Originally posted by riverbabe
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The Babe's Trades
Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
Originally posted by sixfeetfour View PostCongratulations! Your recent success with Zacks recommendations is making me consider a subscription.
I talked to them yesterday because the free sub is done on the 28th. Except for the Premium (access to the #1 to #5 ratings and daily email portfolio newsletter) their subs are pretty expensive. Premium is $199 per year. The Ultimate (reg. $270/month, but right now on sale for $2400 /year up front) contains Premium and all the recommendations from all the portfolios and quick email alerts when they recommend buying or selling individual stocks. You really have to be on top of these alerts because otherwise you have to chase them. It takes commitment, actually.
I think you've been trading long enough to know what kind of trader you are. I finally figured out that I am definitely most comfortable as a short term trader (days, weeks, up to 3 months). In my trading life I have done everything - day trading, bull & bear 3X ETF's, playing gap filling, shorting, divis, long term holds, options (easy ones -- my brain doesn't wrap around these well). But short term is my strength and I don't do as well with the others.
So, I priced out the ones I've been using the most: FTM (follow the money -- based on institutional SEC filings); Whisper Trader (exciting surprises); Home Run Trader. Respectively, they are on sale now for $1495 (reg. $1995), $1495 (reg. $1995), and $300 per year upfront. He said FTM is by far everybody's favorite.
They also have recommendations for all kinds of traders, including divis, options, value investing, breakouts, ETFs, etc. They are all in Ultimate, but I doubt I'll be using them.
It looks like the on-sale Ultimate is my best bet right now. This afternoon I'm going to do a spreadsheet for my Zacks trades to see if I can justify this chunk of change.
It sure was worth the free 30 days! I didn't trade all their recommendations, just the ones my gut said yes to.
Barb/RiverbabeLast edited by riverbabe; 02-22-2014, 10:55 AM.
Forgot to mention, I didn't wait for their sell recommendations ("take your profits now!"). I had set up sell limits based on some target prices I found, just so I had an idea where I was going. Won't do that again. Two of them triggered too early. With RTRX yesterday, I saw all that green sitting on the table and my reaction was PROTECT that! It wasn't their sell rec. (for better or for worse)
Barb -
Thanks for the great write-up concerning your current evaluation on whether or not you will pursue the Zacks ultimate subscription. I definitely appreciate the insight. I am still deciphering on my subscription service as well. Right now I am thinking of signing up for the Zack's premium for $199. Somehow this seems like just dipping the toes in the water rather than a full commitment to obtain a wider wealth of information. Maybe the Ultimate is the way to go? Based on my total cash portfolio, $1,495 is quite a bit of my total funds to trade. However, if it helps achieve my goal to double my portfolio in a year then it is worth it.
I think I will try the 30-day subscription as you have and then re-evaluate.
I agree with other items that you have stated. Take your profits based on your own sell triggers rather than theirs. And only purchase the ones where I have done some of my own due diligence about the purchase. I'll let you know what I pursue. I will probably take another week or two to evaluate further.
Originally posted by billyjoe View PostRiver, How about if we commiserate over not buying STRT over a 12 pack of Burning River Beer ? We might be able to start melting the Rocky River with our tears if not the Cuyahoga.