Originally posted by ParkTwain
I was told this morning that the stop didn't trigger because the AMEX had halted trading on HOM. I didn't know or understand that the trade had to go through the AMEX to get done. I was under the impression that once the stop was triggered it just got done through a central clearing house that handled Options Express's trades. Aside from knowing how to do the actual trade online through the two options that I have, one is a trading platform through Medved Quotetracker that is a direct link to Options Express, and the other is directly through the Options Express website, I really never gave it any thought as to once I hit the button where the trade gets routed to get done. Options Express has always been fast enough for me, usually within 5 seconds on "at the market orders, and the limit orders as they trigger at the specified price limit. This mornings situation was a first for me and up to now I didn't realize this type of situation could happen. It was quite exasperating to see the stop not trigger and to still be holding the position while watching the price plummet. They never really gave me what I would call an adequate explanation an at the time I was somewhat upset as I was out almost $4000 through no fault of my own and they weren't going to make good on the trigger at $5.44 because their reasoning was that the AMEX had halted trade on the stock. Tomorrow morning I'll be in a much more rational mindset to be patient and willing to talk to someone about the situation. I've got a considerable amount of money in my trading account with Options Express an I do a number of trades a week and month through that account. If they want to keep the business they're going to have to make good on the difference between where my stop was orginally placed and where I finally exited the position. They're also going to have to give me some kind of guarantee that they will stand behind my stops to some equitable degree regardless of the circumstances or I'm out of there in a heartbeat and they lose the business.