Originally posted by billyjoe
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Crossovers are important to me as it is a strong signal when the 20, which normally will be tracking above it's 50, crosses and drops below it's 50. Moving averages are strong lines of support or resistance and when one crosses over the other it's a big thing for me. When the 50 is tracking below it's 20 and the 20 turns down and drops below that line of support at it's 50 I take that as a strong signal that the stock is weakening and any entry to the long side wouldn't be prudent at that time. And visa versa. When the 20 has been tracking below it's 50 and turns up and crosses back over it's 50 that to me is a stronger indication that entry to the long side is your best bet and the "edge" is certainly in your favor. The best part about using the moving averages as indicators is that you can watch and see the movement long before any actual crossover takes place and can thus anticipate "a developing trend" and time your trade/entry for that moment that best suits your discipline.
I like that moment when I have been watching a stock begin a move up from a point where it's 20 has been tracking below it's 50 and after watching it for a week or two (and sometimes longer) it gets right up to it's 50, remember this line is a strong line of resistance to break thru, and knowing that it has been trending up for a couple of weeks, watch it break thru that line. To me that is a perfect time for entry and especially if the market in general has been in and uptrend itself. Being early doesn't bother me at all knowing that the most I am going to lose is my standard 7% stoploss or less in some cases.
Sometimes that line of resistance will stop a stocks advance and deny it's crossing over the line. Many times you will see a stock try 2 or 3 times to breach that resistance and be denied. Each time this happens it only supports my feelings that the stock is strengthening and that the "odds" are increasing that it will make a successful breach of that line. I have made numerous trades where my timing has been wrong or early and I have had to exit at my stoploss point but in the end see the stock make a successful crossover and go on to make up the nominal losses and and much more. The stop loss is your only and strongest defense.