Skiracer's stock slopes

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  • billyjoe
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 9014

    I think you, grebnet, myself, and maybe many others here are holding HOM. Although it's been stopped out 3 consecutive weeks in the Cheap Stock Port, it keeps bouncing back. This week it showed up in the top 1 to 11 positions on all 9 of my screens. No stock has ever done that. It so dominates that the next highest rated MOSS appears on 6 screens with the rest of the top 10 on 4 or 5 screens. Things are looking good. Hope it shows up in the price this week.



    • skiracer
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2004
      • 6314

      Originally posted by billyjoe
      I think you, grebnet, myself, and maybe many others here are holding HOM. Although it's been stopped out 3 consecutive weeks in the Cheap Stock Port, it keeps bouncing back. This week it showed up in the top 1 to 11 positions on all 9 of my screens. No stock has ever done that. It so dominates that the next highest rated MOSS appears on 6 screens with the rest of the top 10 on 4 or 5 screens. Things are looking good. Hope it shows up in the price this week.

      What I liked about the stock this week was the way it kept bouncing back to the $5.75 range after getting beat down intraday everyday all week. I think that someone, institutional, hedge fund, or market maker, was trying to shake out as many people out as they could by keeping the price as low as they could all week. When the big money is really exiting a stock the A/D line, the On Balance Volume line, and the Cash Flow lines will take a radical plunge down. HOM showed none of these characteristics this week which I thought showed great strength on it's part. I own a considerable amount of it so I'm kind of predjudiced but really do think this week will be a good week for it. I'm averaged in at $5.835 which puts me only a few dollars below the break even line. Very excited to see that it placed so high in your scans an am looking forward to this week to see how it goes. We're also getting kind of close to a channel long signal on the weekly chart so that is also a good signal.
      Your cheap stock portfolio did very well this week. To start with I'm not real up on those type of systems but I do see that it will hold water if played in a sensible fashion and with the stops placed the way you have been doing. You should take a few dollars an play it for real. Of course it helps if you're operating with a strong uptrending market. I was also thinking you could do the same thing with shorting a list of stocks an eliminating the the ones that go up by setting the same kind of stops. I wonder if that would be easier?


      • billyjoe
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2003
        • 9014

        I do own HOM in real life, but am watching to see which way it's going before adding. The only other under $15 stock I've got is INGP which hasn't moved in 8 months , but paid a special dividend that keeps me on the plus side.

        As far as shorting , I've got almost no experience in it and will leave it alone for now. Still hoping for a consistent result with the cheap stock port. At a 1% per week average return compounded , money will double in 70 weeks , less than 1 1/2 years. I could do very well with a return like that. Will see how a 10 week trial turns out.



        • skiracer
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2004
          • 6314

          Originally posted by billyjoe
          I do own HOM in real life, but am watching to see which way it's going before adding. The only other under $15 stock I've got is INGP which hasn't moved in 8 months , but paid a special dividend that keeps me on the plus side.

          As far as shorting , I've got almost no experience in it and will leave it alone for now. Still hoping for a consistent result with the cheap stock port. At a 1% per week average return compounded , money will double in 70 weeks , less than 1 1/2 years. I could do very well with a return like that. Will see how a 10 week trial turns out.

          I wasn't suggesting doing the short portfolio with real money but to paper trade it like you're doing with the cheap stock portfolio. I'm beginning to believe, and this is only my own feelings, that more stocks go down than up, go down farther when trending down than when trending up, an it may be easier to get a greater return shorting a group like your doing than by going long. Only a feeling.


          • billyjoe
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2003
            • 9014

            I think you are correct. Every day I check out the stocks moving up or down on volume at least 50% above average. Usually far more stocks decline on increased volume than advance. This is true even on days when the DOW is up.



            • skiracer
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2004
              • 6314

              I bought this one today at $5.12. Been tracking it through it's handle formation since it turned up on one of my scans. Beautiful, almost classic, double bottom cup and handle. Looks like it's getting ready to go off. Low volume stock with small float. Could be volitaile. Just released a new product in their radiology and medical imaging line. This will be the new state of the art in this area.



              • billyjoe
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2003
                • 9014

                Am still holding HOM. Don't have that much at risk since I'm more diversified all the time. These low priced stocks are so volatile I don't think stops should be set the same as the more established or higher priced issues. It would be interesting to track a portfolio of say 25 small caps with high fundamentals vs. 25 mid to large caps and see the results maybe 6 months later. I believe the small caps would be much more volatile , but would also produce the highest percentage gainers.



                • skiracer
                  Senior Member
                  • Dec 2004
                  • 6314

                  Originally posted by billyjoe
                  Am still holding HOM. Don't have that much at risk since I'm more diversified all the time. These low priced stocks are so volatile I don't think stops should be set the same as the more established or higher priced issues. It would be interesting to track a portfolio of say 25 small caps with high fundamentals vs. 25 mid to large caps and see the results maybe 6 months later. I believe the small caps would be much more volatile , but would also produce the highest percentage gainers.

                  I bailed at $5.32. .12 below my original stop loss point. I guess you read my other post about what happenned. I'll never buy another stock listed on the AMEX. I'm so hot I could fry an egg on my head. F---ing C---s---ers. I had such high expectations for HOM. Ended up down $2000 on the trade. Just blew a couple of hard earned winning positions on this cheap volitaile stock. I must be stupid.


                  • Originally posted by skiracer
                    I bailed at $5.32. .12 below my original stop loss point. I guess you read my other post about what happenned. I'll never buy another stock listed on the AMEX. I'm so hot I could fry an egg on my head. F---ing C---s---ers. I had such high expectations for HOM. Ended up down $2000 on the trade. Just blew a couple of hard earned winning positions on this cheap volitaile stock. I must be stupid.
                    That Sucks Ski. What the heck hit this rascal?


                    • skiracer
                      Senior Member
                      • Dec 2004
                      • 6314

                      Originally posted by Runner
                      That Sucks Ski. What the heck hit this rascal?
                      Sorry about the bad language guys. Just venting and blowing off a little steam. I haven't seen or heard a thing all day. Someone must be unloading a big pile of it I guess. Volume's way up. My stop loss never triggered this morning at $5.44. Options Express said the AMEX halted trading on it but something looks and feels fishy because as they were telling me that I was watching it trade and fall like a brick on my raw data feed thru Quotetracker. Then they said it was trading on the Pacific exchange but not thru the AMEX. I didn't really understand it but it came all the way back to around $5.38 and I bailed at $5.32. My original stop was 7% ($5.44) so I was going to take a beating anyway, but it left a bad taste in my mouth an I'll never buy another stock listed on the AMEX. Boy you called it right on the nose Runner. The volitality was high and it did explode, just in the wrong direction. Oh well back to the scans.


                      • Originally posted by skiracer
                        Sorry about the bad language guys. Just venting and blowing off a little steam...
                        No worries, a little emotion is not a bad thing.


                        • spikefader
                          Senior Member
                          • Apr 2004
                          • 7175

                          Sorry to hear ski. Don't blame the exchange, blame your broker. Sounds like a crock to me. I'd be switching brokers quick smart. It doesn't look like it was halted to me. And looking at time and sales, your stop should have got you out even had it been a stop limit at that price. It was actually bid up to 5.46 after your stop was triggered as far as I can see. I think they are trying to pass one over on ya. With a broker like IB you get smart order routing so even after an order is routed, IB’s Smart Routing system continually scans the relevant market centers and will cancel and re-route an unexecuted order if a better price becomes available on another market.

                          Anyway, dust yourself off, get the composure back, learn the lesson, take the medicine, let it go and perhaps after a couple days break from trading get back on the saddle again. Best to ya.


                          • skiracer
                            Senior Member
                            • Dec 2004
                            • 6314

                            Originally posted by spikefader
                            Sorry to hear ski. Don't blame the exchange, blame your broker. Sounds like a crock to me. I'd be switching brokers quick smart. It doesn't look like it was halted to me. And looking at time and sales, your stop should have got you out even had it been a stop limit at that price. It was actually bid up to 5.46 after your stop was triggered as far as I can see. I think they are trying to pass one over on ya. With a broker like IB you get smart order routing so even after an order is routed, IB’s Smart Routing system continually scans the relevant market centers and will cancel and re-route an unexecuted order if a better price becomes available on another market.

                            Anyway, dust yourself off, get the composure back, learn the lesson, take the medicine, let it go and perhaps after a couple days break from trading get back on the saddle again. Best to ya.
                            Did you ever hear of anything like that before. It's a first with me. I don't know if I can do anything about it but it really upsets me. I was watching the raw data screen on Quotetracker and watching the stock plummet and the stop just didn't trigger. Never saw anything like it and when I called they said the AMEX had halted trading on the stock and they couldn't do anything about it. I'm going to be opening an account at IB, funding it, and then take my time an move everything out of Options Express. I was going to take a hit at $5.44 regardless if the stop had triggered but that was part of the plan initially so I could live with that but when I saw HOM go to $4.89 an I was still holding it that was a bad feeling. What a way to start the week. Blew two nice trades and gains with SIRF and PDLI down the toilet.
                            Actually I never got out of the saddle. Bought my POTW play TOMO this morning at $21 and then right at the close got some ELN at $12.65. I wish I had gotten in on this one alot earlier but earlier I didn't think the drug was going to make it back on the market but my feelings have changed. I can see them putting it back on. I'm going to sit on a few shares for awhile to see which way the wind blows.
                            Last edited by skiracer; 12-12-2005, 05:37 PM.
                            THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR


                            • Do you know into what market your broker submitted your order (it might not have been in the same market that you were watching)? You may need to read the fine print in your brokerage agreement to get (at least some of) this info, short of calling the support person or his/her manager. The bigger online brokerages can retain a submitted order to be filled in their own (or their preferred agent's) order flow, which can mean that your order is not exposed to enough of the "market" to give your stop order a decent chance of being hit.
                              Last edited by Guest; 12-12-2005, 08:05 PM.


                              • sisterwin2

                                I am a little confused here on HOM.... I didnt understand the underhanded sale of the stock and my sell stop did hit with 2% gain.. with the little bit I can buy it coverd the cost of trades and maybe a case of beer. I know the cheaper stocks are a risk but to sell it cheaper then the little man/women can get it just blew me away.

                                this taught me to stick to my stops. I sold IIJI with a placed stop that went two buck higher the next day to 14...two days later 10. Again, glad I stuck to my original plan.

                                Good luck to you all,

