I am nearing the end of my first year of trading and I have far exceeded my goals. I actually thought I would be lucky if I broke even, but I've done quite well!
Over the year, I have tried many different trading styles and have had varying results. I have learned a lot and have a lot more learning to do.
Here is a list of what I have tried and what I have learned-
1. I ordered a subscription to IBD, thinking it would help...it didn't. I'll just buy an occasional issue from the newstand. My conclusion-IBD sucks
2. I tried Daytrading and found that it isn't for me.
3. Chart analysis is a great tool, if I will learn to follow it.
4. Mr Markets method is superior to IBD. Mr Market is right when he says earnings rule.
5. I've had some luck swing trading, but will limit these type of trades.
6. I had my hugest success on SIRI. The reason for this, is that I saw the potential early and jumped in before the crowd noticed. I still say that satellite radio will be huge.
7. I also had a lot of success with DHB. I saw the demand plus it had great fundamentals.
8. I also found that I tend to jump in and out of trades too often.
9. I jumped ship too early on a lot of trades. MCRI is a prime example.
10. Mr Market has the best trading site on the internet. I hope Mr Market decides to continue it for a long time to come.
I am going to hold my SIRI positon as I believe Sirius will blow out their one million subscriber projection which will send it up. If it helps any, I have ordered a Sirius receiver for myself...lol SIRI may go down for a few days, but I have a lot of room to play with.
Today was my last buy of the year. I'm holding off until January before I make any more trades, but I'll still be here to watch and learn!
Over the year, I have tried many different trading styles and have had varying results. I have learned a lot and have a lot more learning to do.
Here is a list of what I have tried and what I have learned-
1. I ordered a subscription to IBD, thinking it would help...it didn't. I'll just buy an occasional issue from the newstand. My conclusion-IBD sucks
2. I tried Daytrading and found that it isn't for me.
3. Chart analysis is a great tool, if I will learn to follow it.
4. Mr Markets method is superior to IBD. Mr Market is right when he says earnings rule.
5. I've had some luck swing trading, but will limit these type of trades.
6. I had my hugest success on SIRI. The reason for this, is that I saw the potential early and jumped in before the crowd noticed. I still say that satellite radio will be huge.
7. I also had a lot of success with DHB. I saw the demand plus it had great fundamentals.
8. I also found that I tend to jump in and out of trades too often.
9. I jumped ship too early on a lot of trades. MCRI is a prime example.
10. Mr Market has the best trading site on the internet. I hope Mr Market decides to continue it for a long time to come.
I am going to hold my SIRI positon as I believe Sirius will blow out their one million subscriber projection which will send it up. If it helps any, I have ordered a Sirius receiver for myself...lol SIRI may go down for a few days, but I have a lot of room to play with.
Today was my last buy of the year. I'm holding off until January before I make any more trades, but I'll still be here to watch and learn!