Skiracer's stock slopes

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  • peanuts
    Senior Member
    • Feb 2006
    • 3365

    Thanks for the great info, ski. Keep it up.

    I know what you mean about the stock talk (or lack thereof) to which you refer. I'll keep trying to do my little part to spread the word on the stocks and sectors which I am tracking and trading. I've given up the hope that I'll get many responses a long time ago... you helped me with that. But that doesn't mean I'm going to give up trying to help others by sharing the information that I gather and find helpful. is one of the best places to post your information. The audience may not be the biggest, but those who stick around are some of the brightest folks in the room. I'd rather talk to 20 geniuses than 2000 monkeys.

    In regards to the FED and the current monetary policy, I have come to the conclusion a few years back that the only true currency is God's currency... gold and silver. There are Biblical references to it, but I will not go on to quote scripture. I could preach all that I want about it, but some horses only drink when you lead them to the water, and not when you hold a bucket for them. Folks would do well to pick up a Bible instead of the remote.

    Fiat currencies have a very bad track record. But, then again, so do gold-based currencies. The differentiation is that fiat currencies are the offspring of bastardized gold-based currencies. i.e. Those that have strayed from the definitions of hard money.

    Keep up it the research. I'm going to enjoy it.
    Hide not your talents.
    They for use were made.
    What's a sundial in the shade?

    - Benjamin Franklin


    • mrmarket
      • Sep 2003
      • 5971

      This forum gets many more hits than posts. So lots of folks are reading - or at least looking - even though not as many are posting. Thanks to you guys for providing such great content.

      I have big plans for this site when I retire from the working world.

      I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

      - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


      • billyjoe
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2003
        • 9014

        Please tell me that Jesus mentioned "copper" at least once in his lifetime.



        • riverbabe
          Senior Member
          • May 2005
          • 3373

          Originally posted by mrmarket View Post
          This forum gets many more hits than posts. So lots of folks are reading - or at least looking - even though not as many are posting. Thanks to you guys for providing such great content.

          I have big plans for this site when I retire from the working world.
          I'm doing the best I can. Maybe biotechs aren't for everybody? Am I one of the "guys" above, Ernie? Please don't hurt my feelings and make me cry girlie tears...heh.


          • Karel
            • Sep 2003
            • 2199

            Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
            Please tell me that Jesus mentioned "copper" at least once in his lifetime.

            Aha, I should be able to answer that one. He did, at least once, see Matthew 10:9 (or the parallell text in Mark 6::
            "Provide neither gold, nor silver, nor brass in your purses"

            The word used for brass (Chalkos, ch as in Scottish "loch") also means copper.


            My Investopedia portfolio
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            • skiracer
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2004
              • 6314

              Originally posted by riverbabe View Post
              I'm doing the best I can. Maybe biotechs aren't for everybody? Am I one of the "guys" above, Ernie? Please don't hurt my feelings and make me cry girlie tears...heh.
              I'm sure Ernie was including you in his statement River. but you shouldn't limit yourself to just posts on biotechs which since you started your new thread seems to be the case. I for one know your abilities and capacities go much farther than that.

              you are unequivocally one of the best, if not the best, at searching and finding little known facts about everything. we're all lucky to just be around you to have the chance to let some of that quirky info rub off on us for the next time we are engaged in a Trivia Pursuit game.


              • skiracer
                Senior Member
                • Dec 2004
                • 6314

                NYB is worth a look right here. this is one of my favorites, if not my favorite, chart patterns and points to catch a stock.

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                Last edited by skiracer; 06-09-2010, 01:54 PM.


                • wooish
                  Senior Member
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 499


                  I like NYB's chart and it looks like it's about to breakout but I'm afraid the current market sentiment will prevent the breakout or keep it trading below $16 for a while. The DOW and S&P is getting weaker as the market approaches closing time, even with big Ben's koolaid, the market can barely holds its gain. With that being said, I think I can get NYB cheaper next week. However if you strongly feel that NYB will go up from here, I would suggest hedging it like I mentioned last week.


                  • skiracer
                    Senior Member
                    • Dec 2004
                    • 6314

                    Originally posted by wooish View Post

                    I like NYB's chart and it looks like it's about to breakout but I'm afraid the current market sentiment will prevent the breakout or keep it trading below $16 for a while. The DOW and S&P is getting weaker as the market approaches closing time, even with big Ben's koolaid, the market can barely holds its gain. With that being said, I think I can get NYB cheaper next week. However if you strongly feel that NYB will go up from here, I would suggest hedging it like I mentioned last week.
                    I am so disenchanted with this market. apparently there is no underlying strength in it. up in the a.m. and sells off in the p.m. i am almost sick and tired of watching it.


                    • wooish
                      Senior Member
                      • Dec 2008
                      • 499


                      Since you know the trend is down, why don't you take advantage of it. I've lost a lot of $$ in the past fighting the trend but I've recently learned to follow the trend. I'm holding alot of bullish plays but I also hedge it with lots of puts so I can sleep better at night.


                      • skiracer
                        Senior Member
                        • Dec 2004
                        • 6314

                        Originally posted by wooish View Post

                        Since you know the trend is down, why don't you take advantage of it. I've lost a lot of $$ in the past fighting the trend but I've recently learned to follow the trend. I'm holding alot of bullish plays but I also hedge it with lots of puts so I can sleep better at night.
                        i've been noticing a strange phenomenom of late where both sides of the options chain will be negative. I'm only holding one trade right now and that's the july 10 - $17 calls on NYB. I was thinking of hedging some off with the puts but neither side has been producing a positive side of late. I thought for sure the way it started off this a.m. that the markets were going to be up today and the same thing thing happened again. around 3 p.m. things reversed and the selloff came in to force a negative close. very perplexing. I've been on the losing side myself over the past 2-3 wks. both with nyb and pcln.


                        • wooish
                          Senior Member
                          • Dec 2008
                          • 499

                          With the way the DOW and S&P closes today I wouldn't be surprise that S&P will test 1040 again tomorrow morning. I bought some SPY June $107 puts at the close today, if 1040 breaches then it will go to 1029. I'm also short AIG


                          • wooish
                            Senior Member
                            • Dec 2008
                            • 499

                            Came across this article explaining today's action, I don't know what tomorrow will bring but the chart does look scary


                            • riverbabe
                              Senior Member
                              • May 2005
                              • 3373

                              Originally posted by wooish View Post
                              Came across this article explaining today's action, I don't know what tomorrow will bring but the chart does look scary

                              Very scary wooish. ouch. Sometimes I really wish hedge funds and computerized trading programs had never been invented.


                              • skiracer
                                Senior Member
                                • Dec 2004
                                • 6314

                                Originally posted by wooish View Post
                                Came across this article explaining today's action, I don't know what tomorrow will bring but the chart does look scary

                                i read the article and have to agree that the chart does make me anxious about what could happen here. but i don't agree with his rationale. here's a chart on the SPX weekly and my take on it. I am not going out and buying any long positions right now but there are plenty of good stocks that are cheap right now. were down 170 pts from the 1255 recent highs so any upward movement would help and getting back to around the 20 ema at 1116 would put things right back into the ballgame. I think we get a boucne today but if we do and it doesn't hold the intraday highs at the close then we could be in deep shit.

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