Skiracer's stock slopes

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  • skiracer
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2004
    • 6314

    I'm looking at SNTS real close this morning. I like that it appears to be forming what I think is a double bottom base, the second bottom should be a little lower than the first bottom, but it's not in this case but I still like the pattern here enough to make the trade. This is how I see it to the long side. It appears after yesterdays reversal at the 7.50 level that the stock is ready to move further up in forming it's right side of the cup. An entry at 7.85 and a stop at 7.25 offer a 7% stop loss point of .60 which is 600 on a 1000 shares etc.. The upside target is 9 which is 1.15 from the 7.85 entry or 14.6 %. That is 2/1 risk ratio which I might try but I like it better if I lessened the stop to 7.50 which is .35 or 4.5 %. This changes the risk ratio to 3.24 to 1. That's 600 to make 1800 or a little more as I think the stock could go to 9.50 from here short term. I'm looking for an entry this morning at around 7.85. Take a look at the daily chart and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about. See if you agree or not with the play.

    I'm in SNTS long at 7.84
    Last edited by skiracer; 11-08-2006, 11:13 AM.


    • skiracer
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2004
      • 6314

      I'm in SNTS long at 7.84. Stop set at 7.50.
      Last edited by skiracer; 11-08-2006, 11:46 AM.


      • Websman
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2004
        • 5545

        Originally posted by skiracer View Post
        I don't think gaseous waste will offend anyone. Good point about the market being Republican. I think it takes on the slant of the party running the show. This will now be interesting as it will definitely affect Bush's power base don't you think.
        Looks like George just ain't as popular as he used to be.

        But the Republicans won out in Florida and elected Charlie Crist as Governor...and he's gay....and, in the past, he voted against gay marriage. I'm confused.


        • skiracer
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2004
          • 6314

          Originally posted by Websman View Post
          Looks like George just ain't as popular as he used to be.

          But the Republicans won out in Florida and elected Charlie Crist as Governor...and he's gay....and, in the past, he voted against gay marriage. I'm confused.
          I'm confused myself Webs. Are we in sorry shape in this country with our leadership in Washington and everything else?


          • skiracer
            Senior Member
            • Dec 2004
            • 6314

            I entered MED this afternoon at 9.04. They're reporting earning on Nov. 14 next Tuesday. I've spoken with the financial officer and the info officer over the last month and they are estatic with the company sales results and dietary programs. I have a feeling that they are going to blow earnings consensus out of the water. There has been decent institutional buying over the last few months.
            This trade is based strictly on my gut feeling about the company and some investigative fundamental research I have been looking at.


            • Websman
              Senior Member
              • Apr 2004
              • 5545

              Originally posted by skiracer View Post
              I entered MED this afternoon at 9.04. They're reporting earning on Nov. 14 next Tuesday. I've spoken with the financial officer and the info officer over the last month and they are estatic with the company sales results and dietary programs. I have a feeling that they are going to blow earnings consensus out of the water. There has been decent institutional buying over the last few months.
              This trade is based strictly on my gut feeling about the company and some investigative fundamental research I have been looking at.
              Sounds like a gamble to me...but I like to gamble. I may decide to roll the dice myself.

              I checked the chart and liked what I saw, plus there's a big gap that's just begging to be filled. MED looks like a good bet.
              Last edited by Websman; 11-08-2006, 05:44 PM.


              • Originally posted by skiracer View Post
                I entered MED this afternoon at 9.04. They're reporting earning on Nov. 14 next Tuesday. I've spoken with the financial officer and the info officer over the last month and they are estatic with the company sales results and dietary programs. I have a feeling that they are going to blow earnings consensus out of the water. There has been decent institutional buying over the last few months.
                This trade is based strictly on my gut feeling about the company and some investigative fundamental research I have been looking at.
                'preciate that heads up Ski..


                • Originally posted by Websman View Post
                  Looks like George just ain't as popular as he used to be.

                  But the Republicans won out in Florida and elected Charlie Crist as Governor...and he's gay....and, in the past, he voted against gay marriage. I'm confused.
                  well, I've come to the conclusion that all politicians (except those from Maine) are scum bags and will say absolutely anything to get elected. For instance, the repubs campaigned hard on their opposition to gay marriage, while most of their staff are gay. They don't really hate gays and many of them are gay, but they just know that their base hates gays so they pander to them in hopes of getting elected or re-elected. I'm sure there are equal examples on the dumocrat side but I can't think of any right off the bat.


                  • Websman
                    Senior Member
                    • Apr 2004
                    • 5545

                    Originally posted by Tatnic View Post
                    well, I've come to the conclusion that all politicians (except those from Maine) are scum bags and will say absolutely anything to get elected. For instance, the repubs campaigned hard on their opposition to gay marriage, while most of their staff are gay. They don't really hate gays and many of them are gay, but they just know that their base hates gays so they pander to them in hopes of getting elected or re-elected. I'm sure there are equal examples on the dumocrat side but I can't think of any right off the bat.
                    Elton John is gay. Is he a Democrat or Republican?


                    • skiracer
                      Senior Member
                      • Dec 2004
                      • 6314

                      Originally posted by Websman View Post
                      Elton John is gay. Is he a Democrat or Republican?
                      Personally I've had it up to my ears with all of them in Washington. You are absolutely right about them pandering to their constituents just to appease them. They could care less about what is best suited for all of us or the best road to take for the country. It is out of hand and we are a bunch of lemmings following the pied piper. We have yet to come to the understanding that we do have the power in our voices and our votes. We just have to learn to exercise it to our benefit. What have they done that anyone can think of that has been of some benefit to the citizens of this country. They create war for their own gain. They pad their own salaries with paragraphs in the remotest sections of bills that they tell us we need and that will benefit us while their benefits, salaries, and pensions grow enormously and we get cake. We have people running the government who are propositioning young boys and actually thinking they can get away with it. Where is that mentallity coming from. And then those same people have a say in governing us and dictating how we are going to raise our kids and what we are going to pay in taxes. I say tell them all to shove it. We need some leaders with the moral strength and convictions that this country was founded on and grew on. Otherwise we are doomed to falling by the wayside and losing everything that we have fought and died for over the last three centuries. There is nothing wrong with wanting to preserve our basic beliefs and traditions and what this country was built on. One day we are going to wake up and realize that we aren't speaking English here anymore. For whose benefit did that take place. Not for the people that make up the backbone of America. This country belongs to the people and we are the people. We keep listening to and following the directions of leaders that can't pour piss out of a boot as far as I'm concerned. We need our heads examined.


                      • IIC
                        Senior Member
                        • Nov 2003
                        • 14938

                        Originally posted by Websman View Post
                        Elton John is gay. Is he a Democrat or Republican?

                        I think he's a Fiddlehead
                        "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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                        • IIC
                          Senior Member
                          • Nov 2003
                          • 14938

                          Originally posted by skiracer View Post
                          Personally I've had it up to my ears with all of them in Washington. You are absolutely right about them pandering to their constituents just to appease them. They could care less about what is best suited for all of us or the best road to take for the country. It is out of hand and we are a bunch of lemmings following the pied piper. We have yet to come to the understanding that we do have the power in our voices and our votes. We just have to learn to exercise it to our benefit. What have they done that anyone can think of that has been of some benefit to the citizens of this country. They create war for their own gain. They pad their own salaries with paragraphs in the remotest sections of bills that they tell us we need and that will benefit us while their benefits, salaries, and pensions grow enormously and we get cake. We have people running the government who are propositioning young boys and actually thinking they can get away with it. Where is that mentallity coming from. And then those same people have a say in governing us and dictating how we are going to raise our kids and what we are going to pay in taxes. I say tell them all to shove it. We need some leaders with the moral strength and convictions that this country was founded on and grew on. Otherwise we are doomed to falling by the wayside and losing everything that we have fought and died for over the last three centuries. There is nothing wrong with wanting to preserve our basic beliefs and traditions and what this country was built on. One day we are going to wake up and realize that we aren't speaking English here anymore. For whose benefit did that take place. Not for the people that make up the backbone of America. This country belongs to the people and we are the people. We keep listening to and following the directions of leaders that can't pour piss out of a boot as far as I'm concerned. We need our heads examined.

                          There's nothing to stop you or anyone else from getting into politics...I agree that there are a lot of crooked or ignorant politicians...But who put them in office?

                          We may not have the absolute best system...but it is the best there is...Why do you think there is a waiting list of people wanting to come to America from every country in the world...?...IIC
                          "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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                          • skiracer
                            Senior Member
                            • Dec 2004
                            • 6314

                            Originally posted by IIC View Post
                            I think he's a Fiddlehead
                            Like Barney Frank in Mass. Would you follow this guys lead into battle, a fire fight, or any life threatening situation. We are in life threatening times and these are the people we elect to lead us. We only have ourselves to blame for our leaders. We vote them in. Now all of a sudden Bush gets rid of Rumsfeld, and don't think for a minute that Rumsfeld resigned, and everything is supposed to be ok. The worst time to change leadership is in the middle of the battle, although Rumsfeld is an egotist and an idiot, and our top leader does just that like it is supposed to make us feel more secure and that everything is ok. For the last six months he has been saying that he will stay the course with his choices and people and one day after losing the majority in congress he dumps the one guy who shares the responsibility of getting us into this mess. That is definitely not a confidence builder. The more I look at Bush and listen to his dialogue the more I realize that he is Alfred E. Neuman not just in looks but in mentallity. Not saying that the Dems are any better because they are not. I want someone who is going to instill some confidence in me with his actions and planning. I haven't seen that in a long long time.
                            THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR


                            • Websman
                              Senior Member
                              • Apr 2004
                              • 5545

                              Originally posted by skiracer View Post
                              One day we are going to wake up and realize that we aren't speaking English here anymore.
                              Hola Ski,

                              Un día vamos a despertar y a realizar que no estamos hablando inglés aquí más.


                              • skiracer
                                Senior Member
                                • Dec 2004
                                • 6314

                                Other than myself there wasn't much trading going on today with any of the portfolios. I bought SNTS & MED today. Couldn't stand being 100 % in cash. Here's today's sheet:

                                THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR

