Spike's Scientific Stock Analysis

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  • Guys, for starters, there's no double top. On TYX the 1999 high was 6.73% and the 2003 high was 5.495%. Secondly, the descending triangle forecasts lower rates, not higher rates.


    • RL
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2003
      • 1215

      Spike can you post your rules for the Creme of The Crop I can not locate them as always thanks much
      Ray Long


      • mimo_100
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2003
        • 1784

        Originally posted by DSteckler
        Guys, for starters, there's no double top. On TYX the 1999 high was 6.73% and the 2003 high was 5.495%. Secondly, the descending triangle forecasts lower rates, not higher rates.
        TYX is the symbol for the 30 year bond Yield. (see $TYX at stockcharts.com).

        TNX is the symbol for the 10 year note Yield. (see $TNX at stockcharts.com).

        The discussion is about the Price of the 10 year bond, not the yield.
        Tim - Retired Problem Solver


        • spikefader
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2004
          • 7175

          Originally posted by DSteckler
          ...there's no double top. On TYX the 1999 high was 6.73% and the 2003 high was 5.495%....
          Be a little more flexible dude. The rule with double tops is the prices have to be 'roughly equal'. Patterns are relative to the volatility that surrounds the price action. I'm happy calling a double top. I don't insist you have to think so, and you really should consider adding the words "in my opinion" to your criticisms.


          • spikefader
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2004
            • 7175

            Thnx NB. Quite a r/r there at first glance! I'll do the mystery chart tonight!


            • Originally posted by mimo_100
              TYX is the symbol for the 30 year bond Yield. (see $TYX at stockcharts.com).

              TNX is the symbol for the 10 year note Yield. (see $TNX at stockcharts.com).

              The discussion is about the Price of the 10 year bond, not the yield.
              You may be discussing price but NB was discussing yield. He projected an 8% yield on the 10-Year.

              I was looking at the 30, not the 10. D'oh! Thanks for correcting me on that.

              The monthly triangle breakout on TYX projects out to just under 6%.


              • spikefader
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2004
                • 7175

                Originally posted by RL
                Spike can you post your rules for the Creme of The Crop I can not locate them as always thanks much
                Sure thing RL. I'm re-organizing all the stuff on Creme, and currently working on a blog where I can really have a simple way to find the rules, and info for each of them, the summary, the system performance etcetera. I aim to be much more organized with all of my stuff and people will be able to simply click a link I'll put in my signature that will take them to all that info. I'll get back to you on it and post here.


                • Originally posted by spikefader
                  Be a little more flexible dude. The rule with double tops is the prices have to be 'roughly equal'. Patterns are relative to the volatility that surrounds the price action. I'm happy calling a double top. I don't insist you have to think so, and you really should consider adding the words "in my opinion" to your criticisms.

                  Spike, 6.73% and 5.495% aren't anywhere close to roughly equal; they're 22% apart. Double tops/bottoms need to be within 3% of each other to be statistically significant. Bulkowski talks about this in his books on chart patterns.


                  • Greetings Spike,

                    Sorry to bug ya again,would you consider a read on HTE?IM in at an average price of 28.72,and it appears to be struggling to break 30,as soon as it gets bought,sell orders come flyin.Do you see a whisper?

                    cordially Tom

                    BTW BEL 4.65 as I type,nxt stop mid 5s?


                    • spikefader
                      Senior Member
                      • Apr 2004
                      • 7175

                      Originally posted by DSteckler
                      Spike, 6.73% and 5.495% aren't anywhere close to roughly equal; they're 22% apart. Double tops/bottoms need to be within 3% of each other to be statistically significant. Bulkowski talks about this in his books on chart patterns.
                      Humbly and creatively disagree. But you're a stickler for rules, we know that hehehe
                      I'll let the charts speak for themselves. Readers can decide if they like the interpretation or not.


                      • mimo_100
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2003
                        • 1784

                        I understood NB to mean that at a price of 102 on TY,
                        the yield would be around 8%.

                        Tim - Retired Problem Solver


                        • spikefader
                          Senior Member
                          • Apr 2004
                          • 7175

                          Originally posted by TFred
                          Greetings Spike,

                          Sorry to bug ya again,would you consider a read on HTE?IM in at an average price of 28.72,and it appears to be struggling to break 30,as soon as it gets bought,sell orders come flyin.Do you see a whisper?

                          cordially Tom

                          BTW BEL 4.65 as I type,nxt stop mid 5s?
                          Careful with HTE....not lookin strong to me. Good luck! Yep, BEL. 5.15 and 6.35 next stops for BEL? In a 3 up.....not sure, don't have time now to look at it again. I'll update eod. Good luck!


                          • Greetings,

                            Can you explain to an idiot,my understanding is that interest rates are ready to take off?

                            To a fixed income investor,short term notes are the play?

                            cordially Tom


                            • New-born baby
                              Senior Member
                              • Apr 2004
                              • 6095


                              Originally posted by mimo_100
                              I understood NB to mean that at a price of 102 on TY,
                              the yield would be around 8%.

                              My understanding is that if the 10 yr note falls to 102 from the current level of 108, then interest rates that one would pay for borrowing money would be around 8% from the current level of about 4.75 prime.

                              I also understand that if you buy a 105 NOV put, and it moves on down to 102, then we are looking at a price of $30,000 -$725 put cost=profit of $29,275
                              pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


                              • mimo_100
                                Senior Member
                                • Sep 2003
                                • 1784

                                Originally posted by New-born baby
                                My understanding is that if the 10 yr note falls to 102 from the current level of 108, then interest rates that one would pay for borrowing money would be around 8% from the current level of about 4.75 prime. <snip>
                                You are saying that the prime rate would move to 8%, not the yield on the 10 year note, right? WHEW!

                                Tim - Retired Problem Solver

