Spike's Scientific Stock Analysis

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  • mystiky
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2004
    • 333

    Any updates to SGR?

    Spike, few days ago I asked you about SGR to which you gave me a great detailed reply.

    Today's action (gap-up and reversal) seems to have come on large volume. Do you have any updates on the DAILY charts for SGR?

    I am trying to figure out if 22.75 area is support or 22.

    Thanks again!

    Originally posted by spikefader
    Here are the weekly thoughts for SGR.

    Daily chart: also still an expanding short today. BUT; there's a clear broadening triangle formation over the last 6 months, so the play is let it break out and sit in ambush for a correction back to support. That way you avoid holding the bag on a failed breakout/triple top. If it's truly a valid broadening pattern, it will correct, and there will be an ideal smart time to enter, whether it's at price support or channel support, or aggressive time to take it long on a channel turn up later. This one is definately worth following, and give a heads up if I fail to post the correction after the breakout.


    • spikefader
      Senior Member
      • Apr 2004
      • 7175

      @runner: thanks.

      @noshady: backatcha ELN is still bullish bias as I see it. The last signal for a trade was the channel turn up and I bidded low for a couple days but it didn't come back for me and I took my eye off it this week. Sounds like you'd be better off straddling something more comfortable hehe

      But seriously, are you meaning you're straddling with options and stock combination or just figuratively speaking 'on the fence' or you have a position long? It sure isn't the best chart out there right now. There's plenty of movers and shakers and comfy rides ELN is like a thorn in my side of late. I just wish it would get on with it and bust the resistance if its going to! And not sell off straight away.

      Point and Figure pattern is bullish with a $14.50 target after a bullish triple top breakout last month.

      @Thomrich, AAPL Sept calls; yep a gamble play. I wouldn't trade the out of money Sept options now. I'd still trade in the money for a daytrade, but that's it. Out of money in the last week is pretty tricky to profit from in my experience, and is the risk really going to be worth the reward?

      EENC: expanding channel short today (no intraday pattern to confirm). Maybe a runaway, so I'll be watching.

      @ mystiky; I'd say 22.75.


      • noshadyldy
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2003
        • 539

        spikefader vbmenu_register("postmenu_26494", true);
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        Join Date: Apr 2004
        Posts: 3,099

        @runner: thanks.

        @noshady: backatcha ELN is still bullish bias as I see it. The last signal for a trade was the channel turn up and I bidded low for a couple days but it didn't come back for me and I took my eye off it this week. Sounds like you'd be better off straddling something more comfortable hehe

        But seriously, are you meaning you're straddling with options and stock combination or just figuratively speaking 'on the fence' or you have a position long? It sure isn't the best chart out there right now. There's plenty of movers and shakers and comfy rides

        Thanks Spike! (now you have me ever so pleasantly wondering why they call you "spike")
        "Whatever you can do or dream you can , begin it. Boldness has genius,power and magic in it." Goethe


        • mystiky
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2004
          • 333

          SGR did not hold

          @ mystiky; I'd say 22.75.



          Looks like the charts did not work this time around.... as I am typing, SGR is trading at 21.90 - below what both of us tought would be support level(s).

          O well.... on to the next security....


          • spikefader
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2004
            • 7175

            Originally posted by spikefader
            Dow futes swing long: was filled a little while ago at 10715. High expectations, but will stick to a 30 point stop.
            Stopped out this morning and back to stalking another entry. Still bullish and see bargains out there today. Vector isn't threatening to roll over bearish yet.


            • tokyojoeskid
              No Posting allowed; invalid email
              • Oct 2003
              • 222

              sndk jan 06 call

              Spike can I get your reading on SNDK, I think if it blows past 42.5 it gonna really fly. The volume today looks great. I am thinking of buying some Jan 06 50 calls



              • spikefader
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2004
                • 7175

                Originally posted by mystiky
                Looks like the charts did not work this time around.... as I am typing, SGR is trading at 21.90 - below what both of us thought would be support level(s). O well.... on to the next security....
                Hold your horses heh 22.75 was a good place to start looking for intraday confirmation. An intraday chart shows inverted SHS and neckline break at 21.95. There is your play right there with a stop under lod or 4% or anywhere in-between that fits your risk profile, and target (broadening formation) $28.85, so that's 31% profit target risking 1.15% if stop under lod, which is r/r of 27 or sumfin Exquisite like that

                And a few words on 'charts did not work'.......that is one way to look at it, but for me it's not a matter of a chart 'working' or not working. It might be more accurate to say it 's the plan that works or doesn't work. But if you want to get technical, in fact, if one has a plan and follows it, it's always going to work - whether it's for a loss or a gain. Plans always work. They may not work out profitable, but they work. Now if you add money to the equation it gets more complex because emotion is in there. Did a plan that was unprofitable really work? Well, it didn't work to increase your money, but it worked if it stopped you out for 4% loss and you watch the chart drop to -50%. Sure - it worked then saved you from a big loss. Did it work when it stopped you out at -4% only to see it bounce to +%50? One might rush and say no that didn't work....but as hard as it is to see, it did work for you. You got what you paid for; you got limited exposure to the downside, regardless of what price did after the trade.

                @noshady I'm not touchin' that one! haha


                • spikefader
                  Senior Member
                  • Apr 2004
                  • 7175

                  Originally posted by tokyojoeskid
                  Spike can I get your reading on SNDK, I think if it blows past 42.5 it gonna really fly. The volume today looks great. I am thinking of buying some Jan 06 50 calls

                  Why don't you wait and buy the handle on that big weekly cup?


                  • spikefader
                    Senior Member
                    • Apr 2004
                    • 7175

                    Originally posted by spikefader
                    ...bargains out there today.
                    Hope you all enjoyed the sale, cuz it's over for today it seems.


                    • mystiky
                      Senior Member
                      • Dec 2004
                      • 333


                      Thanks for the education. I now see exactly what you mean. Perhaps if SGR holds 21.60's tommorow, I will give it a try on the long side.

                      Originally posted by spikefader
                      Hold your horses heh 22.75 was a good place to start looking for intraday confirmation. An intraday chart shows inverted SHS and neckline break at 21.95. There is your play right there with a stop under lod or 4% or anywhere in-between that fits your risk profile, and target (broadening formation) $28.85, so that's 31% profit target risking 1.15% if stop under lod, which is r/r of 27 or sumfin Exquisite like that

                      And a few words on 'charts did not work'.......that is one way to look at it, but for me it's not a matter of a chart 'working' or not working. It might be more accurate to say it 's the plan that works or doesn't work. But if you want to get technical, in fact, if one has a plan and follows it, it's always going to work - whether it's for a loss or a gain. Plans always work. They may not work out profitable, but they work. Now if you add money to the equation it gets more complex because emotion is in there. Did a plan that was unprofitable really work? Well, it didn't work to increase your money, but it worked if it stopped you out for 4% loss and you watch the chart drop to -50%. Sure - it worked then saved you from a big loss. Did it work when it stopped you out at -4% only to see it bounce to +%50? One might rush and say no that didn't work....but as hard as it is to see, it did work for you. You got what you paid for; you got limited exposure to the downside, regardless of what price did after the trade.

                      @noshady I'm not touchin' that one! haha


                      • spikefader
                        Senior Member
                        • Apr 2004
                        • 7175

                        Originally posted by mystiky

                        Thanks for the education. I now see exactly what you mean. Perhaps if SGR holds 21.60's tommorow, I will give it a try on the long side.
                        OK, and if you can sneak a peak at the chart every half hour or so I challenge you to take the time to look for an intraday pattern. You don't have to watch it closely the whole time; just when it's looking juicy. And only when it's vulnerable, go in for the kill. Plan the trade, trade the plan. Maybe even post the trade to get feedback from others. I know many people don't have time to sit and watch constantly. But it might be possible to set alerts and take the occasional look.


                        • spikefader
                          Senior Member
                          • Apr 2004
                          • 7175

                          Originally posted by noshadyldy
                          Please sir, may I have some more? (guidance!)

                          hehe. OK, noshady, here's another serving of
                          porridge for you ....


                          • dmk112
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2004
                            • 1759

                            Originally posted by spikefader
                            Hope you all enjoyed the sale, cuz it's over for today it seems.
                            I don't like how the indices closed, but we'll see tomorrow.


                            • noshadyldy
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2003
                              • 539

                              Thanks again Spike! It did break 8.74 support and barchart has the next one at 8.47. After hours has the stock at 8.50. Wouldn't be at all surprised to see it ground down before it rises high. Actually expect it to some extend. I'm short
                              at present but with a stop cover carefully set.
                              "Whatever you can do or dream you can , begin it. Boldness has genius,power and magic in it." Goethe


                              • IIC
                                Senior Member
                                • Nov 2003
                                • 14938

                                Spike...Don't you think it is about time to change your Avatar???
                                "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

                                Find Tomorrow's Winners At SharpTraders.com

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