RSAS weakness showing
Spike's Scientific Stock Analysis
Originally posted by WebsmanI will take no more than a 5% loss. If it goes that far, there's no need in holding. After that it'll go down like a French Wh...uh...I mean a sinking ship.
Originally posted by dmk112Yea spike, that's what I meant
When buying at pivot, S2 is a good stop?
Well, I wouldn't recommend a mandatory stop like that. You want a stop that is both logical as far as support, and within your % risk exposure. If it's got a huge % down to S2, then you don't want it. Any stop over 4% is unwise in my opinion. I love sub-1% stops, since it really makes a difference. Sure, it's a lot of work and patience and frustration at times, but it makes financial sense. If you're looking to develop stop technique, then throw some charts up and I'll comment on where I'd put them.
Originally posted by dmk112I must have bought your shares cause after I bought I saw your post..LOL...and I'm pissed Scottrade didn't put my stop limit order through at 8.50. Not sure what's up with that. I'm trying to get out now on a bounce hopefully...looks like it was a bad buy
Originally posted by dmk112RE EZPW: Entry trigger?
Originally posted by spikefaderThe C failure and the weekly channel short was the setup. The trigger (since I missed the best entry at the 5th completion, I was waiting for strength to short into. It came in the form of a little 1 minute gap fill with immediate weakness and indecision. Looks like I got a good entry there
Spike, I mean on the intra day, do you look to short at R1, etc?
Thanks so much, Spike. I bailed on your command. (smile)
no problemo on not being at my beck and call. It would be nice having you at the other end of my string and tin can, but that would be selfish of me.
As for this stock, it looks to be setting up for a hanged man today.
As for the weekly channel long, i'm a little confused. When I did the 6 mo, daily on stock charts , yesterdays action expanded the descending line. ??
m"Whatever you can do or dream you can , begin it. Boldness has genius,power and magic in it." Goethe
can you comment on CULS...Remember a few days ago it hit that pivot nicely @ 10.80 or so, but has been falling since. What do you think here as a pull back buy?
ezpw candlesticks
Well i'll be dipped! I checked the candlesticks on Stockcharts and they are the exact opposite. A hanged man presented as a shooting star. I've checked and rechecked and it's not my eyes. Anybody else who has Scottrade notice the difference??"Whatever you can do or dream you can , begin it. Boldness has genius,power and magic in it." Goethe