As Web's World Turns

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  • Websman
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2004
    • 5545

    Originally posted by IIC
    Webs...where did we first meet???...I think it was IBD Forums before I got summarily banned...Well, not actually banned...but...Let's just say I'm not appreciated over there.

    Look forward to playing you in the movie...You know they always put a better looking actor in the lead than the original
    Don't worry...I don't think some of the IBD'rs like me either. I'm suprised I haven't been banned for promoting Mr Market and posting links to this Website. Hey, but who cares...If they can't take a joke, fff....uh...they'll get over it.



    • Websman
      Senior Member
      • Apr 2004
      • 5545

      Originally posted by billyjoe
      Webs, Good luck with your new venture. You're out of the blocks with an impressive start. As you know I've been studying DWA and my opinion has changed. I was fortunate to get out with about 1.35 gain per share. Here are my reasons pro and con:
      THE GOOD
      1. Speilberg and the boys have lots of creativity and brains.
      2. In the long run they'll probably be successful
      3. Shreck is a great product and their selling record numbers of DVD's
      4. Their earnings seem to be in line with estimates, no hyping or wild exaggerations

      THE BAD
      1. The stock is volatile two or three bad days in a row would really hurt and nothing in the near future seems to justify two or three good days in a row
      2. Do you want to hold for a year or two waiting for the next blockbuster?
      3. There doesn't seem to be a ready supply of product for continuous sales
      4. Have had a few flops in the past two years releases
      5. They are relying too much on Shreck 2,3,4, etc.
      6. Insiders will be able to sell shares legally in a couple months they got them for free or $28 and the lure of a quick million or 2 may just be too tempting
      7. Announced delay of the next Shreck
      8. Bear Sterns has them rated underperform

      I hope you'll take this into consideration before adding it to As The Web's World Turns portfolio.

      You're right...too risky...forget DWA.


      • Websman
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2004
        • 5545

        Here's one I think may have bottomed out.
        GES - Looks like it closed at $12.18. This was the first stock I ever bought. I bought at $14.10 and sold at $14.68 1/2. Not much of a gain, but I was determined not to lose on my first trade.
        I'll be looking at this one on Monday.

        I thought hard about SIRI, but I didn't do it. They're supposed to be listed on the QQQQ, but I don't think it will matter. This dog is going down...I hope. I'll buy after it nosedives again.

        KKD - Donut anyone? Will KKD make a comeback. Will the lowcarb freaks flake out and come back in force to demand their donuts? Will Mcdonalds buy out KKD and have a McDonut on every corner? KKD in China? India? Alabama? I'll keep watching.

        WIN - I keep watching this one for a comeback. Every true redneck shops Winn-Dixie. How could you not support a store with the word "Dixie" in it?

        KONG and JRJC - I love China. I've been to Shanghai and been packed like a sardine in the subway. I loved the stench that my run down hotel room emitted. It was great! Will these stocks rule like China does?

        The only stock I own right now is DHB, and it finally made a gain today. Up $1.03. I messed up and bought at $19.75. What a dumb thing to do Webs! I'm hanging on though, because I'm almost 100% sure it'll go over my buy price soon.

        OFG dropped today??? Wassup??? Is now a good time to buy? What do you say Spike or Runner?

        It's Friday and I've got a lot of things to do this weekend, so I gotta go. Y'all have a great weekend and I hope you made a pile of cash!



        • MEA_1956
          Senior Member
          • Oct 2003
          • 655


          Just touching back to see if you took a closer look at BBG. It opened @$25.00 and never stopped to look back in such ended day one with a 16.20% gain. We shall have to wait see where she goes form here. ===> M.E.A.
          GO BIG RED!!!!!


          • Websman
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2004
            • 5545

            Originally posted by MEA_1956
            Just touching back to see if you took a closer look at BBG. It opened @$25.00 and never stopped to look back in such ended day one with a 16.20% gain. We shall have to wait see where she goes form here. ===> M.E.A.

            Man!!! We may have to jump on the bandwagon with this one. It's looking like most of the IPO's latley are jumping straight up. I'll be checking this one when I get home on Monday.

            BBG....just added to the Websman watch list...Thanks MEA!


            • Websman
              Senior Member
              • Apr 2004
              • 5545

              Originally posted by RL
              Hey Webs how about a dart contest.

              A dart contest would be cool...It would be interesting to see what would happen. January would be a good time to start something like this. That way we could get the holidays out of the way.


              • Websman
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2004
                • 5545

                If it weren't for the high seas and the cold air, I'd be out in the Gulf catching a monster grouper, but instead I'm here on my computer contemplating my next big stock purchase.

                Here's my possible buy list for Monday so far - NFLX, GES, DPZ, OFG, SIRI, XMSR, LOJN, NUTR
                More may added by tomorrow.

                Something is happening with FONR. I've kept an eye on them for a while. They produce stand up MRI units. could end up being a good one.

                I'll be ice skating this afternoon, so if y'all don't hear from me for a few days it means I broke my leg.



                • billyjoe
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2003
                  • 9014

                  Webs, I have to warn you about getting into a dart throwing contest with RL. Did you ever see the movie "The Hustler" with Jackie Gleason and Paul Newman? RL's dart hit TASR in late February which won him the first annual March Madness stock picking tournament. I think it was about Oct. 1st of this year he hit JOBS which has gone up about 25 points since . I'm monitoring his picks so watch out when he pops in and says "Hey fellas, How about a freindly game of darts?" I have a secret weapon since he in a lapse of judgement sent me one of his dull darts which honed to surgical sharpness has served me well these last 60 days or so.


                  • Websman
                    Senior Member
                    • Apr 2004
                    • 5545

                    Originally posted by Websman
                    I'll be ice skating this afternoon, so if y'all don't hear from me for a few days it means I broke my leg.

                    My leg is fine and I skated well...

                    I'm now thinking real hard about joining the Sirian nation again...Go SIRI



                    • jiesen
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2003
                      • 5319

                      Originally posted by Websman
                      My leg is fine and I skated well...
                      Glad to hear it! Being heathy is something too many people take for granted until it's too late.


                      • Websman
                        Senior Member
                        • Apr 2004
                        • 5545

                        Originally posted by jiesen
                        Glad to hear it! Being heathy is something too many people take for granted until it's too late.
                        You're absolutely right. I ripped about half the ligaments apart in my knee, when I was younger and I'm still paying the price for that one. My parents told me to take it easy on that dirt


                        • thebign1
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2003
                          • 130

                          Investing 1-2-3?????

                          Hi Webs, I am trying to understand your reasoning and/or strategy on SIRI.
                          First you say you will hold until $200/sh., then you sell all of your shares on the way down (my est. is @$7-7.05/sh.) and now you want to buy it back on the way up??? Are you on drugs?? LOL.

                          Regards, Norm
                          p.s. Did you hit your head when you fell off your dirt bike? LOL.


                          • Websman
                            Senior Member
                            • Apr 2004
                            • 5545

                            Originally posted by thebign1
                            Hi Webs, I am trying to understand your reasoning and/or strategy on SIRI.
                            First you say you will hold until $200/sh., then you sell all of your shares on the way down (my est. is @$7-7.05/sh.) and now you want to buy it back on the way up??? Are you on drugs?? LOL.

                            Regards, Norm
                            p.s. Did you hit your head when you fell off your dirt bike? LOL.
                            I got temporarly beat by a traders worst enemy...FEAR.
                            Yet another learning lesson.

                            Drugs are for losers.
                            Last edited by Websman; 12-12-2004, 05:14 PM.


                            • Websman
                              Senior Member
                              • Apr 2004
                              • 5545

                              Well, it's Monday morning and I'm ready to rock. I decided to bang into work today, so I can watch the markets and learn. Who knows, I may even make some money in the process.

                              I have a lot of picks, but I may just get on the SIRI bandwagon again. I've had more fun with this stock trading thing than I ever have at any casino I've been in.

                              Here's a thought for the day - Never trade with any money that you can't afford to lose.
                              I say this, because I read an article that talked about people who have gotten a home equity loan to play the market. I don't know about you, but I spent quite a few years getting my home paid off and I'm not about to put it on the line. If I lost every penny off my trading account today, I'd still have a home and I'd still have a good job with retirement. I consider my stocks money as a bonus to retirement. Regardless, I'll be retired at age 53, with no problems.



                              • Websman
                                Senior Member
                                • Apr 2004
                                • 5545

                                I'm back on track with SIRI. I have learned some very valuable lesson with this stock. The biggest lesson being, stick to your game plan!

                                One day when I become as huge as Mr Market, I'm going to hire someone to write a book about my successes...

                                I feel like I'm taking to myself...Is anyone reading this crap??? Hello???

                                I've got to start seeing my therapist again.


