Originally posted by Websman
As Web's World Turns
Originally posted by WebsmanNope...Broad is not what I meant.
Originally posted by billyjoeGood old buddie Webs. I think Stock Girl is really Stock Boy after one of those operations the convicts like to get. Lye can usually smell these things out. What do you think, Lye?
billyjoeBEEF!... it's whats for dinner!
Originally posted by The Stock GirlProbably not. Headaches are a common side affect of most common "ED treatments" billyjoe. Please don't be embarrassed to talk with me about these things, afterall I am a physician. If the pain persists I recommend an MRI. If you have blurry vision or an erection lasting more than four hours please PM me.
What does she means by “please PM me”, is she trying to say please IM (Instant Message) me?
Originally posted by StkyTreatWow, this person has a strong personality!!!
What does she means by “please PM me”, is she trying to say please IM (Instant Message) me?BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!
Originally posted by LyehopperThere is a "Private Message" feature on this forum.... Looks like she's "sweet on" BillyJoe.... SsSsSsSssssss!
No way,that chic, (Stock Girl), is really a dude (Stock Boy/Stock Guy). I figured it out when she/he just had too much knowledge about ED and why shouldn't she/he, having had the problem during the entire relationship with Adman. That's why he eventually threw he/she out. The former stock boy hoping to continue a life of investment scams, figured a good looking female stock professional, now down on her luck would be the perfect ploy to get $$ from sympathetic males. She studied your past posts about castration, stole Webs medical report mentioning Boyd Staples, fashioned a shiv in the privacy of her current cell, and performed the operation, hoping to bill the government for the surgery. That's why she also mentioned being a doctor.
Little did she know that I had been spending my time watching old Matlock reruns as well as all the Monk detective shows that told me how to put the clues together. I didn't just fall off the sugar beet truck yesterday. I'm still not sure how she got the LA location , but if Doug , his trading partner, and Bambi don't know her, she's got to be a fraud.
L.A. = Los Angeles
LA = Louisiana
Stock Girl probably lives in neither.
And as you observed, stock girl probably isn't even a girl.
Someone in Jack's thread (I think it was Lye) joked about Jack needing a fabricated admirer like Adman had with Stock Boy. Somebody who remembered that saga thought it would be funny to come up with "The Stock Girl." It's nothing more or less than that, IMO.—Rob
I think it was pretty obvious that stock girl was a fraud from the first post."Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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