Skiracer's stock slopes

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  • IIC
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 14938

    I'm not a big gold fan...But I keep a BPI on 52 gold stocks...Current rating of those w/ P&F buy signals is 51.9%...IIC
    "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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    • skiracer
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2004
      • 6314

      I was never a big precious metals player or fan but back in 2005 I bought the gold ETF and just let it ride on John Murphy's ( and Morpheus Trading Group's Deron Wagner's analysis and suggestions. I've had a consideralbe amount of my cash in that ETF for awhile with a great ROI and don't want to miss out on future appreciation but don't want to give it back now that I've got the gains. Been thinking of what I want to do and can't seem to part with the position but it does look toppy. I guess it will turn out better to take it out in 2006 vs 2005 for tax reasons. I was curious to hear what your views were on it going higher or pulling back to much lower levels. I can't help thinking that with geopolitical tensions at such high levels it will keep it in these ranges or higher as a safe haven in anticipation of the shit hitting the fan sometime soon. By the way I don't remember having put a stop on this position anytime since I've been in it. Some people I follow are talking about a possible top and taking some gains off the table at these levels.


      • New-born baby
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2004
        • 6095

        Look at chart

        Originally posted by DSteckler
        << I own the gold ETF GLD from $46.00 range and am up about 10 points with it. What would your strategy be from this point. Do you feel that gold is getting alittle near a top. Do I still hold or take my gains and look for another entry after some major pullback. >>

        Ski, those are tough questions to answer. Gold is subject to both TA and fundamental buffeting - for example, the chart does look toppy but if the dollar is weak on Monday, gold will probably do well. Probably your best bet is to place a stop on a partial position and determine where you'll get back in if the stop gets hit.
        Look at this chart and your questions will be answered.

        pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


        • skiracer
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2004
          • 6314

          Originally posted by New-born baby
          Look at this chart and your questions will be answered.

          Well I'm in the ETF and holding for the time being. I'm just going to take it easy and see what takes place. Gold is up 100 points and the ETF 10 points isince my entry. I'm trying not to give anything back if i can avoid it. But I really think gold will go over $600 this year. It'a a safe haven in volitaile times.


          • skiracer
            Senior Member
            • Dec 2004
            • 6314

            DXPE and MIND. Two great setups that went off today. Bought DXPE this morning at $23.40 and let MIND go. Should have bought both. Holding IDNX, DXPE, ELN and GLD all on the long side.


            • skiracer
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2004
              • 6314

              Bailed on DXPE at $24.00. Can't imagine what is going on with both DXPE and MIND today. Both down hard. It's under my initial entry so any re-entry will most likely be below my initial entry at $23.40. They never fail to amaze me. Letting it ride out in the POTW.


              • skiracer
                Senior Member
                • Dec 2004
                • 6314

                Originally posted by skiracer
                Bailed on DXPE at $24.00. Can't imagine what is going on with both DXPE and MIND today. Both down hard. It's under my initial entry so any re-entry will most likely be below my initial entry at $23.40. They never fail to amaze me. Letting it ride out in the POTW.
                Thought I would throw this chart up of MIND. I'm in at $18.70 on what looks to be a c wave bottom and a channel long signal on the daily chart. Came off that bottom Friday afternoon to close at $18.98. Had some play in the AH to $19.06 range. This stock got beat down real bad this week after a real good day on Monday. Dropped over 5 points from Tuesday thru Friday afternoon. Looking for it to get back to previous levels at $24/25 range. In a strong sector, Industrial Equipment Wholesale (Barchart sector #3 in their weighted Alpha 100 tops sectors) right now and #1 in that sector.



                • skiracer
                  Senior Member
                  • Dec 2004
                  • 6314

                  Is there something amiss with our leaders thinking in even considering letting an Arab country with ties to that whole middle east terrorist situation run several of our busiest ports in some our most densely populated metropolitan areas. Personally speaking it's beyond my wildest imagination of things they could consider doing that would be way off base. In general are we that much of a group of pushovers that we would let anyone, even our president, try and get away with bullshitting us into believing that this is a good thing. I would just as soon stick an ice pick into my eye before letting any Arab country or affiliated country near any of our ports much less run the whole process. Do they really think that no one would consider slipping something into this country given that good of a chance. How about we just draw a clear diagram of our entire port infrastructure and security schedule and fax it over to Bin Laden. After this there's no way anyone could convince me that Bush and that whole gang aren't out of their minds or actually trying to sell us out.


                  • mystiky
                    Senior Member
                    • Dec 2004
                    • 333

                    NSSC comments?

                    Hi Skiracer,

                    Wondering if you have any input as to what the chart of NSSC is telling you?

                    Seems like every time it is sold intraday, buyers come in and bring it back up. Look at those 3 "tails" in a row.

                    Do you think it challanges $16+?



                    • skiracer
                      Senior Member
                      • Dec 2004
                      • 6314

                      Originally posted by mystiky
                      Hi Skiracer,

                      Wondering if you have any input as to what the chart of NSSC is telling you?

                      Seems like every time it is sold intraday, buyers come in and bring it back up. Look at those 3 "tails" in a row.

                      Do you think it challanges $16+?

                      I looked at the 10 minute, daily, and weekly charts. The 10 min. intraday looks choppy and not enough cohesion or order for me. On the other hand both the daily and weekly are showing a cohesive steady trend up, but I think it is time for it to digest some of those gains at right around 16. Volume seems to be tapering off over the last several days and it looks to be stalling just under $16. I think it will test $16 or just above it and then you'll see some profit taking selling into any strength by the people in at around $12 to $13 range. The parobolic sar is still below the candles which is a bullish sign. When I see a chart like this with a steep slope upward over several days my mind goes to consolidation automatically. Be patient and wait for a pullback shortly and enter after that. The 20 day ema is right there as support at around $14.00 so that would be the next good entry if I were looking for one. I would hold off right now.


                      • mystiky
                        Senior Member
                        • Dec 2004
                        • 333


                        Hey Skiracer,

                        Thanks for the NSSC observation for a week ago. I managed to dump it all at 15.90 and now its back at 14.50's levels.


                        With all the goings on with GOOG, what are you thoughts on the chart for the next 2 weeks? I am thinking of selling some March calls, and to my eye, it looks like there is quite a bit of resistance in the $395-$405 area. In addition, the 50-day moving avg is at $410 and heading lower every day.

                        Do you have any thoughts? The March options expire on March 17...


                        P.S. I expect all of the analysts to come out and give their blessing following the analyst day today, so there is really a good chance that it may gapup and open over $390 tommorow.


                        • skiracer
                          Senior Member
                          • Dec 2004
                          • 6314

                          I wanted to buy some calls when it was at that low but couldn't bring myself to buy in. To expensive an a gamlbe in my opinion. Kicking myself now. Might be to late to the party right now. Very volitaile stock. Wish I could give you more technically but the daily is very choppy and the weekly is more uniform but I think most people are somewhat leery of the upside from this level about the stock after that last big drop. I know I am. Big reactions and price swings on any news. I would stay away right now on the long side. I very seldom sell calls and unless they are covered I don't like the practice. If I were to go in a direction it would be on the short side right now so either buying the puts, selling the calls, or shorting it would be what I would do. So many other issues that are much less of a gamble imo and for much less capital involved. Good luck.



                          • mystiky
                            Senior Member
                            • Dec 2004
                            • 333

                            on GOOG

                            thanks for such detailed charts/reply.

                            Well -- thats my idea-- to SELL some calls! The premium on them is quite high, so why not make use of it! I am just trying to decide to either go with the $400 call at above $6 or $410 at above $4 (if the price gets to $385+)

                            I am planning to go crazy - probably just get 5 calls.

                            I really just dont see it getting to over $410 in the next two weeks, EXCEPT if it gets called into the S&P500.


                            • skiracer
                              Senior Member
                              • Dec 2004
                              • 6314

                              Originally posted by mystiky
                              thanks for such detailed charts/reply.

                              Well -- thats my idea-- to SELL some calls! The premium on them is quite high, so why not make use of it! I am just trying to decide to either go with the $400 call at above $6 or $410 at above $4 (if the price gets to $385+)

                              I am planning to go crazy - probably just get 5 calls.

                              I really just dont see it getting to over $410 in the next two weeks, EXCEPT if it gets called into the S&P500.
                              I agree with you about going to $410. But this stock is very reactionary to news of any kind. I don't see it going to those levels so going to the short side is the reasonalbe choice for me but still kind of expensive an a gamble. Just curious but is this the best play that you see out there to put your money into. I always like to ask myself that question before I take a position, especially one like this one. Good luck.
                              THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR


                              • mystiky
                                Senior Member
                                • Dec 2004
                                • 333


                                Originally posted by skiracer
                                I agree with you about going to $410. But this stock is very reactionary to news of any kind. I don't see it going to those levels so going to the short side is the reasonalbe choice for me but still kind of expensive an a gamble. Just curious but is this the best play that you see out there to put your money into. I always like to ask myself that question before I take a position, especially one like this one. Good luck.
                                I thought more and more about it, and went out and sold those calls today at $6.20. I don't like to take so much risk usually, but it seems that GOOG analysts are trying their best to hold up the fort so they can all exist the stage peacefully.

                                But I agree, its quite risky there...

