Billyjoes Top 10 Cheap Stocks

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  • #46
    Originally posted by grebnet
    Hey Spike ?? technically, did HOM fill the gap yesterday?
    It filled the 11/11,14 gap (5.76, 6.00), but not the 11/4,7 gap (4.95, 5.03).

    Grebnet, still in AOB? Seems to have stabilized. I may add back in soon.

    Earnings were good but missed the "whisper".


    • billyjoe
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2003
      • 9014

      End day 4 Cheap Stock Port

      Summary for method #1 we hold on to the cash in all stopped positions and add it to cash value of remaining open positions. all positions started with $100,000.

      1.AOB stopped out after earnings report, value $93,000

      2. LPSN stopped after stops raised on Thurs. value $93,499

      3. COGO stopped day after earnings report , value $93,000

      4. HOM stopped after earnings report , value $93,000

      5. IFO stopped , value $93,000

      6. GROW open Mon.7.40 close Thurs.8.01 gain 8.24% value $108,243

      7. ERS open Mon.8.67 close Thurs.9.00 gain 3.81% value $103,806

      8. ENG open Mon.6.07 close Thurs.6.46 gain 6.43% value $106,425

      9. CBIZ stopped , value $93,000

      10. MIG open Mon.6.08 close Thurs.6.00 loss 1.32% value $98,684

      Total portfolio value $975,657 or a loss of 2.43%

      Coming up next post Method #2 we reinvest cash into the best performers



      • Websman
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2004
        • 5545

        Originally posted by B.J
        It filled the 11/11,14 gap (5.76, 6.00), but not the 11/4,7 gap (4.95, 5.03).

        Grebnet, still in AOB? Seems to have stabilized. I may add back in soon.

        Earnings were good but missed the "whisper".
        I'll be getting back into AOB tomorrow morning. Look at the wedge it's made in the past few days. I'm betting that it'll fly tomorrow.


        • billyjoe
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2003
          • 9014

          End Day 4 Cheap Stock Port

          Summary for Method #2 we take money from closed positions and reinvest into the best performing open positions at market opening . Today we tightened stops to 3% loss from opening price . LPSN stopped during the day at 4.89 leaving us with $93,499 cash which we will reinvest tomorrow. We have 4 remaining stocks with the following values :

          position 1 . $102,162 2. $93,000 half position $46,500-- total $241,662 today up 5.95% current value $256,041

          position 1. $100,346 2. $93,000 ---total $193,346 today up 3.45% current value $200,016

          position 1. $103,789 2. $94,959 half position $46,500-- total $245,248 today up 2.54% current value $251,477

          position 1. $99,507 2. $93,000 --total $192,507 today down .8% current value $190,967

          Total portfolio value (with LPSN included) $992,000 we have made almost $16,500 in the last 2 days by reinvesting in our remaining picks. We are down .8% with one day remaining. Tomorrow stops will be tightened to 2% of opening price and our cash $93,499 will be equally distributed among GROW, ERS, and ENG , our 3 stocks that are making money.


          p.s. please ask questions if any of this is confusing


          • spikefader
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2004
            • 7175

            Originally posted by grebnet
            I added some MIG at $6.00 today.

            Hey Spike ?? technically, did HOM fill the gap yesterday?
            Which gap are you talkin' about?


            • grebnet
              • Oct 2003
              • 389

              AOB &HOM

              B.J as stated on Spikes Thread, I added to my AOB position at $6.oo today.

              Spike as far as HOM gap? Maybe Im wrong to call it a gap on the 14th , it opened at $6.55 after closing at $5.76 on the 11th .it closed that day at 6.26 with a low of $6.00 . Small gap but one none the less right ?? Yesterday it traded to a low of $5.62 so I was wondering if technically it closed the gap . or am I missing the boat ?????

              Thanks...I am trying to get a grasp on this technical stuff Mr Pring and I


              • spikefader
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2004
                • 7175

                Originally posted by grebnet
                B.J as stated on Spikes Thread, I added to my AOB position at $6.oo today.

                Spike as far as HOM gap? Maybe Im wrong to call it a gap on the 14th , it opened at $6.55 after closing at $5.76 on the 11th .it closed that day at 6.26 with a low of $6.00 . Small gap but one none the less right ?? Yesterday it traded to a low of $5.62 so I was wondering if technically it closed the gap . or am I missing the boat ?????

                Thanks...I am trying to get a grasp on this technical stuff Mr Pring and I
                You are 100% correct greb. That gap closed. There's two left open that I can see.


                • billyjoe
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2003
                  • 9014

                  Method #2 final day Cheap Stock Portfolio-- proceeds used to purchase more of profitable remaining stocks

                  Last night we ended with

                  cash $93,499 from stopped LPSN position today divided up with 1/3 rd going to each of GROW , ERS , and ENG at opening of market this is approx. $31,166 ea

                  MIG all positions value $190,967 opened today down .01 we sell and divide the proceeds $190,649 into 1/3rds with $63,550 being put into each of GROW , ERS , and ENG at todays open

                  GROW we had total of $256,041 at close it opened .06 higher today and we've added another $94,716 to it from remains of the LPSN and MIG positions stop is now at 2% of open or 7.91

                  ERS we had total of $200,016 at close it opened at same price we add $94,716 to it from remains of LPSN and MIG positions stop is now at 2% of open or 8.82

                  ENG we had total of $251,447 at close it opened at 6.56 up .10 we added $94,716 to it from remains of LPSN and MIG positions stop is now at 2% of open or 6.43

                  Three stocks remain . If they don't close out today I think we'll show a profit for the week.



                  • billyjoe
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2003
                    • 9014

                    Update ERS stopped at 8.82 we end up with $ 288,837 closed

                    all our hopes for profit are with GROW and ENG



                    • billyjoe
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2003
                      • 9014

                      Update ENG stopped at 6.43 total proceeds $343,054 all our remaining $$ is on GROW with 43 minutes to market close it doesn't look like it will be stopped.



                      • billyjoe
                        Senior Member
                        • Nov 2003
                        • 9014

                        Results of this week's Cheap Stock Portfolio Method #1 Sell stocks when they hit stops. Keep all money in cash and add to value of positions remaining open.

                        We started with $100,000 in each of 10 stocks

                        1. AOB stopped 7% loss $93,000

                        2. LPSN stopped after stops raised to 3% $96,941

                        3. COGO stopped 7% loss $93,000

                        4. HOM stopped 7% loss $93,000

                        5. IFO stopped 7% loss $93,000

                        6. GROW open 7.40 close fri. 8.50 14.865%gain $114,865

                        7. ERS stopped at 2% of Fri. open 1.73% gain $101,730

                        8. ENG stopped at 2% of Fri. open 5.931% gain $105,931

                        9. CBIZ stopped 7% loss $93,000

                        10. MIG sold at 1.48% loss $98,520

                        Total remaining funds $982,987 loss 1.7% but check out what would happen if we put our cash back into the better performers. Coming up shortly.



                        • billyjoe
                          Senior Member
                          • Nov 2003
                          • 9014

                          Results Cheap Stock Portfolio Method #2 Take money from stopped positions, put it into open positions next day market open , raise stops from 7% Monday, to 3% Thurs. and 2% of opening price Fri.

                          Monday AOB, COGO, HOM, IFO stopped at 7% loss money goes to best performers remaining at next market open. These are GROW, ERS, ENG, MIG

                          Tuesday CBIZ stopped at 7% loss money divided between GROW and ENG $46,500 to each at open Wednesday

                          Wednesday None stopped

                          Thursday Stops raised to 3% loss of opening price. LPSN stopped value $93,499. MIG sold at opening due to poor performance. Proceeds split evenly among GROW ERS ENG $31,167 goes to each from LPSN $63,550 goes to each from MIG

                          Friday Stops raised to 2% loss of opening price ERS stops with value of $288,837 ENG stops with value of $343,054 GROW not stopped ends with weekly gain of 14.865% gain value is $371,467

                          We end the week with $1,003,358 even with 7 of 10 losers . We gained an extra $20,400 by reinvesting with the good stocks . I'll even give the $358 to the broker and we still have a $3,000 gain . Think if 4 or 5 of the stocks hadn't stopped out.
                          In the words of Spike , GROW is our SUPERSTOCK gains 14.865%.
                          Will be back with a new top 10 cheapies this weekend



                          • billyjoe
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2003
                            • 9014

                            What I learned this week :

                            1. Don't hold stocks through earnings HOM AOB COGO all stopped out and reports weren't that bad

                            2. Sell your bad stocks and reinvest in the good performers

                            3. One great pick can make up for a bunch of bad ones if you cut losses

                            4. Of the 7 closed positions 4 came back but probably not enough to offset losses that AOB -22.5% and COGO -8.2% could have caused



                            • mooddude
                              No Posting allowed; invalid email
                              • Dec 2004
                              • 187

                              Originally posted by billyjoe
                              What I learned this week :

                              4. Of the 7 closed positions 4 came back but probably not enough to offset losses that AOB -22.5% and COGO -8.2% could have caused

                              So why not just short before earnings then?


                              • billyjoe
                                Senior Member
                                • Nov 2003
                                • 9014

                                That would have worked well with AOB and COGO , but HOM went up to 6.60 after earnings , then down to 5.62 within a couple hours , then back up hitting 6.69 today , but if you were fast enough....


