Louetta's Lore

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  • Louetta
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2003
    • 2331

    Originally posted by Tatnic View Post

    I left cigarettes behind almost 30 years ago. Most digusting habit and a surefire killer. Never met a woman who smoked cigarettes that I enjoyed kissing although all those years that I smoked them they were probably thinking the same thing about me. No wonder I never got to 2nd and 3rd base or hit that homerun with many of them. Now it's a different story with the Yerba.
    Don't think I know anyone who smokes. Well a couple of people at the horse farm I guess. I kissed a couple of horses this week. None of them smoke. One tried to drink a cup of coffee though.


    • Rob
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2003
      • 3194

      Originally posted by Tatnic View Post
      Wimp doesn't exist in the dictionary...it's been hacked from the word...whimper and maybe in a few years it will appear as a new word.
      Sure it does. Merriam-Webster:
      Main Entry: wimp
      Pronunciation: 'wimp
      Function: noun
      Etymology: origin unknown
      : a weak, cowardly, or ineffectual person
      - wimp·i·ness /'wim-pE-n&s/ noun
      - wimp·ish /'wim-pish/ adjective
      - wimp·ish·ness /-n&s/ noun
      - wimpy /'wim-pE/ adjective
      Though it says etymology unknown, I'm inclined to agree with your explanation of its having come from the word whimper.

      How long has the word been around? Who knows, but here is a book cover that's 68 years old:

      My, but this thread really wimples, doesn't it? And yes, that's a real word too.


      • Rob
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2003
        • 3194

        Originally posted by Rob View Post
        My, but this thread really wimples, doesn't it? And yes, that's a real word too.
        Keep that one in mind; it could win a Scrabble game for you some day, seven-letter word with an s and all.


        • [QUOTE=louetta12001;74773]
          Originally posted by skiracer View Post

          Don't think I know anyone who smokes. Well a couple of people at the horse farm I guess. I kissed a couple of horses this week. None of them smoke. One tried to drink a cup of coffee though.
          I don't believe I wrote that posted you quoted, I think it was from Ski.

          Some of my favorite smells: horses, dogs, skunk (just a faint wiff, not overpowering) balsam fir, wood smoke, gun powder, garlic and onions (cooking), fresh loam, the ocean, and the scent of a woman that's not saturated in perfume. I should start a new line of cologne for men.


          • Yield Curve

            sorry for the off-topic post, but did ya'll notice that the yield curve is a carbon copy of the one right at the top of the bull market in late 2000? And also, the economy has in the past always slipped into recession after an inversion of the 10 yr. and the Fed funds rate, which has been inverted for a quite a few months now. I guess there's always a chance that history won't repeat itself, but to date this has been a solid indicator. Next month is going to be very telling from an earnings stand point.


            • skiracer
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2004
              • 6314

              Originally posted by louetta12001 View Post

              I don't believe I wrote that posted you quoted, I think it was from Ski.

              Some of my favorite smells: horses, dogs, skunk (just a faint wiff, not overpowering) balsam fir, wood smoke, gun powder, garlic and onions (cooking), fresh loam, the ocean, and the scent of a woman that's not saturated in perfume. I should start a new line of cologne for men.
              There is a woman that takes care of all the new construction in our area for the gas company. She covers a large area an is quite busy but on top of that she is absolutely, can't take your eyes off of her, beautiful and just completely natural. She was by the site the other day and had this scent that was new to me and was great. I had to ask her what it was and she tells me that it's Lancome "Miracle". It smelled like fresh soap very light and fragrent but I can't put my finger on how to describe the fragrance other than fresh soap. But very pleasing. Any man looking for a stocking stuffer for the woman in their life should check this one out.


              • jiesen
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2003
                • 5320

                Originally posted by Tatnic View Post

                There is a woman that takes care of all the new construction in our area for the gas company. She covers a large area an is quite busy but on top of that she is absolutely, can't take your eyes off of her, beautiful and just completely natural. She was by the site the other day and had this scent that was new to me and was great. I had to ask her what it was and she tells me that it's Lancome "Miracle". It smelled like fresh soap very light and fragrent but I can't put my finger on how to describe the fragrance other than fresh soap. But very pleasing. Any man looking for a stocking stuffer for the woman in their life should check this one out.
                the what said the who now? these quotes are hurting my head...oh, I see what you did there.


                • jiesen
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2003
                  • 5320

                  Originally posted by IIC View Post
                  Louetta...That was just an example as you noted...But I'll tell 'ya...A Midsummer Night's Dream really put me to sleep...LOL...I refused to read it after the first sentence in 11th grade...However, the teachers were hip to the Cliff Notes scams:

                  Cliff Hillegas was my grandfather's cousin!


                  • Louetta
                    Senior Member
                    • Oct 2003
                    • 2331

                    Originally posted by Rob View Post
                    Sure it does. Merriam-Webster:
                    Main Entry: wimp
                    Pronunciation: 'wimp
                    Function: noun
                    Etymology: origin unknown
                    : a weak, cowardly, or ineffectual person
                    - wimp·i·ness /'wim-pE-n&s/ noun
                    - wimp·ish /'wim-pish/ adjective
                    - wimp·ish·ness /-n&s/ noun
                    - wimpy /'wim-pE/ adjective
                    Though it says etymology unknown, I'm inclined to agree with your explanation of its having come from the word whimper.

                    How long has the word been around? Who knows, but here is a book cover that's 68 years old:

                    My, but this thread really wimples, doesn't it? And yes, that's a real word too.
                    It does. I simply cannot understand why it has only 4 stars.


                    • Louetta
                      Senior Member
                      • Oct 2003
                      • 2331

                      Originally Posted by louetta12001

                      I don't believe I wrote that posted you quoted, I think it was from Ski.

                      Some of my favorite smells: horses, dogs, skunk (just a faint wiff, not overpowering) balsam fir, wood smoke, gun powder, garlic and onions (cooking), fresh loam, the ocean, and the scent of a woman that's not saturated in perfume. I should start a new line of cologne for men.

                      Well, I'm trying to quote something that was quoted which doesn't seem to work on my system but although I do like the smell of horsies, skunks and gun powder are out. But somebody here must like them.

                      Added later. Not to mention the scent of a woman, at least another woman.


                      • Louetta
                        Senior Member
                        • Oct 2003
                        • 2331

                        Just looked at the S&P 100. 13 up 87 down. What a bath in red ink. Impressive to actually go thru the list.


                        • Originally posted by Rob View Post
                          Sure it does. Merriam-Webster:
                          Main Entry: wimp
                          Pronunciation: 'wimp
                          Function: noun
                          Etymology: origin unknown
                          : a weak, cowardly, or ineffectual person
                          - wimp·i·ness /'wim-pE-n&s/ noun
                          - wimp·ish /'wim-pish/ adjective
                          - wimp·ish·ness /-n&s/ noun
                          - wimpy /'wim-pE/ adjective
                          Though it says etymology unknown, I'm inclined to agree with your explanation of its having come from the word whimper.

                          How long has the word been around? Who knows, but here is a book cover that's 68 years old:

                          My, but this thread really wimples, doesn't it? And yes, that's a real word too.
                          love that book cover Rob....I'd gladly pay you tuesday, for a hamburger today!


                          • Originally posted by louetta12001 View Post
                            Just looked at the S&P 100. 13 up 87 down. What a bath in red ink. Impressive to actually go thru the list.
                            I believe we had our santa clause rally early this year. Its funny how you forget that we made new closing highs on the dow just a few days ago.


                            • Louetta
                              Senior Member
                              • Oct 2003
                              • 2331

                              Originally posted by Tatnic View Post
                              I believe we had our santa clause rally early this year. Its funny how you forget that we made new closing highs on the dow just a few days ago.
                              I was surprised a few days ago when CNBC put up a graphic saying the NASDAQ was unchanged in December. Now of course its down. Guess I would have figured we were up on the month. Specially watching CNBC and all the cheering for the DJIA records.


                              • IIC
                                Senior Member
                                • Nov 2003
                                • 14938

                                Originally posted by louetta12001 View Post
                                How about politicians, insurance salesmen, real estate people.

                                Actually its a PhD program so I won't be out in the "real world" for a while unless they kick me out.

                                That would be "smarter than I".

                                I have good luck getting people to do what I want them to do. Wouldn't call it sweet, just a matter of expedience.

                                OK Doc...Here's your BIG challenge for 2007...Make me do something that you want me to do without me realizing that you did...Doug
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