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  • I'd short the first rally attempt on CLRK. Missed the run down, but today may have been another short entry. Too risky for me @ this point. Does seem to be setting in a nice triple bouttom... Hey webs flip a coin lolo.....


    • Websman
      Senior Member
      • Apr 2004
      • 5545

      Originally posted by Runner
      I'd short the first rally attempt on CLRK. Missed the run down, but today may have been another short entry. Too risky for me @ this point. Does seem to be setting in a nice triple bouttom... Hey webs flip a coin lolo.....
      You're right. Too risky.


      • Websman
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2004
        • 5545

        I'm still in cash.

        My old favorite, DHB got pounded again last week. It makes me wonder how low it'll go. The outlook for the company is great but the managment sucks.

        I haven't really had much time to do a lot of research this past week, but I have looked at CMN. I'll be watching this one next week. This is a good time to get a bargain on a future Mr Market winner!


        • Websman
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2004
          • 5545

          Originally posted by Websman
          It's now at $1,200...maybe I'll start trading records for a living...
          Sold the Beatles record for $1,250 to a Beatles fanatic in France. Let's see now...I paid .10 and sold for $1,250. How much profit is that??? Man, if only my stocks would do that I'd be huger than Mr Market!

          If I figured it right that would be a return of 1,250,000%
          Last edited by Websman; 01-24-2005, 09:11 PM.


          • spikefader
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2004
            • 7175

            Originally posted by Websman
            Sold the Beatles record for $1,250 to a Beatles fanatic in France. Let's see now...I paid .10 and sold for $1,250. How much profit is that??? Man, if only my stocks would do that I'd be huger than Mr Market!
            Now that's a nice profit
            I wonder how much it'll go for when it ages another 42 years. Probably a lot more than 2x what you got, but hey, I'm sure your trading prowess will more than exceed any appreciation of that antique
            Well done Webs.


            • Websman
              Senior Member
              • Apr 2004
              • 5545

              Originally posted by spikefader
              Now that's a nice profit
              I wonder how much it'll go for when it ages another 42 years. Probably a lot more than 2x what you got, but hey, I'm sure your trading prowess will more than exceed any appreciation of that antique
              Well done Webs.
              Thanks Spike!
              The profit from the record sale will go towards my new trading account, which will definitely make more than the record would have over the next few years.
              In the meantime, I'll be hitting the yard sales and thrift stores for my next valuable find! Maybe an Elvis record....


              • Websman
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2004
                • 5545

                Wow...this market just keeps going down. It's kind of cool to be sitting in cash and watching the bargains take shape. I'll be looking for stocks that are being beat down and for new leaders forming.

                One stock that is getting knocked down is DHB. I would like to see DHB get down to the $13 dollar range before I start to consider it a buy again. It is possible though, that it could bounce back up from here. We will soon see.

                TZOO....What can I say but...ouch. I'm glad I'm not long on that one. I think TZOO will continue to head down.

                I like BBW, but I won't touch it at these levels. It also on the IBD top 100, which makes it even more dangerous.

                One of my favorite OTC stocks is RSSYF.OB. I like the product and the potential of it. This will be one to watch this year, just not a buy yet.

                SIRI might look good today, but I won't touch it until after earnings. I'm glad to have made a killing on it last year, but I would use caution on it for now. I think it will flounder around until Sept or Oct, and then start another big runup. The Howard Stern deal will be getting ready to kick and the Christmas sales will be getting ready to warm up. I will buy SIRI this Summer when interest is low.

                I consider the market selloff as an opportunity. I am fully expecting a gain of no less than 100% for 2005.


                P.S. This is a repost of my latest post on my IBD thread.


                • New-born baby
                  Senior Member
                  • Apr 2004
                  • 6095



                  We knew TZOO was done when it made #1 on IBD list. In any bear market, that list is a short list, and #1 is the #1 target.

                  SIRI--I was wrong. I thought it'd be $4.50 by now . . . .

                  AAI--gotta love that stop!
                  Last edited by New-born baby; 01-24-2005, 09:40 PM.
                  pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


                  • Not sure, but I think SIRI reports Wednesday. Sometimes shorts will cover before earnings; this sometimes will lead into a nice swing trade or DT. Watch a couple of stocks that have been getting hammered before earnings. Oh I forgot this only works when it works. Shorts really are not sure what SIRI will report.


                    • New-born baby
                      Senior Member
                      • Apr 2004
                      • 6095

                      Originally posted by Runner
                      Shorts really are not sure what SIRI will report.

                      Oh yes they are: losses.
                      pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


                      • IIC
                        Senior Member
                        • Nov 2003
                        • 14938

                        Which album was that??? Too lazy to go back and read...But I have an original Meet The Beatles album and a coupla others in a box somewhere.
                        "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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                        • spikefader
                          Senior Member
                          • Apr 2004
                          • 7175

                          Originally posted by IIC
                          Which album was that??? Too lazy to go back and read...But I have an original Meet The Beatles album and a coupla others in a box somewhere.
                          Check out this site that has pics of which albums are which and values. Dunno how accurate they are, but sumfin anyway.


                          • IIC
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2003
                            • 14938

                            Originally posted by spikefader
                            Check out this site that has pics of which albums are which and values. Dunno how accurate they are, but sumfin anyway.
                            Thx...that was pretty interesting...IIC

                            This is the oldest one I have:

                            You can read a little bit about the history here too:

                            Last edited by IIC; 01-25-2005, 01:00 AM.
                            "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

                            Find Tomorrow's Winners At

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                            • spikefader
                              Senior Member
                              • Apr 2004
                              • 7175

                              Lots of those ones on ebay, so value is low. Obviously the trick is to dig up the rare old ones


                              • Websman
                                Senior Member
                                • Apr 2004
                                • 5545

                                Originally posted by IIC
                                Which album was that??? Too lazy to go back and read...But I have an original Meet The Beatles album and a coupla others in a box somewhere.
                                I have a Meet The Beatles album also. It's not worth as much, unless you have a copy that's in mint condition. There is one on Ebay that is still sealed that is up to about $500, but otherwise it's probably worth about $150.

                                My copy of "Introducing The Beatles" was rare because the back of the album. There were only a few thousand printed with the "ad back", which turned out to be what I had. I bought it at a yard sale about 12 years ago, so it was just a lucky find. I bought it with the intentions of turning a profit.

                                IIC, here's the link to my auction if you want to check it out. There's a few pictures of the album.

