Tsevni98 8175
                                14. scifos 7800
                                15. jiesen 6775
                                16. Mea1956 5525

                                Special Friday report tomorrow around 6PM est


