Spike's Scientific Stock Analysis

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  • spikefader
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2004
    • 7175

    Originally posted by New-born baby

    ELN up 8.87 after hours tonight. Wow! Am I glad I wasn't short on it. That after hours trading can be brutal without a stop!
    Here's what I'm lookin at....
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    • spikefader
      Senior Member
      • Apr 2004
      • 7175

      Originally posted by Thomrich
      ...started to climb to 15.58 and at the close it tanked all the way down to 15.26.
      DHB: Another channel long again today. Fasten your seatbelts ladies and gentlemen. Your plan is in place, let the cards fall where they may.....
      Attached Files


      • Websman
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2004
        • 5545

        This is great! I'm off for Veterans day and the market is open. Let's do some trading!

        I'll be looking at DHB....


        • Spike looks like a genius,DHB took off from yesteerdays close ,not sure how far it'll run,at least Im up again.

          Hows it look to you Spike

          cordially Tom

          BTW,CKCM I posted a few weeks back as a play between 5-6,its up over 10 now!
          You said the chart was shaky,possible massive short entry?

          They do have good #s,maybe the market just noticed?


          • Websman
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2004
            • 5545

            Originally posted by Websman
            This is great! I'm off for Veterans day and the market is open. Let's do some trading!

            I'll be looking at DHB....
            So much for trading...I ended up painting my living room today...lol

            I didn't get to try any trades till about the middle of the day. I tried a quick play on DHB...Results - in at $15.94...out at $15.94. Sooo...For the price of a commission, I got a little daytrading experience. If I would have got in frist thing this morning, I would have done quite well. I suppose that breaking even is much better than losing your - - - ! I believe I'll go back to my day job tomorrow and leave the daytrading to the pros.

            I'm still holding SIRI. I was actually considering dumping my SIRI shares today, until Howard Stern started running his mouth about how he wanted out of his contract so he could come to Sirius early. SIRI rebounded after Howards little rampage. Thankyou Howard.

            I have lots of cash to invest...Now all I need is a stock to buy. I think I'll wait for Mr Markets new pick.

            Hope you guys had a good day!


            • kingofthehill
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2003
              • 487

              Spike - I am guessing you gotta love the ELN chart these days ... I say $40.00 is possibel by year end ?? ..what does the chart say?


              • spikefader
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2004
                • 7175

                Originally posted by Thomrich
                Spike looks like a genius,DHB took off from yesteerdays close, not sure how far it'll run, at least Im up again.
                Hows it look to you Spike
                BTW,CKCM I posted a few weeks back as a play between 5-6,its up over 10 now! You said the chart was shaky,possible massive short entry?
                They do have good #s,maybe the market just noticed?
                DHB moved nicely after that channel touch. Hold it and wait to see what the market gives you.
                CKCM - ya, that big channel set up bearish, but price has just blown booooooom up through the channel on volume. Sumfin' is up!


                • spikefader
                  Senior Member
                  • Apr 2004
                  • 7175

                  Originally posted by kingofthehill
                  Spike - I am guessing you gotta love the ELN chart these days ... I say $40.00 is possibel by year end ?? ..what does the chart say?
                  Oh ya, love ELN right now. Cleared the resistance and moving nicely! I am stalking another entry right now. Had my entry on my last postion been a good one I would have held it, but I chased and held my breath with it for a few days, so I was glad to take the profit. Price didn't fill the gap and fill me so I'm still stalking....
                  Upper channel is 40.00 and rising every day, so anyone long should target that area.
                  Well done Bro!


                  • Hey Spike,
                    One Ive been watching for the last year,and has just started to move is CALM.

                    80% of the float is short,

                    short cover is an astounding 20days,

                    has moved from a flat line at 10ish to just over 13 the last few days on increased volume.

                    1year weekly parabolic has trend reversing,albeit just barely.

                    Is this a possible squeezer?Interested in looking at a chart and see if it foretells anything?

                    cordially Tom,one of these days I'll find a squeeze!


                    • Michaelk005

                      Originally posted by Thomrich
                      Hey Spike,
                      One Ive been watching for the last year,and has just started to move is CALM.

                      80% of the float is short,

                      short cover is an astounding 20days,

                      has moved from a flat line at 10ish to just over 13 the last few days on increased volume.

                      1year weekly parabolic has trend reversing,albeit just barely.

                      Is this a possible squeezer?Interested in looking at a chart and see if it foretells anything?

                      cordially Tom,one of these days I'll find a squeeze!

                      This was a topic on one of the threads if you look through this site. Ive been seeing a lot of new commentary on this stock and it was in a recent issue of forbes as one of the most highly underated stocks. It has a huge stake in the poultry market as well.


                      • spikefader
                        Senior Member
                        • Apr 2004
                        • 7175

                        Originally posted by Thomrich
                        Hey Spike,
                        One Ive been watching for the last year,and has just started to move is CALM.
                        80% of the float is short,
                        short cover is an astounding 20days,
                        has moved from a flat line at 10ish to just over 13 the last few days on increased volume.
                        1year weekly parabolic has trend reversing,albeit just barely.
                        Is this a possible squeezer?Interested in looking at a chart and see if it foretells anything?
                        cordially Tom,one of these days I'll find a squeeze!
                        Good luck for the squeeze hunt!
                        I like the clear support at 10ish. Just refused to go down. Definately worth watching. We may have a strong channel break soon, and then an opportunity to enter the pullback to bargain territory.
                        Attached Files


                        • spikefader
                          Senior Member
                          • Apr 2004
                          • 7175

                          MCRI - the big guy's latest pick.

                          I feel like haggling on this one.
                          Attached Files


                          • spikefader
                            Senior Member
                            • Apr 2004
                            • 7175

                            LCI update:
                            Attached Files


                            • tokyojoeskid
                              No Posting allowed; invalid email
                              • Oct 2003
                              • 222


                              bullet was bit on lci at 9.30 a week ago thanks for the heads up spike,

                              Now an old mrmarket stock top 5er IIG, always liked the company and recently setting a 52wk high(today), what do the charts say. Fudamentally speaking I think it could double.


                              • Websman
                                Senior Member
                                • Apr 2004
                                • 5545

                                SIRI is making me a killing!
                                Closed at $4.17.

