Cashmaker's hot stocks and trading

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  • #31
    Hope you guys like this post. Sorry about the "pump and dump" post before. Will post this style in the future. Will post AIRT analysis soon.


    • jiesen
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2003
      • 5320

      hey cash,

      good work on the NGPS info. keep it coming. I especially like the improved format. much better to have info and analysis than just unsubstantiated suggestions to buy or sell a certain stock.


      • #33
        Nice work on NGPS


        Great write-up on NGPS.. I love reading FA and TA on a stock. It seems like some fall too much in love with one or the other. Keep up the good work !!

        By the way do you trade/invest full time? It seems like you do put a lot of time into your research.

        Keep up the good work..



        • #34
          I'd be more impressed if you had been around to tell me that it was my "last chance" to get into SNHY at 21.19 on 3/17

          Seriously, you post good stuff, and welcome.


          • scifos
            Senior Member
            • Jan 2004
            • 790

            hmmm, good stuff cashmaker.
            Buy Low
            Sell High
            STAY FROSTY!


            • Websman
              Senior Member
              • Apr 2004
              • 5545

              Great writeup Cash!


              • spikefader
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2004
                • 7175

                Cash, I agree. Good change of style. Nice write up. Looking forward to more of the same. :thumbup:

                NGPS needs a little more technical push to break the channel short, and if it can do it, and get north of 25.20 it's clear sailing.


                • skiracer
                  Senior Member
                  • Dec 2004
                  • 6314

                  I don't understand the love affair with NGPS. Could you explain what you see as the technical basis for the long play.
                  The only thing that I see is that it does look as if it has bottomed out an could be turning up on the right side of it's cup.
                  This formation is one of my favorites to catch just at this time as it bottoms and turns up at this point in it's base. The early bird gets most of the worm and NGPS looks like it could be a play for that right now. I would be interested in an explanation of what you see please.
                  Anyway as Spikefader states that if it can get above 25.50 or so it would be clear sailing. That would be a 4.75 point gain from here an I would love to have some part of that plus anything I could get above the 25.50 point. The thing is I just don't see anything technical or fundamental to base taking the position on other than what I have mentiond about the right side of it's cup.


                  • #39
                    Some thought about NGPS

                    Some thought about NGPS
                    FA: don't need me to explain it again: one word--great!

                    TA: These two weeks uptrend from the end of Mar to today, its graphic established a Cup curve. According to the wave theory, this is a pop out signal. Also today's low volume give me some release, not showing block sell off.

                    The only one concern is when CMC finishing their 895K shares? Many peopel from thelion memtion that CMC already dumped their 895K on 4/1 and 4/4. On Yahoo, some people said EDGAR reported a FORM 144 to SEC for their 895K sold. Since I do not have EDGAR access, I can not confirm this. I know you guys don't like "rumor", this just for reference. Need to consider its probabbility, when you know the truth, it is too late.

                    Many investors already paid attention to this good stock, but worry about the CMC selling again. If people know CMC done, will rush in and push to pirce to $30. My comment is that: it is very likely that CMC done their sell, observed from 4/1 and 4/4 total volume close to 5M. I remember clearly these two day's trading somebody sold a lot of shares becasue of everytime the price went up to >22, it met strong sell presure. Hope CMC finished its sell off (although I mentioned that CMC might keep this 895K for partnership. Just my guess).

                    The 50M support point is close to today's close price, on 20.5 today we can easily see large buy order to support it. The downside for this stock is small and the upside is huge.

                    Hope it will do great tomorrow. I still keep my target: short term $25 and midterm $30


                    • IIC
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2003
                      • 14938

                      Thank you for concentrating your posts on one thread...makes it easier for me to follow you. Anyway, maybe I missed it...But why do you post the Disclaimer?

                      I could see it if you had a site we were visiting...But on a board like this I think it is common knowledge, even from a legal standpoint, that everything, unless it is a quote, is just the author's opinion. Just Curious.

                      BTW...Interesting write ups...Thanks, Doug(IIC)
                      "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

                      Find Tomorrow's Winners At

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                      • jiesen
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2003
                        • 5320

                        Originally posted by cashmaker
                        The only one concern is when CMC finishing their 895K shares? Many peopel from thelion memtion that CMC already dumped their 895K on 4/1 and 4/4. On Yahoo, some people said EDGAR reported a FORM 144 to SEC for their 895K sold. Since I do not have EDGAR access, I can not confirm this. I know you guys don't like "rumor", this just for reference. Need to consider its probabbility, when you know the truth, it is too late.
                        You don't need EDGAR access to view the filings, as they are available at

                        There are no filings for NGPS from 4/1-4/4. CMC last filed on 3/18/05.
                        That was the report of a sale of about 400,000 shares, leaving them with 895,400 shares, which is a 10.9% interest in NGPS.


                        • #42
                          Any expert here using Elliot Wave theory's Cup and handle?

                          And compare to NGPS 3 month chart,

                          Any suggestion?


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by jiesen
                            You don't need EDGAR access to view the filings, as they are available at

                            There are no filings for NGPS from 4/1-4/4. CMC last filed on 3/18/05.
                            That was the report of a sale of about 400,000 shares, leaving them with 895,400 shares, which is a 10.9% interest in NGPS.
                            According to what I know is a major holder should file to SEC the 13G the day before they selling the shares on open market, am I right? If this is the case, then CMC still holding the 800K in hand, otherwise it should show on the website you mentioned above. I also pointed out that the sell is not confirmed, and I doubt it. Thanks Jiesen.


                            • #44


                              • #45
                                NGPS been heavily shorted.

                                From the volume since last Tuesday (the day that started down side), there has been 6M shared trade, over 50% shares be shorted. I am sure this is not a company that the shorter can bring the price down (CMC did not short). Solid business, with many potential contracts going, has worldwide business, has high growth rate and high ROE. Its priced tanked from $22.95 last week is due to the shorted and CMC sell off fear. But I can tell you, CMC will not sell the 800K shares (at least recently). Take a look at CMC's press and Novatel's press, these two companies are partner in many projects and products. CMC believe NGPS is a leading company in GPS products in the future (from CMC's previous press). If I were CMC, won't sell the current holding shares, two reasons: 1. not much marginal profit compared the 400M already profit. 2. To keep the business relationship with NGPS, be a major holding investor is a good choice.

                                Do not think thoese shorter can bash a good company down to too much undervalue. Why they don't do this to Walmart or IBM? Becasue the floating is too huge. The only reason shorter can do this to NGPS becasue its low 3.5M shares. But this short can not hold long, any contract news or upgraded news come out or whatever, the shorter will cover and the price will fly to the roof. I believe those who short this stock are watching this stock second by second, worry about any triger that bumps it up.

                                Once again, I am not pumping this stock, if I want to pump, why not pick a homeland security samll stock to pump. I just share my analysis about the company's background and future. YMYD

