As Web's World Turns

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  • billyjoe
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 9014

    I now view Cramer as "for entertainment purposes only". Many years ago he got me into an awesome investment VGHCX vanguard health care fund. It weathered the big drop in the market and made me mucho $$$. So maybe I owed him one. Then I bought NT and CHTR last year on his advice and both tanked big time so I'm back to picking my own again.


    • billyjoe
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2003
      • 9014

      Is Martha at your prison? If not she should be. What a life . That maniacal echoing laughter I hear must be Martha behind the walls. Sweep some floors, clean some crappers, make a billion or two. Get a good rest and back to society.


      • Websman
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2004
        • 5545

        Originally posted by billyjoe
        Is Martha at your prison? If not she should be. What a life . That maniacal echoing laughter I hear must be Martha behind the walls. Sweep some floors, clean some crappers, make a billion or two. Get a good rest and back to society.
        Yes, Martha must be having the time of her life! I wonder if she has a girlfriend yet? I wouldn't mind being her bitch!


        • Websman
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2004
          • 5545

          Originally posted by lak
          I think LU can go up another .5 but that could be a long, long time.........
          Honestly I would stay away. ha
          LONG TIME???!!!! LONG TIME YOU SAY???!!!!!

          CRAMER WAS RIGHT!!!! That sorry S.O.B. was right!!!
          LU didn't just go up went up .13!!!

          just kidding...

          Congrats Lak. I hope you were still holding LU!



          • Websman
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2004
            • 5545

            Has anyone here ever sold anything on Ebay?

            I'm thinking of setting up an account. I have a Beatles record that I bought at a yard sale for a dime, years back and I just saw the same exact album sell for $860.
            Here's the link:

            I think it's time for me to let my record go. Who wants to bid on it?


            • lak
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2004
              • 124

              Originally posted by billyjoe
              I now view Cramer as "for entertainment purposes only". Many years ago he got me into an awesome investment VGHCX vanguard health care fund. It weathered the big drop in the market and made me mucho $$$. So maybe I owed him one. Then I bought NT and CHTR last year on his advice and both tanked big time so I'm back to picking my own again.
              Cmpletely agree! I know a couple people that went with Cramer on those..... NT, CHTR, JDSU, Etc. and they have been pretty burned.... I happen to be holding LU and NT and Hate it! I am almost back to even on NT and will sell as soon as I am..... LU I will hold for a while as I see them gaining grpund in 05.
              But Cramers picks get copied to me now from a buddy, and they are purely entertainment.
              His friday, week end, write up is the best..... His view chages constantly.
              Gotta love the big board!


              • lak
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2004
                • 124

                Originally posted by Websman
                LONG TIME???!!!! LONG TIME YOU SAY???!!!!!

                CRAMER WAS RIGHT!!!! That sorry S.O.B. was right!!!
                LU didn't just go up went up .13!!!

                just kidding...

                Congrats Lak. I hope you were still holding LU!

                yep still holding..... So it bounced back up a little from its decline..... Cramer makes me laugh a lot, but his book was good..... Read my buddys copy 4 or 5 months ago....

                Won't be dropping LU for a while, I am up pretty well with it actually.
                Gotta love the big board!


                • Websman
                  Senior Member
                  • Apr 2004
                  • 5545

                  I'm still holding SIRI and was getting a little worried yesterday, but today perked me up when it closed .50 up. My portfolio is starting to look good again! I think SIRI is set to run for the rest of the month. More profits are on the way. SIRI is my only stock I hold right now, as I promised my self that I would hold off on buying anymore stocks until Jan.

                  I am exploring all options for the next year. One thing I found this past year, is that I seem to be pretty good at finding stocks that are about to make a good run. I saw TZOO, TASR, SIRI and MSO, before they ran and felt sure, at the time, they were set up for a run. Of course I did get SIRI and made a killing. I'll be keeping my eye out for new canidates. Of course, I won't risk a large portion of my money on these type stocks, but a small position would never hurt, as long as I know when to sell.

                  Two stocks that I see as potential runners, for next year is KKD and WIN. These two have been beaten down for good reason, but I believe we may see a comeback on at least one of them. KKD seems like the best possibility out of the two. The low carb fad is dying down and Americans will begin eating donuts again. I'll keep a close eye on KKD. I'll just have to make sure it doesn't get away from me like MSO did.

                  DHB is another one that looks like it's starting to get beat back down. Folks, I'm telling you, you need to watch this one. DHB has already received numerous contracts for bullet proof vests and more are on the way. I'm not wild about the CEO, but the business is there. Unfortunately, with the situation in Iraq, the demand for bullet proof vest's will increase and DHB has the best product.



                  • Jaws57
                    Senior Member
                    • Dec 2003
                    • 100


                    Originally posted by Websman
                    Two stocks that I see as potential runners, for next year is KKD and WIN. These two have been beaten down for good reason, but I believe we may see a comeback on at least one of them. KKD seems like the best possibility out of the two. The low carb fad is dying down and Americans will begin eating donuts again. I'll keep a close eye on KKD. I'll just have to make sure it doesn't get away from me like MSO did.

                    I like your take on KKD, I am going to put it on my watch list. The diet thing is too hard for most people. I see more and more KKD donuts popping up around my workplace.
                    As for diets go, I exercise almost everyday and utilize my no fat all-beer diet to keep trim.



                    • Websman
                      Senior Member
                      • Apr 2004
                      • 5545

                      One more for the watch list. LOJN. They have a product to track stolen cars. I'll post more later on it.


                      • #56
                        Webs that LOJN chart is looking pretty good


                        • Websman
                          Senior Member
                          • Apr 2004
                          • 5545

                          Originally posted by Runner
                          Webs that LOJN chart is looking pretty good
                          Hmmm...possible cup with handle...


                          • Websman
                            Senior Member
                            • Apr 2004
                            • 5545

                            Well folks, I just received my renewal notice from IBD. After thinking it over, I have decided to spend my, hard earned money elsewhere. IBD has been helpful, but I'm not getting anything out of it anymore. To commemerate my year with IBD, I posted a farewell message on the IBD board. It reads like this...

                            I just want to thank IBD for my subscription, which is about to end. Your paper has been very useful! I have even used it to line my birds cage. I have also used it to stuff boxes for shipping things. Oh yea, I have sent many issues to the local landfill to contribute to the recycling effort.

                            I'm sure canslim is a great way to trade, but I have created my own trading methods, in the past year, which have turned out to be much more successful. I must now reject the inferior canslim methodology.

                            I used canslim when I first started investing, with some success. Although I did make a profit, I was not happy with the performance of my portfolio. Then I was introduced to . Since finding this FREE sight, I have learned a lot from many experienced investors, who reside there. Because of this FREE site, my portfoilo has become huge! I will acheive my goal of financial independence!

                            I wonder if this post will be deleted or if I will fianlly be banned from the IBD boards? Hmmm....

                            Do you want to make money? Learn to think for yourself and you will succeed!

                            Sincerely, a much wealthier



                            Man, it's been a good year!


                            • #59
                              Webs, I to have departed the IBD newspaper… Unlike you who used the paper for your birdcage I use them for my Chihuahuas litter box…. Ha imagine my dogs doing their business on “the Big Picture”. Yea I’ve trained my little buddies to use a cat litter box and they hit it 100%. I’m not knocking IBD and or canslime, but it just was not for me. I’ve read O’Neil’s book and thought I was going to rule the market, yea right…. One 7% kick out after another. I started to wonder as my money began to erode and slip farther down hill. I was like man does this work? I know market conditions did not favor canslim, but I read the “Big Picture” before my dogs read it and the words read something like this. “Rally under pressure” I was like come on be real. Needless to say I thought I better try to figure out what the market is doing by myself. I still don’t get it right all the time, but I know a “D-day when I see it.

                              I’m sure if one was to look into my purchases you’d find they were not 100% canslim and after a few months I could not find any that where 100% Canslime, so I started to wonder if I was messed up. I’d buy a nice cup with candle and even have a nice fat limit order in place to buy the Break out. I’d come home from work and it was like “I’m the man”, I was exited because my stock order got filled and I was up a few points. Looking over the chart I’d see the volume was strong. I knew I just found a winner, but the next day I’d come home and want to kick my dogs. “What happened”, down 3 points. Needless to say the next day I’d be kicked out of my position with my little 7% drop.

                              I then went into info overload. Ya know when your brain is racing so fast you’re about blow a gasket. I said “Man this Sucks”. I then keep doing what I was doing but if I was up a few points I’d sell that sucker faster then you could click your mouse. I figured it was best to grab it while I had it. This worked out well until I got this thing called a T-3 Warning. I was like “what the heck is this”. I read the little message scottrade send me and even called then on the live line to chat about it. They set me straight and I was like ooppps.

                              But wait it gets better. I started to really look things over and I just knew short term trading was what I could do. I started looking what happened to stocks before they broke out. I noticed a similar patter called “inside days”, and I played with the 20-40-50-200 dma. I saw how these moving averages acted like magnets. I learned to not get out with a 7% lose, but 2-3%. I learned enough to be dangerous about support and resistance. I learned that it is ok too take a small lose and try to preserve my capital. I learned to keep my pride to the side, and admit to myself when I had made a mistake.

                              Anyway as we move into the future one thing is for sure. Some will win and some will lose, but the race is not a sprint, but a marathon. I’d get a good run going and get a little cocky and BAM “slap down to reality”.

                              Anyway best for all on this forum



                              • Websman
                                Senior Member
                                • Apr 2004
                                • 5545

                                Man, I'm getting attacked big time on the IBD board because of my post. I tried to help them and all I got was negativity and skepticism. Oh well, their loss.


