Cute Bear Spike...I am turning Short Term bullish now on the Naz...The RSI(14) is about as low as I think it will go...29.4. Plus, Support held and upside vol. was extremely high the last min. on the Naz...IIC
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Originally posted by dmk112Ok, Thanks for the great response spike!
Now, what exactly is a "channel turn up"?
ON the chart you say "it seems it wants this low channel" is that because that is where the green and the pink intersect? If so, is that an entry?
Is there a tutorial I can find on this stuff b/c I don't wanna bug you on the board with all these questions, since this stuff is hard to grasp...Don't the channels change everyday?
Yes, I say "seems to want low channel", because channels are there to show a 'potential' place for price to wander/drop/steamroll to. It may not get there, but that's where I would target if I were short the stock. Just like the reverse. If I were long a stock, I target an upper channel. It's a logical place to take profit. Nothing more, nothing less. Price may ignore the channel, but it's my line in the sand. And trading is all about drawing lines in the sand. Yes, it is a logical place to enter SIM. Wait for the channel hit (remember the channel will have moved to a different place, so make sure it's a channel hit on the day, right?) Then when you get the hit, then switch to an intraday chart. Look for a logic place of support to enter, such as double bottom formation or inverted SHS, or you might be aggressive if there is a bull flag or a falling wedge formation. Just be patient. An entry will present itself. You've just got to be clever enough to identify it when it happens, have your plan ready to go, and execute.
OK, let me show you a channel turn down. Channel turn ups are just the opposite. You'll find many examples in this thread. Check out charts such as this one that shows the channel turn down (channel starts out from a significant low, starts trending upwards, but then it TURNS down. This is bearish. See the LTXX chart now, it's clearly pointing to lower prices.
I can't give you a reference of anywhere else on the Web that explains this stuff. They are my own thoughts and I've no idea if anyone else has actually discussed any of it before. If anyone finds a link, let me know.
Originally posted by IICCute Bear Spike...I am turning Short Term bullish now on the Naz...The RSI(14) is about as low as I think it will go...29.4. Plus, Support held and upside vol. was extremely high the last min. on the Naz...IICThanks! I thought I'd have some fun with the the bear concept
Don't underestimate this meek looking bear. He's very dangerous
Oh boy, a head-to-head market callAt least one of us will be right!
OK, spike I guess I wasn't clear, I meant what exactly IS a channel turndown, I can't tell on your chart why it is a channel turndown. why is the red channell a "turn down"?
thanks again
Originally posted by dmk112OK, spike I guess I wasn't clear, I meant what exactly IS a channel turndown, I can't tell on your chart why it is a channel turndown. why is the red channell a "turn down"?
thanks again
A channel from a low is supposed to go up, right? So if it turns down, it's telling you that the rising channel is no longer valid. It's a clear sign of weakness. The inverse is true for channel turn ups. Again, the longer the channel, the more significant. Also, the more significant the low, the more significant the meaning if the channel turns down.
aaahhhh huh... I'm getting it it now (sort of LOL) So is this method basically one of a kind? As in, did you invent it?
Originally posted by dmk112aaahhhh huh... I'm getting it it now (sort of LOL) So is this method basically one of a kind? As in, did you invent it?I'm always thinking/designing new systems to trade. I've got some very effective ones for emini futures, using indicators such as FIB fans, Parabolic SAR, SMAs, stochastics, MACD. It's a passion of mine
Spike, how do you set a stop and target for the channel turndown, e.g. GM you pointed out..
Originally posted by dmk112Spike, how do you set a stop and target for the channel turndown, e.g. GM you pointed out..
As far as target, I would normally target a lower channel or price support. In GM's case, it has had a very very bearish lower channel breakdown, which I posted somewhere on this forum previously. If you look on a weekly chart, and draw a channel from the top, you will see that breakdown. 28.00 is very critical price support, so if it loses that, it's very very bad for the stock. On a ten-year chart, there is possible trendline support at 26.00 that coincides with another price support area, but since the weekly formation is a clear bear flag, (affirmed if there is a breakdown), which justifies letting the short run to more significant price support around 15, which corresponds to the ten-year lower regression channel. I would therefore be completely justified in targeting 15.00.
So you see, it's all about support and resistance. If you BASSAR, you have an edge. BASSAR is Buy At Support Sell At Resistance.