As Web's World Turns

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  • Karel
    • Sep 2003
    • 2199

    As Web's World Turns

    courtesy of the management

    Good luck with it, Webs

    My Investopedia portfolio
    (You need to have a (free) Investopedia or Facebook login, sorry!)
  • Websman
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2004
    • 5545

    I don't know what to say. I'm speachless...but I'll try to say a few words. First off I would like to think the little people who made this thread possible. Thankyou for all your support and for providing my portfolio with lots of money this year. I would also like to think my management team... My producer... uhhh ... Whathisname... My... Agent... Whoever... I would also like to thank My Mom and Dad... Mr Market... Karel... Spikefader... Stenz... Newborn... Scifos... Jiensen... MEA... IIC... Kingofthehill... Runner... Lake... Poorman's... The Pensacola Ice Pilots... Burt Reynolds... Russian President Putin... Benjamin Franklin... The Raliens... The Amish... Jeb Bush... Willie Nelson... My bashers and everybody else...Thankyou all!...sniff...sniff...I am touched...sniff...sniff...thankyou so very much.

    Ok, Now that I have recognized the insignificant people, Let's get on with business.
    I am still out of SIRI. I thought about getting back in today, but it's just too risky and I wan't to protect my huge profits. We will see if SIRI drops tomorrow. I'm still getting over my emotional attachment to SIRI. It was very good to me.

    Here are a few of the stocks on my watch list. I have plenty of cash sitting on the side... BBW, JRJC, KONG, DPZ, LOJN, DG. I have many more, but nothing is tempting me right now.

    Oh yea. I also like AAI. This is an airline stock, but I think it has potential.

    I'm open for any suggestions for new canidates

    Last edited by Websman; 12-09-2004, 05:27 PM.


    • Websman
      Senior Member
      • Apr 2004
      • 5545

      have you ever played "darts" with stock picking? I did that today and came up with two interesting ones. CIEN and ROXI. Don't know if I want to buy them, but I'll watch them for a while. I found CLRK like this. I wish i would have bought it.

      Here's my updated watch list. SIRI (of course) , AAI, LOJN, PRFT (thanks Stenz), KKD (who knows?), DPZ (pizza, an American tradition), KONG, JRJC, BBW, DWA, SYK.


      • New-born baby
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2004
        • 6095

        Spin your web, Webs.


        Wow! You've got your own little world here. Incredible status and fame have come quickly to you. Investing in SIRI did more for you than Howard Stern did for SIRI. Congratulations! Has President Bush called you yet? If not, I would expect he'll be calling to congratulate you in the next day or so. I suppose some Hollywood producers have been calling lately, wanting to do a made for TV movie about your incredible life. Maybe you can get IIC to play you in the movie. After all, he looks like Mel Gibson. Awesome, isn't it?

        Well, now that you are the man, can you start spinning your Web? Got a few ideas for us "insignificant people" to follow up on? Hey, how about something original, like shorting ELN?

        [Webs, just in case you can't tell, this is all in fun. I really enjoy your posts].
        pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


        • Websman
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2004
          • 5545

          You're going to be huge too Newborn!

          Thought for the day...Nothing succeeds like a bird with no teeth.


          • scifos
            Senior Member
            • Jan 2004
            • 790

            congrats Webs
            Buy Low
            Sell High
            STAY FROSTY!


            • #7
              Hey webs awesome job with SIRI. Nice pile of cash you pulled in on this one. What a way to close out the year, but I know you got your sites lock and loaded on another target ready to pull the trigger.
              I blew my perfect short entry @ 9.40. I got scarred with the crazy thing. When all this was going on my tape about blew out off my screen. My big take was .37 cents I think.
              Looks like it ran sideways all day and maybe something is brewing with this wild thing again.You would not believe this but I picked up some WMT today. I’m going to try to play the range on it. I plan to sell in the mid to upper 50’s. What did he just say Wal-Mart?
              Last edited by Guest; 12-09-2004, 08:59 PM.


              • Websman
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2004
                • 5545

                Originally posted by Runner
                Hey webs awesome job with SIRI. Nice pile of cash you pulled in on this one. What a way to close out the year, but I know you got your sites lock and loaded on another target ready to pull the trigger.
                I blew my perfect short entry @ 9.40. I got scarred with the crazy thing. When all this was going on my tape about blew out off my screen. My big take was .37 cents I think.
                Looks like it ran sideways all day and maybe something is brewing with this wild thing again.You would not believe this but I picked up some WMT today. I’m going to try to play the range on it. I plan to sell in the mid to upper 50’s. What did he just say Wal-Mart?
                I'm looking at DWA. It took a good hit today. Could be a rebound tomorrow.


                • thebign1
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2003
                  • 130

                  Nice Job, Webs

                  111% profit is Huuuuuuge! Now you can buy some OFG. lol.
                  I sold approx. 40% of my SIRI for a gain of 164% and I get to hang onto the
                  other 60% for free. Plus I made some cash. GO SIRI! up, up, and away!! lol.
                  Now I think Intel looks good & cheap. Any comments?

                  Regards, Norm


                  • IIC
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2003
                    • 14938

                    Webs...where did we first meet???...I think it was IBD Forums before I got summarily banned...Well, not actually banned...but...Let's just say I'm not appreciated over there.

                    Look forward to playing you in the movie...You know they always put a better looking actor in the lead than the original
                    "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

                    Find Tomorrow's Winners At

                    Follow Me On Twitter


                    • RL
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2003
                      • 1215

                      Hey Webs how about a dart contest.
                      Ray Long


                      • spikefader
                        Senior Member
                        • Apr 2004
                        • 7175

                        Originally posted by New-born baby
                        Webs.....Investing in SIRI did more for you than Howard Stern did for SIRI...

                        Webs, looking forward to reading your journal of exploits. May a thousand profitable entries snag themselves in your web!


                        • MEA_1956
                          Senior Member
                          • Oct 2003
                          • 655

                          Heres to THE WEB HEAD
                          A new leader in the Group
                          He made a killing in Sire
                          Let's hope his next pick is not a DOUP!!!!!!!

                          Bottems Up DUDDY and live life with a little more emotion
                          those were crockadial tears in your inductive speach.
                          GO BIG RED!!!!!


                          • billyjoe
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2003
                            • 9014

                            Webs, Good luck with your new venture. You're out of the blocks with an impressive start. As you know I've been studying DWA and my opinion has changed. I was fortunate to get out with about 1.35 gain per share. Here are my reasons pro and con:
                            THE GOOD
                            1. Speilberg and the boys have lots of creativity and brains.
                            2. In the long run they'll probably be successful
                            3. Shreck is a great product and their selling record numbers of DVD's
                            4. Their earnings seem to be in line with estimates, no hyping or wild exaggerations

                            THE BAD
                            1. The stock is volatile two or three bad days in a row would really hurt and nothing in the near future seems to justify two or three good days in a row
                            2. Do you want to hold for a year or two waiting for the next blockbuster?
                            3. There doesn't seem to be a ready supply of product for continuous sales
                            4. Have had a few flops in the past two years releases
                            5. They are relying too much on Shreck 2,3,4, etc.
                            6. Insiders will be able to sell shares legally in a couple months they got them for free or $28 and the lure of a quick million or 2 may just be too tempting
                            7. Announced delay of the next Shreck
                            8. Bear Sterns has them rated underperform

                            I hope you'll take this into consideration before adding it to As The Web's World Turns portfolio.
                            Last edited by billyjoe; 12-10-2004, 09:35 AM. Reason: spelling


                            • Websman
                              Senior Member
                              • Apr 2004
                              • 5545

                              Originally posted by thebign1
                              111% profit is Huuuuuuge! Now you can buy some OFG. lol.
                              I sold approx. 40% of my SIRI for a gain of 164% and I get to hang onto the
                              other 60% for free. Plus I made some cash. GO SIRI! up, up, and away!! lol.
                              Now I think Intel looks good & cheap. Any comments?

                              Regards, Norm
                              I just put INTL on my list.


