Webs, Just looked at what AH has been doing (-20% or so) these past three days. Downgrades and pessimism toward industry (already peaked). DHB may be dead money for quite a while.
As Web's World Turns
Originally posted by B.JWebs, Just looked at what AH has been doing (-20% or so) these past three days. Downgrades and pessimism toward industry (already peaked). DHB may be dead money for quite a while.
Agreed. I plan to hold it, and see what the earnings (March 15 or so) do. Only way I'll sell is if I see something better before then.
I don't think there's huge downside at this point outside of the gap you mentioned. If AH's issues do take it down some (guilt by association), may be an opportunity to add.
Even if DHB does fill the gap below $12, I don't think it'll stay there. The fundamentals and outlook are way too good for that to happen. I don't think you can lose by holding long term.
I'm considering buying back in while it's at these levels. I'd be curious to get Spikes and Mr Markets views on DHB. I think DHB would have to reach it's former highs for Mr Market to consider it.
Originally posted by WebsmanBonjour,
Comment aalez-vous?
Parlez-vous Anglais? Excusez-moi. Je ne parle Francais.
Au revoir!
I'm off to Paris. Have a great week guys!
Webs..."Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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Hi guys!
I'm back from France. It was cold, but we had a great time. We stayed at a Bed and Breakfast about 30 miles outside of Paris that I would highly recommend. If you like a quiet and relaxing atmosphere, this is the place to stay. The owners are very friendly and speak english very well. As a matter of fact, the husband is a transplanted American. Oh yea...You'll need to rent a car to get there. Here's a link to their Website. http://www.chateaudejonvilliers.com/
As far as trading, I see the market is headed south today, so I'll stay out once again. So much for SIRI...lol
Webs, did you bring back any great wines. Perhaps a nice burgundy or bordeaux. How about drinking them over there. Was the food and drink as good as they say? Anyway I've cancelled my subscription to the IBD forum tonight and have no other place to rant except here. I've become sick to my stomach with most of the dribble over there so I had to put an end to it. Can't believe it's been 3 years since I first subscribed there.THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR
Originally posted by skiracerWebs, did you bring back any great wines. Perhaps a nice burgundy or bordeaux. How about drinking them over there. Was the food and drink as good as they say? Anyway I've cancelled my subscription to the IBD forum tonight and have no other place to rant except here. I've become sick to my stomach with most of the dribble over there so I had to put an end to it. Can't believe it's been 3 years since I first subscribed there.
Welcome back...Hope you had a nice time...but you are never gonna find me in France...too many French people
Montreal was unfriendly enough for me"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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Originally posted by IICWelcome back...Hope you had a nice time...but you are never gonna find me in France...too many French people
Montreal was unfriendly enough for me
The French are very polite and sociable people. They will be nice to you as long as you attempt to speak a little French and are nice to them in return.
French Canadians are the rejects who got kicked out of their own country because they were rude to everyone in France. French Canadians love to come to Florida and complain about everything and try to prove how they are better than us southerners.
We should have sent troops into Montreal a long time ago. That would teach them a lesson...
Well, there goes one of my stocks from my watch list down the crapper...
WIN now has a new ticker symbol - WNDXQ.PK
Yup, they have filed Chapter 11. I'm glad I didn't buy that one. Now the big question is, will Winn-Dixie make a comeback? Could this be the next K-Mart? I wouldn't write them off just yet. I'll continue watching to see what WIN does next.
Originally posted by WebsmanWell, there goes one of my stocks from my watch list down the crapper...
WIN now has a new ticker symbol - WNDXQ.PK
Yup, they have filed Chapter 11. I'm glad I didn't buy that one. Now the big question is, will Winn-Dixie make a comeback? Could this be the next K-Mart? I wouldn't write them off just yet. I'll continue watching to see what WIN does next.
Guess what happend! The wedge broke down instead of up. A good lesson there folks! Don't hold in hope. See the significant things and get out. Unless of course you're nicely diversified and can write a postion off like this.