RiverBabe's Baby Biotechs

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  • Phoenix7
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2011
    • 3663

    River re amrn

    Originally posted by riverbabe View Post
    Very interesting! I'm down a bundle in this. The latest non-final rejection from the patent office on ANCHOR doesn't look good. I'm very very tempted to take a better look at this patent prosecution. Beginning to think they need another pair of experienced eyes to find the key point for patentability. Now, if they could only afford me...wait, wait, I could get paid if I'm successful and my stock goes green.
    Just my 2 Cents , but my program notes the the Long Term & Short Term trend is DOWN for AMRN and future prospects look dismal. Of course anything can happen ,but the program also issues a SELL rating fror AMRN. Take it for what it is worth.........Take Care Phoenix7


    • riverbabe
      Senior Member
      • May 2005
      • 3373

      Originally posted by Phoenix7 View Post
      Just my 2 Cents , but my program notes the the Long Term & Short Term trend is DOWN for AMRN and future prospects look dismal. Of course anything can happen ,but the program also issues a SELL rating fror AMRN. Take it for what it is worth.........Take Care Phoenix7
      Oh yes! It's been a rumored takeover candidate this year, and now 2012. I hate to capitulate if there is any chance I might lessen the loss. I totally appreciate your info. It's only a matter of making the best of a bad trade.


      • em26jamie
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 137

        Do takeover rumors ever really come to fruition?


        • Louetta
          Senior Member
          • Oct 2003
          • 2331

          Originally posted by em26jamie View Post
          Do takeover rumors ever really come to fruition?
          ANDS did a month ago. AMRN might more likely benefit from a patent approval or positive results from the FDA on their NDA for AMR101. If I were a takeover person I'd feel better after those events tho the price is a lot better right now.

          I have this bias toward what Orbimed does. Their 3rd quarter filing with the SEC showed they initiated positions in TEVA PTX DNDN ECYT and GRFS. The positions in the first two are 2-3 times those of the others. I found all of them interesting. Must admit I never heard of PTX. DNDN was an interesting choice at this time I thought.


          • billyjoe
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2003
            • 9014

            It looks like KMR's dividend is below 3.5%. Please make another pick.



            • billyjoe
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2003
              • 9014

              This is off the Biotech subject but I'd like your current take on GMCR and SBUX. Mrs. Billy had a bunch of the girls over last night. I disappeared upstairs to watch the football game. after everyone cleared out I asked Beth if they drank wine, pop, or whatever. Turns out they sat around drinking coffee from the Keurig machine our younger son gave her for Christmas. I suspect some Bailey's Irish Cream was added. We've got a big tub of various K cups and they were a big hit. Is coffee still the next big thing?



              • riverbabe
                Senior Member
                • May 2005
                • 3373

                Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
                This is off the Biotech subject but I'd like your current take on GMCR and SBUX. Mrs. Billy had a bunch of the girls over last night. I disappeared upstairs to watch the football game. after everyone cleared out I asked Beth if they drank wine, pop, or whatever. Turns out they sat around drinking coffee from the Keurig machine our younger son gave her for Christmas. I suspect some Bailey's Irish Cream was added. We've got a big tub of various K cups and they were a big hit. Is coffee still the next big thing?

                Keurig is sure gaining popularity as a great way to make coffee and give a variety of taste choices. But is it the "next big thing?"

                The GMCR daily chart shows an attempt to break out of a volatility squeeze, but without conviction at this point; the weekly showing an attempt to break through the 50 sdma. They report Feb. 1st. If it does break out with high volume, it may have a good run (market permitting). Personally I am cautious. But a short term trade on an upward move on big volume might be a possibility.

                SBUX getting tepid reviews on its new "blonde" flavors. SBUX daily showing some consolidation after a nice upward trend. The weekly showing a couple of dojis and indecision. Again I'm cautious. In general, I prefer GMCR to SBUX because there is more variety and probably more room to grow. My gurus are saying we may get a market up condition for a few weeks, but with negative divergences. And so it goes...

                But I love my Keurig coffee maker, that I've enjoyed for four years now without regret! My favorites are Nantucket Blend, Donut Shop, Caribou and anything Kona roast. Got a Raspberry flavored boxful for Christmas that, even though I'm not big on flavored coffee, am looking forward to trying.


                • tiedyed1
                  Senior Member
                  • Jun 2009
                  • 599

                  CRIS news?

                  Originally posted by riverbabe View Post
                  This is the latest on the live blog (see below) on CRIS! Sounds goods!
                  adam feuerstein: last presentation on GDC-0449 from Curis. (hey! it's a small cap bio, so pay attention!!!)
                  Saturday June 5, 2010 10:50 adam feuerstein

                  10:51 adam feuerstein: first report on activity of GDC-0449 in patients with medulloblastoma (the most common brain tumor in children)
                  Saturday June 5, 2010 10:51 adam feuerstein

                  10:51 adam feuerstein: about 400 kids in the U.S. are diagnosed iwth medulloblastoma each year
                  Saturday June 5, 2010 10:51 adam feuerstein

                  10:53 adam feuerstein: Small, phase I study show encouraging activity. 12/13 children with recurrent or drug-resistant medulloblastoma tolerated drug well without significant side effects. one patients remained on drug for more than a year without disease progression - very atypical in this disease.
                  Saturday June 5, 2010 10:53 adam feuerstein

                  10:55 adam feuerstein: Will be interesting to see if Curis sees some action monday based on these data. Recall, Curis is partnered with Roche/Genentech. GDC-0449 is also being studied in other tumor types.

                  Hi River;

                  It has been some time since I asked you about CRIS and it has been very good to me this past 6 months. It has a nice pop >5 today but I do not see any news and wondering if you see anything that would spark this latest move.

                  Your opinion is truly appreciated; -Adam


                  • riverbabe
                    Senior Member
                    • May 2005
                    • 3373

                    Originally posted by tiedyed1 View Post
                    Hi River;

                    It has been some time since I asked you about CRIS and it has been very good to me this past 6 months. It has a nice pop >5 today but I do not see any news and wondering if you see anything that would spark this latest move.

                    Your opinion is truly appreciated; -Adam
                    I found this from today: http://investors.curis.com/releasede...leaseID=642322
                    and this:

                    Roche(RHHBY) and Curis(CRIS_)
                    Drug/indication: Vismodegib for advanced basal cell carcinoma.
                    Approval decision date: March 8, 2012.

                    GL with it!


                    • riverbabe
                      Senior Member
                      • May 2005
                      • 3373


                      Tie, Early approval. Hope you sold high.

                      $CRIS tanking.... $4.71. Dont worry everyone, Im sure @SheffStation sold at the high.

                      4 minutes ago FavoriteRetweetReply


                      $CRIS only up 6% on FDA Approval... so far...

                      11 minutes ago

                      adamfeuersteinAdam Feuerstein

                      $CRIS -- the FDA announcement re vismodegib approval. Early!! --> http://1.usa.gov/wwcv1k

                      14 minutes ago FavoriteRetweetReply

                      adamfeuersteinAdam Feuerstein

                      Roche and $CRIS -- FDA approves vismodegib for basal cell carcinoma, reports StreetAccount


                      • riverbabe
                        Senior Member
                        • May 2005
                        • 3373

                        Cris 11:32AM


                        $CRIS FDA Approval just hit the wires... slow non-twitter based market now reacting.


                        • tiedyed1
                          Senior Member
                          • Jun 2009
                          • 599

                          Originally posted by riverbabe View Post

                          $CRIS FDA Approval just hit the wires... slow non-twitter based market now reacting.
                          I sold last week and considering whether this is a new entry point...


                          • Louetta
                            Senior Member
                            • Oct 2003
                            • 2331

                            Originally posted by riverbabe View Post

                            $CRIS FDA Approval just hit the wires... slow non-twitter based market now reacting.
                            Thinking of the old adage it's better to remain silent and be thought stupid than to speak and remove all doubt I'll ask why is CRIS down?


                            • tiedyed1
                              Senior Member
                              • Jun 2009
                              • 599

                              Originally posted by Louetta View Post
                              Thinking of the old adage it's better to remain silent and be thought stupid than to speak and remove all doubt I'll ask why is CRIS down?
                              I am very confused about the movements on CRIS today. Before I knew of any news I was thinking market makers were playing games and the huge volume was scare tactics.

                              With that type of news, 'sell on the news' does not make sense to me either!


                              • riverbabe
                                Senior Member
                                • May 2005
                                • 3373

                                Apparently nobody knows: (start at bottom)

                                davidmarisDavid Maris
                                adamfeuerstein $CRIS +10% in the past 5 days before announcement vs. a flat market - pops on the announcement, then sells off #interesting

                                adamfeuersteinAdam Feuerstein

                                Roche struck early licensing deals w. $CRIS and $IMGN when both were young and kinda desperate -- only pay out small royalty streams.

                                20 hours ago FavoriteRetweetReply


                                Why $CRIS is selling off? $10M milestone and "a low-to-mid single digit royalty." $377M Mkt Cap on this stock...

                                To be precise $CRIS gets "a low-to-mid single digit royalty." How much is 3% of even the biggest blockbuster one could think of? NOT MUCH

                                21 hours ago FavoriteRetweetReply


                                $CRIS only gets single digit royalties.

                                21 hours ago


                                $CRIS everybody and their dog was in, hence the drop.

                                21 hours ago FavoriteRetweetReply


                                $CRIS tanking.... $4.71. Dont worry everyone, Im sure @SheffStation sold at the high.

                                21 hours ago

                                sharkbiotechDan Rosenblum

                                $CRIS panic sell the news rearing its ugly head

                                21 hours ago

