Skiracer's stock slopes

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  • skiracer
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2004
    • 6314

    So I'm out of Amtd at 11.01. Out of Ipxl at 18.75. Still holding Rdwr from 25.99 and bought another 1000 shares late today at 26.12 which puts me at 26.07 for the 2000 shares.

    I missed out on both the long play on Komg and the short play on Ostk. A few times during the day I almost pulled the trigger on both of them but felt out of sync like I was chasing them because I missed them at my first entry choice. What's done is done and tomorrow is another day with other opportunities coming.

    Stockcharts John Murphy has been saying for awhile now that the two things that lead to market tops are the declining dollar and rising commodities. Both of those two facts have been in play for some time now and eventually they will lead to rising long term interest rates. As long term rates rise interest sensitive stocks such as Reits and financial stocks will be the first to feel the brunt of their rising. Today we got a good taste of that. We could be coming into a market peak and to an end of the 5th wave of the 5th wave of the most recent cyclical bull market which started in October 2002 and really gained momentum starting in March of 2003.

    The strange thing about today was that almost every sector across the board took the hit as the market fell back mid afternoon after looking like they might recoup the mornings big downside. To me this represented lack of strength and conviction on the part of the bulls as shown by losses in energy, basic materials, and commodities, which are usually the strongest sectors at the end of market tops, along with everything else. Even stranger the tech sector which hasn't been showing any real strength or helping out at all showed some mild strength today in light of the big drop.

    There will be opportunities as there always are if you search for them either long or short. After today's action the MO should be approach with caution and trade what you see and not what you think. I also feel that over the short term now the short side just might be the easier side to play for the time being.


    • IIC
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2003
      • 14938

      I agree...the paragraphs are easier to read...good stuff
      "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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      • MEA_1956
        Senior Member
        • Oct 2003
        • 655

        A little help

        Whats a para graph? I canot find it in the glossary. AEM
        GO BIG RED!!!!!


        • skiracer
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2004
          • 6314

          MM means to break down the separate thoughts into separate units (paragraphs) as you end one unit of thought and begin a new one. Looking at the last two posts you'll see the difference, if you're not pulling our legs with this. Anyway he is right about separating the thoughts. It is much easier to read. No problemo complying.


          • Websman
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2004
            • 5545

            Originally posted by skiracer
            MM means to break down the separate thoughts into separate units (paragraphs) as you end one unit of thought and begin a new one. Looking at the last two posts you'll see the difference, if you're not pulling our legs with this. Anyway he is right about separating the thoughts. It is much easier to read. No problemo complying.
            Trust me. Mea is Not pulling our legs. He can barely spell his own name...but he's a genious when it comes to stock picking!


            • skiracer
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2004
              • 6314

              I still agree with John Murphy of that were in deeper crap than we realize because of the oil and energy in general scenario. Also that we are near the end of the 5th wave up an a market top from the signals the markets are giving but I came to trade and that's what I do but with more caution in times like these. Given the chance the markets will make a liar an a fool out of you every chance you give them. So the basic operating premise is not to give them the opportunities to do that to you.

              Only holding one position right now. Rdwr closed down .01 today at 26.19. What I really like about todays action is that it is making a classic handle formation off the double bottom. Dropping a little on lower volume. Todays volume was 75,631 as opposed to it's daily average of 200,000. I'm expecting it to stay rangebound in this area for a few more days, Wed./Thurs., of next week and then begin a move up. A huge breakout would be nice but I'll take a consistent trend up to a target range of 29/30.

              I'm still watching Komg for a possible entry if it pulls back to the 22/22.10 range. My initial desired entry was around 21.95 to 22 an I really like the stock but want it at where I want it at so I'll play the waiting game an if it goes off an I don't get it then se le vie. Did I spell that right Webs? It opened today at 26.15 and the high was 26.34 and the low was 25.70. I missed it today at 25.70 because I was out of the office all day an didn't get a chance to watch the screen at all today. But I liked the fact that it recouped from the low of the day to close .01 off where it closed yesterday.

              Webs I read your last post about having all this money lying around an no stocks that suit your liking. This one's for you Webs. Htrn is the largest provider of Urological services, mainly for kidney stones, and has 183 Lithotripsy units in 47 states across the country. Urologists use their lithotripters to send shock waves to break up kidney stones into very small sand like particles so that the patient may pass the particles thru the urinary tract. They also provide a few other services which are in demand. One being a mobile truck units that provide cardiac labs or CT scanners for the military. The company's market cap is 355 million and the mobile unit by itself is worth in the neighborhood of 105/120 mil. It opened today at 10.35 and the high was at 11.10 and the low was 10.33. It closed today at 10.73 an I just noticed that it got a small play for 4400 shares in the afterhours at 11.07. It has been trending up for the last few weeks an I have included a daily and weekly chart for you to look at. I'm in on this one first thing in the am in the pre-market anywhere between 10.73 and 11 and would take 3000 shares if I can get them in that range.

              I'll have to get the charts to you a little later as I tried and the file needs to be compressed a bit more. Have to see if I can do that.


              • skiracer
                Senior Member
                • Dec 2004
                • 6314

                Here we go.


                • skiracer
                  Senior Member
                  • Dec 2004
                  • 6314

                  Now I have to learn how to write some things on these charts, save them with the notes, and then upload them. I'm working on it. Being able to do this is almost like hitting a double for me. Spikefader you just don't know how much I'm enjoying Snagit and Advanced Jpeg compression programs.


                  • Websman
                    Senior Member
                    • Apr 2004
                    • 5545

                    Thanks for the writeup on HTRN Skiracer! I'll do some DD on it.


                    • MEA_1956
                      Senior Member
                      • Oct 2003
                      • 655

                      Thanks Web

                      Your vote of confidence thrills me. ===> M.E.A.
                      GO BIG RED!!!!!


                      • Websman
                        Senior Member
                        • Apr 2004
                        • 5545

                        my speling suxs 2...

                        Originally posted by MEA_1956
                        Your vote of confidence thrills me. ===> M.E.A.
                        Domt meshun it MEA. Im jest glad that yu no how to tak a joke.

                        I shudnt talk. My speling leafs a lot to be dezired.



                        • skiracer
                          Senior Member
                          • Dec 2004
                          • 6314

                          My threads alway bring out the best in people. Actually I wish we all could just spell things the way we think we hear them sound and not have to think about grammatical correctness. Then no one would know who's smarter.


                          • skiracer
                            Senior Member
                            • Dec 2004
                            • 6314

                            I was a little anxious to make sure I got Htrn today because I missed Komg and the short on Ostk the other day so this morning I didn't adhere to my rule of waiting, not written in stone, until at least 10 am before taking a position to make sure any gaps up or down hold before entering a trade. I've been saying to approach with caution in these markets and that given the chance this market will make a liar or a fool out of you but only a fool doesn't listen to his own advice so I guess if the shoe fits then I should wear it.

                            I felt so secure in this issue that I threw caution to the wind and took 3000 shares at 10.80 and was as happy as a pig wallowing in mud at my good fortune of getting it before it crossed 11. It never reached 11 and 10.91 was as high as it got before turning down and down and down to around 10.19. If I had waited just a few minutes more I would have watched it go down and caught it much lower an instead of being down .30 on the 3000 shares (-$900) I could have been +.30 or so. Big difference in being patient for a few minutes an honoring your disciplines. Still stupid after all these years.

                            The market didn't help matters so I can't blame the stock or anything being the matter or changing with it overnight since yesterday's close. Another big reason to approach with caution. My target is still in the 12/13 range on this trade over the short term but we still need some help from the markets. I consider it a sign of strength when a stock takes a considerable drop on higher volume in the morning and then reverses to recoup a good portion of it's drop by the close. Having done this today I feel that much better about trade but still should have waited to have gotten it much cheaper.

                            Rdwr is still forming that handle and small drop today on even lighter volume, 54,316 shares traded today, which is exactly what I would like to see it do other than if it were to breakout for a 2 point gain. Check out the 15 min. chart to see the Bolinger bands really starting to tighten up.

                            Komg is down below 22 to close at 21.96. I like this stock even though it hasn't been able to hold on to it's gains over the last couple of days. I have to attribute that to the markets and not the stock. But that's still no cigar if you had bought it at 22.50 or higher. It's daily and weekly charts still look great an I will take a position in the early part of this coming week if we get some show of strength in the markets.

                            Ostk has fallen down and can't get back up. What a short to miss out on. This stock has dropped almost 7 points since I mentioned it earlier this week. Another 1.83 today. I'm really glad this week is over with. Speaking for myself I need a couple of days away from all of it.

                            If we get some help from the markets this coming week Htrn will be a great play and watch for Rdwr to come out of that handle.
                            THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR


                            • mrmarket
                              • Sep 2003
                              • 5971

                              Skiracer...good thread. Try to use ALL CAPS when you reference the tickers for your stocks(e.g. use HTM instead of Htm), then they will be more easily visible in your analysis and readers can immediately check out the stocks that also interest them.

                              I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

                              - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


                              • skiracer
                                Senior Member
                                • Dec 2004
                                • 6314

                                No problemo por favor.
                                THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR

